
*Results may vary. The information in this site is NOT to be construed as medical advice. Cirrhosis of the liver is a serious condition and if you have it, you should see a doctor. I am not a doctor and am not able to dispense medical advice. My husband saw a doctor (many of them) and they were able to do things for him that I could not. However, they were unable to recommend alternative treatments, and in MY OPINION they were VERY beneficial to my husband, so I am providing some of that information here. My husband and I tried all of these alternative therapies at our own risk, and if you try them you will be doing the same. At your own risk. No promises are made in this blog. I am not saying there is a cure for cirrhosis or any other condition. However, I believe most people can get well, like my husband did. My husband is alive, happy, productive, functional and has his energy back. He no longer worries about having to go on disability or getting a $577,000 liver transplant. Cirrhosis is a serious condition. He is currently in the fibrosis stage (Stage 2 liver disease), which is still serious. I cannot guarantee you will have the same results. I just want you to know about what worked well for my husband. I hope you will share what you learned with others, and share your story with us as well. This blog was made for YOU! Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

What Can the U.S. Learn about COVID-19, from the Countries who are getting it RIGHT? Must-See Research Included - PLEASE SHARE!

To see my other post about COVID-19, CLICK HERE.

If you are viewing this on a mobile phone, you won't see half the resources on my blog unless you scroll down and click on "View Mobile Version" (in blue). When you do, you can see the columns to the left and right, with loads more information for people with liver disease. 
I'm making this post because I've noticed there are things that people with Cirrhosis of the Liver, and people who develop COVID-19, have in common.

They both tend to experience massive amounts of Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and a Cytokine Storm that can lead to MODS (Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome) and scar tissue that can kill you.... if you don't realize there are a lot of things you could do, to reduce the inflammation. 

Please be sure to check out the research studies I've included on this page (there are a lot more towards the bottom). I've highlighted the most important parts in yellow.

The research I'm including is mostly about molecular hydrogen, but there are way more studies I've seen, on the therapeutic effects of the water my husband drinks (I just can't fit it all on one page).

I've done a ton of research on cirrhosis over the last 7 years, since my husband was first diagnosed (and hospitalized). I felt like I had to do an insane amount of research, because when he first got sick, we didn't have health insurance or a lot of money, so I had to figure out ways he could heal on his own. 

We did get a lot of help from doctors, and we are both very grateful for that. But I also knew, from personal experience, that the most effective solutions for my own chronic conditions, almost always turned out to be shockingly simple. 

It takes a lot of digging, and trial and error, to find things that really work, because the things that work the best aren't usually advertised... nor are they recommended by doctors. Doctors aren't typically allowed to recommend natural supplements to their patients. 

I've been contacted by several doctors and nurses who were in a panic because they had a loved one who was dying from cirrhosis, and they felt powerless to save them with our current medical system. One doctor was shocked to see how well the medical grade antioxidant water I keep talking about, helped his brother, who'd developed hepatorenal syndrome.

I have had SO MANY instances where I've spent a lot of time money trying to fix some kind of problem with pharmaceutical drugs, only to realize that the side effects were making things much worse. But eventually, when I tried something more natural and simple... the problem began to resolve itself.

I have never been a particularly religious person, but I can't help wondering if there really could be something to the idea that God is the Ultimate Pharmacist, and what's already been given to us, in nature, is truly meant to heal us. The things that truly healed me and my huband from our chronic conditions almost always turned out to be NATURAL, and the positive effects of these things were UNDENIABLE.
I've been fortunate to hear stories from people all over the world, who were trying to heal from cirrhosis. Most people with cirrhosis experience the same general symptoms, but I learned a lot from talking to hundreds of people over the last 5 years. 

If someone told me their loved ones passed away, it gave me a heartache. And it made me want to dig deeper, so that person didn't die in vain. The best thing we can do, to honor anyone who dies from a disease we haven't all figured out how to beat, is to try to figure out what could have been done differently. Why didn't they survive? 

Life is precious, and we need to learn from our worst tragedies, to see how we can help others in the future.  That's the whole premise for why I made this blog in the first place. It was the most awful experience, to watch my husband go through what he did (and it sucked for me, too).  So it seemed like it would be a waste to keep this story to myself, if it could help other people to not go through the same thing.

When my husband was diagnosed with cirrhosis, we heard over and over again that his only option would be a transplant. We were told nothing could be done to reverse his scar tissue.... but I was skeptical. 

I'd done a lot of research on scar tissue, in the past, and I knew there were things like Mederma, that were known to heal external scars. So I really felt like there had to be a way to reverse scar tissue internally, and I just needed to figure it out. 

Well, as it turned out, there are a lot of things that are shown in studies, to reverse scar tissue. I just had to do a lot of digging to find them. We're very fortunate that we live in a day and age where it's easy to get access to medical studies on PubMed and Google Scholar.  I was able to find over a dozen different things that, indeed, did reduce fibrosis or scar tissue. And the thing these supplements tended to have in common, is that they are ANTIOXIDANTS.  And antioxidant therapy (in various forms) is being used all over the world, to help people with COVID-19 (but the US has been slow to catch up).

Since my husband was able to get a Fibroscan that proved he is no longer in the cirrhosis range, I have felt certain that there had to be things people who'd been exposed to the SARS-2 Coronavirus could do, to help themselves recover. 

There were a LOT of things my husband did, to heal from cirrhosis (you can read about many of them on this blog), and one of the MAIN things he did, was to address the INFLAMMATION that goes along with the Cytokine Storm that is such a HUGE problem for people with Cirrhosis. 

I can't help thinking the things that helped him, could possibly have at least some benefit for people with COVID-19.  

I can't say anything he did is any kind of CURE for cirrhosis. Who knows.... maybe he and the many people who did the same things as he did, just got lucky. 

But in my opinion, it was more than just luck. I've seen enough studies that show that there are a lot of things a person can do, to reduce oxidative stress, and it doesn't take a lot of research to discover that the simplest, easiest, and most effective thing we can do, to reduce oxidative stress, is to consume ANTIOXIDANTS.

Me saying antioxidants are beneficial for a person with oxidative stress, is not giving "medical advice" any more than me telling a person who says they're extremely thirsty, to go drink a glass of water.  There are certain things that are extremely necessary for ANY human body to have, or it will become sick. Water is one thing. Oxygen is another. And Antioxidants are another. Your body makes them, to keep from Oxidizing (which is like rusting). Without an adequate supply of antioxidants, you'd have died a long time ago.

Given the fact that there doesn't seem to be any magic pill for COVID-19 on the horizon, I thought it was worth sharing this information. Please note that I am NOT a doctor, and I am NOT able to give medical advice. But that doesn't mean I can't share research and personal experiences with you. 

It is my personal opinion that, if you develop COVID-19, it's likely there ARE things you can do, to mitigate your symptoms and improve your chances of survival.

Please know that I don't blame the individual doctors and nurses who are bravely putting their lives on the line. There's only so much they can do, when they're given a set of guidelines to follow, which are ultimately dictated by the hospital.


What's wrong with this picture?

I made this chart, below, to illustrate the number of deaths per 1 million people in a country's population. The statistics were taken from Worldometers.info, on April 30th, 2020.

Japan has 1/3 of our population, while China has 4x our population. The number that stands out is our percentage of deaths. The US has way more money than Thailand and the Philippines, and Japan has a much larger percentage of elderly people than the U.S.... and Italy! So in my opinion, we have no excuse for these numbers. We certainly didn't have less warning, than they did, that the Coronavirus was coming.

Please note, I purposely didn't list Italy and Spain in this chart, because I know some politicians continue to look at countries with worse statistics than we have, and use it as a way to justify where we're at. Like, well look at how bad it is in Italy... we're not doing NEARLY that bad. We could be doing way worse. Our numbers are just great.

That's like someone who smokes 3 packs of cigarettes and eats KFC every day, justifying their own behavior, because they have a cousin who shoots heroin, smokes crack and beats his wife.   


Please understand that I'm not entirely knocking our healthcare system. Doctors saved my life once, and I believe they may have saved my husband's life, too, when he was hospitalized with cirrhosis. We are both very grateful for the care we received. 

However, I also believe that if we'd had the right information, before either of us got sick.... we wouldn't have had to go to the hospital in the first place

In my opinion, it is OUR ABSOLUTE RIGHT to be healthy, and to be able to heal our bodies on our own, without having to rely on a hospital for treatment. We are in a time where we've learned that we CANNOT COUNT ON hospitals to be able to treat us, because they may be at full capacity. Doctors and nurses have been dying (and having their pay cut), so in my opinion, none of us should be relying on others, to take care of us, more than we can rely on ourselves. 

Our medical system is overburdened.

And some people literally cannot afford the cost of going to a hospital to treat COVID-19. Studies are showing that many people are avoiding treatment for COVID-19, because they fear it will cost too much. And people with potentially fatal conditions are avoiding the emergency room, for fear of contracting the coronavirus
I have to state that YES you are supposed to see a doctor. So, if you're sick or think you've got the Coronavirus:  PLEASE CONSULT A DOCTOR.

But now that I've said that...

I also know that there are many people who simply WILL NOT go, no matter what anyone says, either because they're afraid or they just don't have the money. So I want to share this information with these people (and anyone else who wants it). I can't give medical advice, but what I CAN do is show you lots and lots and lots of research, and let you make your own decisions about what's best for you.

It is HEARTBREAKING for me to see so many people losing their lives in the United States, while VERY LITTLE is being done to effectively address what I believe is at the CORE of the PROBLEM:  OXIDATIVE STRESS AND INFLAMMATION.

There are actually a lot of other countries that do address this issue (and if you scroll down the page and read the research I've posted, highlighted in yellow, you can see it for yourself).

I don't want to give the impression that I think reducing or eliminating oxidative stress is some kind of magic bullet or easy cure. But I do absolutely believe that, if the inflammation and oxidative stress can be greatly reduced, with little to no side effects, this can GREATLY improve a person's chances of survival.  

A person experiencing extreme oxidative stress, all at once, is like a person trying to fight a house on fire. Everything is going up in flames so quickly, there's not enough time to bring in the fire department, and even when they show up.... it's too late.

But if you can just "contain the fire," you can eventually get it UNDER CONTROL.

That's how it is with the human body. Every one of us has an immune system that is designed to be able to take down a virus - like, say, influenza. But it takes time. In the case of getting the flu, it typically can take a week, or a few weeks, to get over it. Your body's got a whole bunch of virus-fighting weapons in it's artillery, like your neutrophils, macrophages, T-cells, lympocytes, antibodies - everything that springs into action, to keep you protected from pathogens, needs time and RESOURCES, to CONTINUE to fight off the bad guys, and clean up the waste from the aftermath. It can't keep fighting, if your body is lacking in oxygen, nutrition, circulation, and ANTIOXIDANTS.

Pharmaceutical companies in the US tend to rush to come up with a DRUG that can fix a problem, but pharmaceuticals tend to come with side effects, that can leave a person with health issues that stay with them for the rest of their lives (it happened to me, and my husband). 

If you look at this video, you'll see how Remdesivir works. When I first learned about this, I thought, GREAT! They finally came up with something! It seemed genius, how this works. But then, when I started reading about so many other things that appear to work JUST AS WELL, with no side effects... that makes me feel like, this is just another one of those things where, a ton of money is spent on treatments when it doesn't  have to be like that. If we just addressed the ROOT CAUSE of the issue, early on, we wouldn't need to be hooking up people to an IV to give them Remdesivir at all.  And I do have to wonder about the long term side effects of people taking a drug that could


A stealthy opponent

Compared with human cells, viruses are small and can’t reproduce on their ownThe coronavirus has about 30 proteins, whereas a human cell has more than 20,000.
To get around this limited set of tools, the virus cleverly turns the human body against itself. The pathways into a human cell are normally locked to outside invaders, but the coronavirus uses its own proteins like keys to open these “locks” and enter a person’s cells.
Once inside, the virus binds to proteins the cell normally uses for its own functions, essentially hijacking the cell and turning it into a coronavirus factory. As the resources and mechanics of infected cells get retooled to produce thousands and thousands of viruses, the cells start dying.
Lung cells are particularly vulnerable to this because they express high amounts of the “lock” protein SARS-CoV-2 uses for entry. A large number of a person’s lung cells dying causes the respiratory symptoms associated with COVID-19.
There are two ways to fight back. First, drugs could attack the virus’s own proteins, preventing them from doing jobs like entering the cell or copying their genetic material once they are inside. This is how remdesivir – a drug currently in clinical trials for COVID-19 – works.
A problem with this approach is that viruses mutate and change over time. In the future, the coronavirus could evolve in ways that render a drug like remdesivir useless. This arms race between drugs and viruses is why you need a new flu shot every year.

I think a big part of the problem with the SARS-2 coronavirus is that it multiplies so quickly, there is a LOT of waste to clean up, and this can lead to a lot of inflammation and a cytokine storm, and your body can quickly become overwhelmed by all the toxic waste that's being produced "in the battlefield" if you aren't getting enough oxygen, circulation, hydration, nutrition, and antioxidants. It can't be lacking in these critical elements AND win the battle against something like COVID-19.

I know that our healthcare workers are doing the best that they can, and they just do not have the time to do a whole lot of research on how to improve the current medical system (and even if they did, they wouldn't likely have the authority to change the way patients are treated).  

Many of these workers can't even save THEMSELVES if they get sick!
As great of a nation as we are, it's becoming more and more obvious, during this COVID-19 Pandemic, that our Healthcare system is in need of some major adjustments. 

Our current healthcare system is pushing these poor nurses to their breaking point, and it isn't fair to them. Something needs to change. Fast.


Again, it's not the people on front lines that I have a problem with. It's the way our entire medical system is structured. In general, it seems that the healthcare system relies way too much on pharmaceutical drugs and complex treatments (like ventilators) that have a lot of side risks and side effects that go along with the treatments. We've become so used to all this fancy equipment that costs a fortune... most people have no idea there could be better options that exist at all.

But now that we're ALL in a crisis, and every country's death rates are being tracked and compared, it's becoming more and more obvious every day, that our healthcare system leaves a lot to be desired, compared to other countries. And if you don't believe me... have a look at this chart, below. These numbers don't lie!

I compiled this list of medical studies to show you guys why I believe the water machine I keep talking about could be helpful for any person who is concerned about contracting COVID-19. Not because it's a cure or treatment, but because it provides with something that the body already makes, that it can't seem to make enough of, when it gets this nasty virus: ANTIOXIDANTS.

Can I say, 100% for sure, that I know exactly why these countries in the Pacific seem to be doing so much better than the U.S.? No, I can't. I can only present my own research and theories, and the company that makes the machine we have, makes ABSOLUTELY NO CLAIMS WHATSOEVER, to be able to prevent, treat, or cure, ANY DISEASE. Period.

But here's what I do know. 
The water machine we bought is WIDELY used in Asia, Southeast Asia, and Japan. Japanese hospitals are MANDATED TO OPERATE AS NON-PROFITS.  These machines (which are certified as Medical Equipment) are an easy way for hospitals (as well as hotels, nursing care facilities and more) to reduce overall healthcare costs!    

Japan has been using these machines for over 40 years in their hospitals, and they've ranked #1 in Longevity, every single year, since the World Healthcare Organization started keeping track. They have a much higher percentage of elderly people, than we do (even higher than Italy).

The water from these machines is powerful, cheap, and easy to make. 

There are several types of water that come out of a machine. 

One type is a powerful germ killer that's WIDELY being used in Taiwan, Japan, and other asian countries, to safely and easily disinfect surfaces on a WIDE SCALE. This stuff has been proven to kill 99.999% of pathogens it was tested on, in a lab. It's so safe, you can spray it on your face, in your eyes, in your mouth, and some countries are setting up stations for people to SHOWER in it!

Please note: It appears that NO company in the US is able to state that it can kill the most recent virus that causes COVID-19, because it's not widely available for lab testing yet.  So, the EPA is approving disinfectants based on their proven capacity to kill pathogens that are harder to kill, than a coronavirus. 

Coronaviruses are actually not that hard to kill, because their outer envelope can be destroyed easily.  But the problem with this virus is that you just need one miscoscopic droplet in the air, to get infected, and once it hits you, it spreads easily, and once a person is infected, it causes a HUGE amount of inflammation which, if left untreated, can require major medical intervention to treat. And that's where I believe this second type of water can be extremely effective.

The other type of water our machine makes is a POWERFUL antioxidant that has an even greater ability to neutralize free radicals, even more effectively than glutathione (which can cost about $50 per ounce if you try to buy it online). Antioxidants can greatly help to reduce inflammation and the oxidative stress, that leads to the Cytokine storm, that has killed so many people in the U.S.. to date.  

Unfortunately, ventilators can actually increase a patient's level of oxidative stress (but if you read the studies in yellow, further down the page, you'll see it appears there are things physicians can do to greatly increase a person's survival rate, when they go on a ventilator).

 I love Dr. Berg's videos. He does a really good job of explaining what's really going on with the human body. I just wish he had mentioned the side effects that go along with hydroxychloroquine, which is what's been used to treat the inflammation associated with COVID-19. I can't tell anyone to use it or not, but it seems as if those side effects could become a major problem for some people, and if it worked for everyone, we probably wouldn't have lost so many lives in the U.S.. 

Common hydroxychloroquine side effects may include:
  • headachedizziness, ringing in your ears;
  • nausea, vomiting, stomach pain;
  • loss of appetite, weight loss;
  • mood changes, feeling nervous or irritable;
  • skin rash or itching; or.
  • hair loss.

You should not use hydroxychloroquine if you are allergic to it.
Hydroxychloroquine should not be used for long-term treatment in children.
To make sure this medicine is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have:
  • a history of vision changes or damage to your retina caused by an anti-malaria medication;
  • heart disease, heart rhythm disorder (such as long QT syndrome);
  • diabetes;
  • a stomach disorder;
  • an allergy to quinine;
  • liver or kidney disease;
  • psoriasis;
  • alcoholism; or
  • a genetic enzyme disorder such as porphyria or glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency.
I want to note that, many times, when you see it written in the "side effects" description of a drug: "tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney disease," that often means the drug can cause elevated liver enzymes or inflammation of the liver, which can lead to scar tissue. 

Many people with COVID-19 have been developing liver problems (you can see a highlighted article about that if you scroll down THIS PAGE). 

Oxidative stress and the cytokine storm is leaving many people with scar tissue in their lungs and liver (especially after they get off a respirator). It's going to cost us millions in healthcare, if the US doesn't find out some way to address this issue in a way that works. It's estimated that over 80% of the patients in the US, who've been put on respirators have died. In the unlikely case you haven't already seen it in the news, check out these articles:

Search Results

Early study of COVID-19 patients shows high mortality rate

(UW Medicine)

80% NYC COVID-19 ventilator patients die, some doctors want to stop using them

  (Business Insider)

It's heartbreaking to see videos like this, where people lost their lives very unexpectedly. We really need better treatment options going forward.

For anyone who doesn't believe there is a way to reverse or prevent scar tissue, please have a look THIS PAGE where you can see a video of my husband's fibroscan results. 

In my strong personal opinion, there IS a way inflammation can be mitigated, so a person isn't left with a debilitating amount of scar tissue that hinders critical organs, like your lungs and liver, from performing at full capacity.  

The thing that seemed to work the best, for my husband, was ANTIOXIDANTS. 

Lots and lots of them.

Delivered in a way that's safe, fast, cheap, and effective.

My Mom and in-laws are in their 80s, and it scares me to think they could pick up SARS-COV-2 from someone who isn't showing any symptoms.  But it's a relief for me to know that they have access to our antioxidant water and machine right away, if they need it. 

Again, please note that this water and the machine should NOT be considered a "cure" or "treatment" for anything, and the manufacturers make absolutely NO claims to be able to treat, cure, or prevent any disease, whatsoever.

But it is MY STRONG OPINION that this is the best appliance a person could possibly have in their home, in the event that they might contract any virus - whether it's influenza, COVID-19, or any other viral mutation that may emerge in the future. And if you look at the research I've highlighted on this page... you'll see why I feel this way. I've seen even more studies than this, and may be adding more to this page in the next few weeks. 

Oxidative Stress

This water is EXTREMELY good at improving oxidative stress. There are TONS of studies that you can find about this on Google Scholar, and I can send them to you as well. If you look at the MANY studies highlighted in yellow, towards the bottom of this page, you will see the term Oxidative stress, written over and over again. 

Oxidative stress has been linked to just about every major disease you could possibly look up, and the best way to help reduce it, is with ANTIOXIDANTS. The water from our medical grade machine can give a person more antioxidants than anything I've ever seen. ALL of the other machines I'd looked at, were only able to deliver HALF the antioxidant power (I can show you the proof, if you request more information).  

Can the water improve oxygen levels? In a way that's safer than using a Ventilator? 

Molecular hydrogen therapy is being used successfully in Asia, with ventilators.  Apparently, when you give H2 at the same time as O2, it can help to prevent the MODS (Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome) which can come along with mechanical ventilation.  I'd heard that about 80% of people who are put on ventilators in the US, DO NOT SURVIVE, but H2 therapy is a cheap and easy way they could help to prevent the MODS and Cytokine storm that's been killing so many people (Please note, I do NOT blame the doctors and nurses who are busting their butts day and night, trying to save lives using the only system they've been GIVEN, but in my opinion, the hospitals need to give these first responders some better options). Way too many healthcare practitioners are dying on the front lines!

I've seen a testimonial where a man tells the story of how his mother's oxygen levels went up after drinking this water my husband and I use.  It is the best testimonial I have ever seen for any product, ever. I can't post it on this page, but I can send it to you if you request more information about the water, via THIS FORM.

This man's mother was on life support, largely due to low oxygen, and the doctors could not figure out how to increase it. They kept telling him to take her off life support and just let her die, but the man refused to give up on his Mom. Finally, he gave in and they took her off life support, but he started to give her the water, which he'd just gotten from a guy in his area who had shared it for free. And guess what. Her oxygen level began to rise, she gained full consciousness, and she was able to go home and recover! The man said the doctors couldn't face him in the hallway, after she started to improve.

I had to do some research, on this (to figure out why it worked for her), and I believe this is why the water may help with oxygen.

I watched a video where a doctor was talking about how Hemoglobin is supposed to carry oxygen to all your tissues, but when your blood is too acidic, the oxygen doesn't bind well to the hemoglobin, and therefore it can't be transported and utilized by your body as efficiently. But when you can make your blood slightly more alkaline, the hemoglobin works more efficiently, and your body can actually utilize the oxygen it has!

It made more sense to me when I found this online:

There is some debate about whether alkaline water can change your blood's pH (Dr. Oz said he couldn't find a study, but you can see one HERE). Please note, your body works very hard to maintain a blood pH of 7.36, so it's true that if it can change at all, it probably won't fluctuate very too much (kind of like, how your body temperature is usually 98.6 but it could vary slightly and you can still be healthy). But if your blood becomes even slightly acidic, or if it has to work much harder to maintain it's proper pH, and that can put a strain on your body, and you will be more prone to getting sick. 

When I saw this study below, it confirmed to me that small changes in pH can have a profound effect on the body.  Please see the highlighted parts in this study, below, that a change of just .01 in 
Oxygen consumption of skeletal muscle appears critically dependent on extracellular fluid pH. A change in pH of 0.1 alters VO2 almost exactly 10%. Alkalosis is a potent stimulus to lactic acid production by skeletal muscle.

Hydrogen ion concentration and oxygen uptake in an isolated canine hindlimb.


Oxygen utilization (VO2) and lactate production by an isolated perfused canine hindlimb was evaluated at various hydrogen ion concentrations. A membrane lung perfusion system was established such that blood flow and temperature could be fixed at normal levels. Oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide (CO2) gas flows to the membrane lung were independently regulated to provide a fixed arterial oxygen content (CaO2). By changing CO2 flow, the pH of the arterial blood was varied between 6.9 and 7.6 at 10-min intervals. The mean O2 delivery (CaO2 X blood flow) was between 16.3 ML O2/min and 20.5 ml O2/min. Standard error of the mean in each dog, however, was less than 0.4 ml O2/min. VO2 was linearly related to the pH of the perfusing blood: VO2% = 100.1 pH - 643 (r = 0.866). Oxygen consumption was inversely related to PCO2: VO2% = -0.62 PCO2 + 124, but the correlation was less good (r = 0.729). Lactate production was linearly related to the pH of the perfusing blood (above a pH of 7.4): lactate produced = 22.5 pH - 162.5 (r = 0.75). At a pH below 7.4, lactate was not produced. Oxygen consumption of skeletal muscle appears critically dependent on extracellular fluid pH. A change in pH of 0.1 alters VO2 almost exactly 10%. Alkalosis is a potent stimulus to lactic acid production by skeletal muscle.

The Power of H2

​There are MANY studies that support the idea that H2 (molecular hydrogen, which is a gas) could possibly help people who develop serious symptoms from COVID-19, and the water that comes out of the machine we use is LOADED with molecular hydrogen. 

Please note that the machine we have is made with medical grade parts, and I absolutely do not recommend using any machine that is not ISO certified as being medical grade, as I have seen some people who've gotten worse, using machines with cheap (non medical grade) titanium. This is a particularly bad idea for people with liver disease, who can't tolerate the extra burden of heavy metals in their bodies. 

I cannot tell you what you should do, or give medical advice. I am just showing you the research I've done, and I am telling you this is why I am really glad we have a machine.

If you get in touch with us and request more information, I can send you a video that will show you what the water looks like, when it comes out of the machine. It's got so many hydrogen gas bubbles, the water looks white.

Why is Molecular Hydrogen gas so helpful?

Molecular hydrogen is the smallest and most plentiful element in the universe. When this gas is inhaled (or consumed in drinking water from a medical grade ionizer), it's been shown to help reduce hyperoxic lung injury, uring the Nrf2 pathway (study link will be posted further down the page, along with many others). 

By the way, I know a lot of people get worried when they hear the term "hydrogen" because we think of "hydrogen bombs" but it's nothing to be afraid of. It's only dangerous when it gets heated to high temperatures (in the range of over 500 degrees). When consumed in WATER, it's completely safe. 

The Nrf2 Pathway

I have been doing a lot of research on the Nrf2 pathway, and learned a lot by watching this video, below.  Here's the gist of what I learned:

We all have about 25,000 genes that work like a blueprint for our bodies, Nrf2 is one of the key proteins that's in every cell in your body, and it's designed to regulate about 2% of your genes. These genes can be turned up or down, just like a dimmer switch for a light. 

Nrf2 regulates the genes that fall into three categories:
Antioxidant enzymes
Like superoxide dismutase and catalase, which protect you from oxidative stress

Anti-inflammatory genes

That fight the process of inflammation in your body

Anti fibrotic genes
That fight the process of scar tissue formation

Tyler Lebaron, from the Molecular hydogen institute, was in a video interview where he talked about molecular hydrogen, and he said the following facts that you might find interesting.

-Molecular hydrogen was first studied in 1798, when an Italian medical doctor wrote a paper on the inhalation of "exotic gases." This was shortly after hydrogen gas was named.  He talks about how the inhalation of hydrogen gas has an anti-inflammatory effect!

In 1975, there was an article by Texas A&M and Baylor University, and they found that hyperbaric hydrogen treatment was very effective with melanoma skin tumors - they totally regressed the growth of the tumor. 

The 3 ways people can get the benefits of hydrogen are:

-Inhalation of hydrogen gas (you just have to be more careful with what equipment you use, because as we know, straight up hydrogen gas can be explosive)

-Injection of intravenous hydrogen rich saline 

-Drinking hydrogen-rich water. Hydrogen gas can be infused into water, and he says this is the most practical way to get it, especially since you need to drink water anyway. But he says to be cautious because there are some machines that may show great results when you first use them, but after a while you don't get the same results, or the same Parts Per Million of Hydrogen gas.   In my opinion, this is the safest way to get the water, because the hydrogen is created in a water chamber, so you don't have to worry about the risk of the gas overheating and causing a hydrogen explosion. 
       -The studies he's seen on molecular hydrogen typically use a concentration of about 1.6 parts per million, which is the amount that shows a clear therapeutic effect.  The water from our machine has about 2 parts per million of hydrogen gas.

-There are about 1500 papers on molecular hydrogen, primarily written and studied in China, Korea and Japan. And about 80 animal studies that have been conducted so far. 


It completely makes sense to me that this water could possibly help people to prevent a cytokine storm, and help to prevent the buildup of scar tissue, if molecular hydrogen (which the water is LOADED with) helps to regulate genes for inflammation and fibrosis.  

My husband drank this water for a year, then had a Fibroscan that showed he no longer had cirrhosis. So, what happened to all that inflammation and scar tissue? In my opinion, the water had a lot to do with his results (he did many other things, but in my opinion the water was a huge factor).  

Many people who develop COVID-19 will be left with scar tissue in their lungs, and if there's a chance they could reduce this to some degree, why NOT drink the water, if at the very least to possibly breathe better, stay hydrated, and reduce inflammation? It's cheaper than buying bottled water, with WAY less of a negative environmental impact.  Plastics are CHOKING our oceans and landfills right now, so it's time for a change!

More Research Studies

Here are just some of the studies that make me REALLY glad to have a machine. Again, these studies do not reflect the opinions or viewpoints of the company that manufactures this machine. I just thought you might want to see them.

Potential Cheap and effective Drug for COVID-19

Dear colleagues,
Since 2017, in Redox Research Center, we are working on the use of hydrogen gas as a protective agent for preserving food products. Up to now, we have found an extraordinary effect of hydrogen gas on protecting the property of foods (see our publications in google scholar).
Since 2007, many studies were performed for using hydrogen gas as a therapeutic agent in different illnesses. From these studies, many ones confirmed the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic protective effects of hydrogen on cells and organs. Some studies reported the protective effect of hydrogen against irradiation lung damage (Terasaki et al., 2011), amelioration of hyperoxic lung injury (Kawamura et al., 2013), and reduction of the HBV DNA level in CHB patients (Xia et al., 2013)(refer to the links below). One of these studies reported that "patients receiving hydrogen treatment had improved tendencies in the liver function and HBV (hepatitis B virus) DNA level when compared with patients undergoing routine treatment" and they concluded that "Further study with long‐term treatment with hydrogen‐rich water is required to confirm the protective effect of hydrogen on the liver function and its suppressive effect on viral replication" and " hydrogen‐rich water may attenuate the oxidative stress and have the potential to improve the liver function and reduce the HBV DNA level in CHB patients." (Xia et al., 2013).
I invite the colleagues who work on the viral pathology, especially the COVID-19, to conduct assays on the possible application of hydrogen (in inhalation form, or intraperitoneal and oral administration of hydrogen‐rich water) as a potential and inexpensive treatment of COVID-19.

Please share this message with your colleagues to reach all the researchers and groups working on COVID-19 topics. Any potential use of this cheap treatment for COVID-19 treatment could help thousands of patients and all humanity to win the war against this fatal risk.

Best health for all

Duried Alwazeer



Molecular hydrogen as a preventive and therapeutic medical gas: initiation, development and potential of hydrogen medicine

Author links open overlay panelShigeoOhta
Under a Creative Commons license
open access
Molecular hydrogen (H2) has been accepted to be an inert and nonfunctional molecule in our body. We have turned this concept by demonstrating that H2 reacts with strong oxidants such as hydroxyl radical in cells, and proposed its potential for preventive and therapeutic applications. H2 has a number of advantages exhibiting extensive effects: H2 rapidly diffuses into tissues and cells, and it is mild enough neither to disturb metabolic redox reactions nor to affect signaling reactive oxygen species; therefore, there should be no or little adverse effects of H2. There are several methods to ingest or consume H2; inhaling H2 gas, drinking H2-dissolved water (H2-water), injecting H2-dissolved saline (H2-saline), taking an H2 bath, or dropping H2-saline into the eyes. The numerous publications on its biological and medical benefits revealed that H2 reduces oxidative stress not only by direct reactions with strong oxidants, but also indirectly by regulating various gene expressions. Moreover, by regulating the gene expressions, H2 functions as an anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic, and stimulates energy metabolism. In addition to growing evidence obtained by model animal experiments, extensive clinical examinations were performed or are under investigation. Since most drugs specifically act to their targets, H2 seems to differ from conventional pharmaceutical drugs. Owing to its great efficacy and lack of adverse effects, H2 has promising potential for clinical use against many diseases.
 1. Introduction

Molecular hydrogen (H2, dihydrogen, or hydrogen gas) has been accepted to behave as an inert gas at body temperature in mammalian cells. In fact, H2 seems to react with no biological compound, including oxygen gas in the absence of catalysts at body temperature. On the other hand, in some bacteria, H2 is enzymatically catabolyzed as an energy source for providing electrons, or is a product of some types of anaerobic metabolism. These reactions are usually catalyzed by iron- or nickel-containing enzymes called hydrogenases. In contrast, mammals have no functional hydrogenase genes (Fritsch et al., 2013). Thus, it has been believed that H2 is nonfunctional in our cells.
We turned this concept in a publication in 2007 that H2 acts as a therapeutic and preventive antioxidant by selectively reducing highly strong oxidants such as hydroxyl radical (OH) and peroxynitrite (ONOO) in cells, and that H2 exhibits cytoprotective effects against oxidative stress (Ohsawa et al., 2007). Since then, a large number of studies have explored therapeutic and preventive effects of H2. These published papers cover many biological effects against oxidative stress in almost all organs (Ohta, 2011Ohta, 2012). Moreover, it has been revealed that H2 has more functions, including anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, and anti-allergic effects, and that H2 stimulates energy metabolism, in most tissues of model animals. Until 2013, the number of publications on its biologically or medically beneficial effects had been increasing and had surpassed ~ 300 as shown in Fig. 1. Previous review articles mainly introduced various cellular and animal experiments (Ohta, 2011Ohta, 2012).
Hydrogen Medicine Therapy: An Effective and Promising Novel Treatment for Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) Induced by Influenza and Other Viral Infections Diseases?
Ming Yang1,3#, Zheng Zhang2#, Bo Gao4#, Lihua Liu4*, Taohong Hu2*
1Department of Clinical Medicine, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Taishan Medical University, Taian, Shandong, China
2Department of Cardiology, the General Hospital of the PLA Rocket Force, Beijing, China
3Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital, Shanghai, China
4 Institution of Hospital Management, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China
#Contribute equally to this work
*Corresponding author: Taohong Hu, Department of Cardiology, The General Hospital of the PLA Rocket Force, Beijing, China, Tel: +862154740000; E-mail: @;
Lihua Liu, Institution of Hospital Management, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China, @
Received: 24 March, 2017; Accepted: 20 April, 2017; Published: 05 May, 2017
Citation: Taohong Hu, Ming Yang, Zheng Zhang. (2017) Hydrogen Medicine Therapy: An Effective and Promising Novel Treatment for Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) Induced by Influenza and Other Viral Infections Diseases?SOJ Microbiol Infect Dis 5(2): 1-6. DOI: 10.15226/sojmid/5/2/00170
Abstract    Top
Hydrogen, a non-cytotoxic molecule, is one of nature’s most simple elements [1,2]. Recent studies revealed that intraperitoneal injection of hydrogen-rich saline has surprising anti-inflammation, anti-oxidant, anti-apoptosis effects and protected organism against polymicrobial sepsis injury, acute peritonitis injury both by reducing oxidative stress and via decreasing mass proinflammatory responses. It is also well known that the majority of viral -induced tissue damage and discomfort are mainly caused by an inflammatory cytokine storm and oxidative stress rather than by virus itself [3-5]. Studies have shown that suppressing the cytokine storm and reducing oxidative stress can significantly alleviate the symptoms of influenza and other severe viral infections diseases [3-7]. However, none of the studies have been focused on the solution as an anti-virus infection therapy yet. Therefore, we hypothesize that hydrogen-rich solution therapy may be a safe, reliable, and effective treatment for Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) induced by influenza and other viral infectious diseases.

Keywords: Hydrogen Medicine; Anti-Oxidant; Anti-Inflammation; Inflammatory Cytokine Storm; Molecular Hydrogen; Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)
Hydrogen is one of nature’s most simple elements. As a gas (H2), it is a colorless, tasteless, odorless, highly flammable diatomic molecule which has been used for fossil fuel processing and ammonia production. In the past decade, molecular hydrogen was considered a surprising agent, which can significantly reduce oxidative stress by selectively reducing hydroxyl radical (•OH) and Peroxynitrite (ONOO-) [1,8-10]. It has recently been revealed that hydrogen can both down-regulate expression of oxidative-related genes and pro-inflammatory cytokine genes directly and indirectly [2-5,11,12]. Oxidative stress and systemic inflammatory response syndrome have been confirmed to play critical roles in tissue and organ damages after polymicrobial sepsis injury, acute peritonitis injury, and peritonitis, which can develop into lethal sepsis with inappropriate treatment [13,14]. In spite of some available antibiotic therapies for the some stages of sepsis, Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) induced by sepsis is still the leading cause of death in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) [15,16]. Recent studies reveal potential protective effects of hydrogen against sepsis and acute peritonitis by decreasing proinflammatory responses, oxidative stress, and apoptosis, which indicate hydrogen medicine as a new no-toxic therapy for bacterial infections [13,14]. Other researchers have also demonstrated that chronic hepatitis B, acute pancreatitis, and sepsis can also be alleviated by treatment of hydrogen medicine [10,14,17]. However, none of the research ever investigated the therapeutic effect of hydrogen gas for MODS induced by influenza and other viral infectious diseases in which inflammation and oxidative stress also play pivotal roles.
Influenza and other severe viral infections
Viruses that cause influenza, Ebola, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) are emerging as infectious pathogens in this century that are extremely difficult to control effectively, triggering MODS [18-21]. The trends, spread, scope, and development speed of these emerging infectious diseases cannot be estimated, as their routes of transmission and patterns of spread are extensive and different. Diseases induced by these viruses also differ from each other. To be specific, influenza virus can cause flu, whereby the patient has a stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, muscle pain and discomfort symptoms [22]. SARS induces diffuse alveolar damage, acute lung injury, leading to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), hypoxemia, and high mortality rate [20,23-25]. Like SARS, MERS, a new type of corona virus, can cause symptoms even with many complications including renal failure [18,19].


The body will be in a state of stress that is caused by the excitement of the sympathetic system after invasion of these pathogens
 [26,27]. Therefore, oxidative stress increases the release of catecholamine [28]. As auto-oxidation of catecholamine occurs, a large number of free radicals can be produced, accelerating formation of oxidative stress [1]. Meanwhile, oxidative stress activates the complement system, producing a variety of chemotactic substances, such as C3 fragments, leukotrienes etc, which attract and activate neutrophils ultimately [29]. Thus, inflammatory infiltrates develops in many corresponding organs. Furthermoreall these pathogens also stimulate the immune system continuously to launch an inflammatory response flaring out of control [30]. 

Inflammatory cell infiltration occurs when inflammatory cells such as neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, plasmacytes, macrophages and mast cells infiltrate around the blood vessels (perivascular infiltration).

Proinflammatory cytokines are secreted throughout the body; these cytokines also initiate activation of inflammation cells like neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes to produce more proinflammatory cytokines [5,30]. Those cytokines and inflammation cells are reciprocal causation, developing into a cytokine storm(systemic inflammatory response syndrome)[30,31]. The term cytokine storm is used to accommodate the observation that multiple excessive inflammatory causes can induce excessive release of inflammation factors like interleukin-1, interleukin-6, interleukin-12, tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-α, interferon-β, interferon-γ, Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 and interleukin-8 thereby leading to a disease that appears similar to sepsis [30,31]. Importantly, excessive inflammation reactions can also induce acute oxidative stress [2]. Together, both cytokine storm and oxidative stress promote each other and induce MODS, result in high mortality rate [15].

Until now, numerous studies have indicated cytokine storm and oxidative stress are highly associated with the pathological process when getting infected with these viruses [32- 34]. Although cytokine storm and oxidative stress probably try to eliminate theses pathogens, they seem to generate multi-organ damage resulting in lethal clinical symptoms such as extensive pulmonary oedema, alveolar and other tissue haemorrhage, and acute respiratory distress syndrome, etc [6,7,33]. Moreover, when inflammation and oxidative stress damage tissue and organs, healing occurs with fibrosis, aggravating persistent multiple organ dysfunction [30]. Therefore, timely elimination of these mass of cytokines and oxidative stress would presumably protect normal organs from the damaging effects of pathogen infection.

At present, there are some therapies which include vaccines and drugs such as Oseltamivir, Amantadine, Curcumin and Ribavirin, as well as S1P1R for influenza and other viral infections diseases [35-39]. However, due to the highly variable nature of these pathogens, no ideal therapy comprehensively conforms to the criteria of effective, selective, non-toxic, and tolerance-inducing anti-influenza and other viral therapy. Furthermore, studies have shown that oseltamivir can alleviate clinical diseases symptoms and reduce morbidity and mortality [40,41]. However, there are still controversies over the prevention, treatment, and tolerance effects of oseltamivir on influenza virus [22]. Importantly, recent research showed that epistatic interactions between neuraminidase mutations promote the number of oseltamivir-resistant influenza virus populations [42]. Moreover, the clinical application revealed oseltamivir had many adverse effects such as nausea, vomiting, and an increased risk of headaches as well as renal and psychiatric syndromes [22]. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the trade-off between benefits and drawbacks when deciding to choose oseltamivir for a therapy.

Although anti-influenza and other viral therapies have been widely studied in the past decades, no therapy can achieve the desired standards. Medical researchers have been striving hard to identify effective, novel, non-toxic, and convenient compounds to protect patients against influenza and other viral infections.
Our hypothesis is that hydrogen-rich solution therapy may be a safe, reliable, effective, and specific treatment for MODS induced by influenza and other viral infectious diseases.  Given the theory that molecular hydrogen can both significantly down regulate expressions of inflammation-related genes and selectively reduce hydroxyl radical and Peroxynitrite, we have reasons to consider that cytokine storm and oxidative stress can be suppressed when getting infected with avian influenza and other severe viruses [1,11,12,43-45]. Our theory is unique because it not only puts forward a new kind of non-toxic antiviral therapy but also makes hydrogen-based medicine able to heal disease in to the whole body.

Proinflammatory cytokines including interleukin-1β , interleukin-6, Interferon-γ, intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1, inducible nitric oxide synthase, monocyte chemotactic protein 1, chemokine ligand 2 and tumor necrosis factor -α as well as Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen are the main contributors for cytokine storm[30,46-48]. Numerous studies have consistently shown that the contributors were significantly down regulated after applying hydrogen medicine therapy [10,14,26,27,41]. Besides, with the deepening biological mechanism of hydrogen research being developed, scientists gradually found that hydrogen therapy can significantly suppress many pathological signal transduction channels such as NF-κβ, MAPK, Lyn-P, and MEK-1 as well as ERK1/2 pathways and ultimately achieve the goal of recovery from many diseases [44,45,49-53]. In addition, it is worth noting that as H2 is moderate enough, it can selectively react with only hydroxyl radicals (•OH) and peroxynitrite(ONOO-), the main contributors of oxidative stress in vitro and in vivo without disturbing metabolic redox reactions [1]. Last but not least, as H2 is an endogenous substance, the goal of better tissue compatibility than other anti-viral drugs can be achieved [54-56].

Since persistent tissue damage, MODS and high mortality rate are highly associated with oxidative stress and cytokine storm induced by influenza and other severe viral infections hydrogen can significantly reduce oxidative stress and restrain excessive production of cytokines [9,57-60]. We hypothesize that hydrogen can be potentially effective for MODS induced by influenza and other viral infectious diseases. That is to say, hydrogen may be a promising novel anti-influenza and other severe viral infections protectant. We believe work on hydrogen-based medicine for anti-viral therapy in vitro and in vivo should commence as soon as possible. In view of the outbreak, transmission, and widespread nature of these viruses, and the global issues caused by new variation pandemics threats, hydrogen medicine may give us more hope for greater survival and fewer human morbidity and mortality (Figure 1).

Proposed delivery way of hydrogen
It’s interesting to note that H2 therapy can be administered through inhalation, oral intake of hydrogen-rich water, injection of hydrogen-rich saline, direct diffusion of hydrogen: bath, eye drops and immersion, as well as increase hydrogen in intestine [11,61-69]. Although each delivery way has its own characteristic and advantages, injection of hydrogen-rich saline allows enough amount of hydrogen to have its own antioxidant, anti-inflammation, anti-apoptosis effect at the shortest time [11,70]. Moreover, it is emergency to cure patients with influenza and other severe viral infectious diseases. Therefore, it would be most suitable to choose injection hydrogen-rich saline method as the primary hydrogen therapy for influenza and other severe viral infectious diseases.
This work was supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 81400274), National Student’s Platform for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program(Program Number :201510439107).



Combination Therapy With Molecular Hydrogen and Hyperoxia in a Murine Model of Polymicrobial Sepsis

Xie, Keliang*; Fu, Wenzheng; Xing, Weibin; Li, Ailin§; Chen, Hongguang*; Han, Huanzhi*; Yu, Yonghao*; Wang, Guolin*
Author Information
doi: 10.1097/SHK.0b013e3182758646


Sepsis is the most common cause of death in intensive care units. Some studies have found that hyperoxia may be beneficial to sepsis. However, the clinical use of hyperoxia is hindered by concerns that it could exacerbate organ injury by increasing free radical formation. Recently, it has been suggested that molecular hydrogen (H2) at low concentration can exert a therapeutic antioxidant activity and effectively protect against sepsis by reducing oxidative stress. Therefore, we hypothesized that combination therapy with H2 and hyperoxia might afford more potent therapeutic strategies for sepsis. In the present study, we found that inhalation of H2 (2%) or hyperoxia (98%) alone improved the 14-day survival rate of septic mice with moderate cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) from 40% to 80% or 70%, respectively. However, combination therapy with H2 and hyperoxia could increase the 14-day survival rate of moderate CLP mice to 100% and improve the 7-day survival rate of severe CLP mice from 0% to 70%. Moreover, moderate CLP mice showed significant organ damage characterized by the increases in lung myeloperoxidase activity, lung wet-to-dry weight ratio, protein concentration in bronchoalveolar lavage, serum biochemical parameters (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, creatinine, and blood urea nitrogen), and organ histopathological scores (lung, liver, and kidney), as well as the decrease in PaO2/FIO2 ratio at 24 h, which was attenuated by either H2 or hyperoxia alone. However, combination therapy with H2 and hyperoxia had a more beneficial effect against lung, liver, and kidney damage of moderate or severe CLP mice. Furthermore, we found that the beneficial effect of this combination therapy was associated with the decreased levels of oxidative product (8-iso-prostaglandin F2α), increased activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase and catalase) and anti-inflammatory cytokine (interleukin 10), and reduced levels of proinflammatory cytokines (high-mobility group box 1 and tumor necrosis factor α) in serum and tissues. Therefore, combination therapy with H2 and hyperoxia provides enhanced therapeutic efficacy via both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms and might be potentially a clinically feasible approach for sepsis.

Oxygen is often used in critically ill patients. Early goal-directed therapy for sepsis aims to balance tissue oxygen (O2) delivery and demand. Our and other studies have found that hyperoxia has a beneficial effect against sepsis and sepsis-associated multiple organ damage (4–8). Yet, the clinical use of hyperoxia is hindered by concerns that it may exacerbate organ damage by increasing free radical formation. Oxidative stress plays an essential role in the pathogenesis of sepsis, and overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can exacerbate organ damage (9, 10). Recently, it has been suggested that a low concentration of molecular hydrogen (H2) exerts a therapeutic antioxidant activity by selectively reducing hydroxyl radicals (•OH, the most cytotoxic ROS) and peroxynitrite (ONOOin vitro and also effectively protects against many diseases in vivo (11–15). Furthermore, our studies have demonstrated that 2% or 4% H2 can alleviate organ injury and improve survival rate of animals with sepsis via reducing oxidative stress and inflammation (16, 17).
Therefore, these findings strongly indicate that combination therapy with H2 and hyperoxia may afford more potent therapeutic strategies for sepsis. It is well known that cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) can cause lethal peritonitis and sepsis, which is accompanied by multiple organ dysfunction (18). Thus, the present study was designed to investigate whether combination therapy with H2 and hyperoxia could produce enhanced efficacy in a murine model of moderate or severe CLP. In addition, the roles of oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokines in the protective effect were studied. Our results may establish a clinically applicable strategy for the treatment of sepsis and provide a new avenue for the use of therapeutic gas in patients.
Despite substantial advances in antibiotic therapy and intensive care, sepsis remains the most common cause of death in intensive care units, with a mortality of 30% to 50%, which is often accompanied by multiple organ dysfunction (1, 2). In the United States, there are 751,000 cases of severe sepsis each year, with a total annual cost of $16.7 billion and a progressive increase in its incidence over time of 8.7% (1, 2). It is exceedingly difficult to develop effective therapeutic interventions that reduce so high mortality because the factors responsible for sepsis are not fully understood (3). Therefore, there is considerable interest in exploring an effective therapy for patients with sepsis.

Promising novel therapy with hydrogen gas for emergency and critical care medicine


It has been reported that hydrogen gas exerts a therapeutic effect in a wide range of disease conditions, from acute illness such as ischemia–reperfusion injury, shock, and damage healing to chronic illness such as metabolic syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and neurodegenerative diseases. Antioxidant and anti‐inflammatory properties of hydrogen gas have been proposed, but the molecular target of hydrogen gas has not been identified. We established the Center for Molecular Hydrogen Medicine to promote non‐clinical and clinical research on the medical use of hydrogen gas through industry–university collaboration and to obtain regulatory approval of hydrogen gas and hydrogen medical devices (http://www.karc.keio.ac.jp/center/center-55.html). Studies undertaken by the Center have suggested possible therapeutic effects of hydrogen gas in relation to various aspects of emergency and critical care medicine, including acute myocardial infarction, cardiopulmonary arrest syndrome, contrast‐induced acute kidney injury, and hemorrhagic shock.

See full study here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5891106/


Efficacy of molecular hydrogen for various diseases has been shown by basic research. When the clinical efficacy of hydrogen gas is confirmed and regulatory approval is obtained, the indications for this treatment will expand over time. In the near future, it is possible that hydrogen gas will be supplied to patients in the ambulance and will be available from standard wall outlets in hospital, as well as being provided for home inhalation after discharge. However, the clinical efficacy of hydrogen gas needs to be verified scientifically. Hydrogen gas has various physiological actions such as an antioxidant effect, anti‐inflammatory effect, and a protective effect against cell death, but the molecular mechanisms involved have not yet been clarified. The suppression of free radicals alone cannot explain the therapeutic effects of hydrogen. In the future, clarification of the target molecule should help to determine the optimum dosage of hydrogen gas and how to administer hydrogen gas for various indications. The particular advantage of using a cylinder to supply hydrogen gas is instant availability of highly pure gas at a stable concentration, but cylinders are disadvantageous for prolonged treatment. If hydrogen becomes widely used as a medical gas, a hydrogen generator that rapidly stabilizes the concentration and provides a sufficient flow rate would also need to be developed to allow prolonged inhalation of hydrogen gas.


Imaging changes of severe COVID-19 pneumonia in advanced stage

We recently reported in Intensive Care Medicine the imaging changes of acute stage from a case of 75-year-old male patient with severe COVID-19 pneumonia combined acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), septic shock, and multiple organ disfunction syndrome (MODS) who had a history of 10-year hypertension and 1-year diabetes. He presently received advanced life support treatment including respiratory support (invasive mechanical ventilation) and circulatory support (vasoconstrictor assistance), as well as intermittent renal replacement therapy (IRRT) in intensive care unit (ICU) of our hospital—a tertiary teaching hospital of medical university. Because his MODS still existed on the day 20 after symptom onset, we had to re-examine the chest computed tomographic (CT). The results showed that early changes of reticular pulmonary fibrosis appeared in Panels D, E, and F (marked by green arrows), compensatory emphysema occurred in Panels D and E (marked by blue arrows), and pulmonary cavity formation appeared in Panel F (marked by blue arrows), compared with acute stage of the day 5 after symptom onset, inflammatory lesions and ground glass shadow of Panels A and B (marked by red arrows), as well as septal line of Panel C (marked by yellow arrows). Presently, this patient is still under the condition of advanced life support therapy (Fig. 1). 


Strategies for the prevention and management of coronavirus disease 2019

Wei-jie GuanRong-chang ChenNan-shan Zhong

Tweetable abstract @ERSpublications

Early protection, early identification, early diagnosis, and early isolation are crucial to combat with Covid-19 outbreaks
Since the outbreak in Wuhan city in December 2019, there has been a surge of newly diagnosed cases with coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) globally [14]. The total number has reached to 101 927 laboratory-confirmed cases as of March 8th, 2020 [5]. An increasing number of countries have issued the alert of the highest level.
Covid-19 is caused by infection with severe acute coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) [1]. Healthcare professionals have been confronted with several pressing challenges since the onset of outbreak. In the initial stages, most cases had direct contact with wildlife and human-to-human transmission had not yet been demonstrated. Not all hospitals had been equipped with sufficiently protective resources. Subsequently, the number of cases who had recent contact with people from Wuhan rapidly increased. Several clusters of infected individuals have been documented in cities such as Wuhan and Hong Kong [167], providing the initial evidence of human-to-human transmission. The rapid transmission (median Ro ≈3.0) could have resulted from the diverse routes of transmission, the virulence and the susceptibility of the population. An exemplar is the recent outbreak of cases (>1000 out of 3711 passengers) from the Diamond Princess Cruise [8]. Early detection and isolation of cases have been the bedrock for curbing the rapid spread of communicable diseases. Caution should be, however, exercised to promptly identify asymptomatic viral carriers [9]. Additionally, other routes of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (i.e. fomite transmission) might have predisposed to the rapid spread globally. SARS-CoV-2 has been detected in the gastric mucosa, stool, urine and saliva [1012]. A press conference was immediately held to disclose the detection and isolation of the live virus from stool specimens to the general public [13]. Improved personal protection and hygiene management at community levels were then officially endorsed to protect the population from infections.
Meanwhile, the medical staff in most hospitals of Hubei province (particularly Wuhan city) suffered from burnout due to the overwhelming workload and the lack of personal protective equipment. This was aggravated by the shortage of medical resources (i.e., oxygen supply, ventilators), and therefore mechanical ventilation could not be timely initiated in all patients who had hypoxemia. Another pressing need was to promptly discriminate patients with Covid-19 from other febrile diseases. Based on the panel of experts of respiratory medicine, microbiology and infectious diseases, and the Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), the Chinese government promptly informed the public not to travel to Wuhan city, and mandated that the number of cases be reported by all local governments in real-time. The lockdown of Wuhan and several other cities in China has been shown to effectively prevent largescale transmission of cases to other regions. Security checks with body temperature assessment became mandatory for the entry to communities and various public facilities. Mobile cabin hospitals have been constructed within 10 days, and more than 60 000 medical staff and resources have been dispatched to Hubei province (particularly Wuhan city), empowering the local hospitals to aggregate and manage the cases. The interagency mechanism that integrates early protection, early identification, early diagnosis, and early isolation has effectively curbed the rapidly growing outbreak.
Development of new technologies are urgently needed for the diagnosis of Covid-19. Most laboratory testing has been based on viral nucleic acids assay. However, conventional laboratory testing techniques have been limited by the low diagnostic performance and the long waiting time. In light that quality control is vital to the confirmation of diagnosis, provision of the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay kits have been made to the provincial hospitals since January 23rd, 2020. Hospital staff have been trained for the techniques to obtain nasopharyngeal swabs with sufficient quality. Hence, samples for confirmatory testing would no longer be mandatory to be submitted to the CDC, which helped to substantially reduce the waiting time. To better empower laboratory testing, the chip-based isothermal amplification analyser which could simultaneously detect 16 respiratory viruses (including SARS-CoV-2) within 45 min has been developed [14]. The rapid immunoglobin M assay kit for detecting SARS-CoV-2 with only a drop of blood (∼10 μL) has also been developed, with the results being available within only 15 min and online analysis with the smartphone [15]. These novel laboratory testing techniques would greatly facilitate the clinical diagnosis of Covid-19 with greater precision and results accessibility and shortened duration.
At the start of the outbreak there was little knowledge of the origins, clinical presentation or outcomes of Covid-19. Currently, more than 100 articles from China have been published within 3 months. The initial reports have revealed the possible origins and the tissue tropism of SARS-CoV-2 [1617], the clinical characteristics of patients admitted in Wuhan city [121820], the transmission dynamics of outbreak [7] and the modelling of outbreak [21]. These have been valuable to inform the public the potential of human-to-human transmission. Subsequent reports have documented the clinical characteristics of patients from a nationwide cohort [12], among the critically ill patients [22] and among those managed outside Wuhan city [2326], the dynamic changes in the radiologic manifestations [27], and the susceptibility of infants [28] and pregnant women [29]. Thanks to these publications, it becomes clear that nearly half of patients with Covid-19 could be afebrile, (not feverish) that an absence of radiologic abnormality could be found among symptomatic individuals on hospital admission, that lymphopenia, high lactate dehydrogenase and direct bilirubin were prominent laboratory abnormalities, and that vertical transmission was unlikely.
Unfortunately, no targeted therapy existed for SARS-CoV-2 infectionsPast experience of SARS and MERS has been used to guide clinical practice. Supportive therapies (i.e. oxygen supplementation, antibiotics) have been implemented with modest outcomes. Although several antiviral medications (i.e., remdesivir, chloroquine, loparinir/ritonavir) have been adopted for compassionate therapy without clear evidence of benefit, and a randomised controlled trial with remdesivir has been initiated (NCT04252664), no results of randomised controlled trials are available. Given the rapid spreading of new cases, it was challenging to organise well-designed clinical trials within such a short time. Hitherto, more than 150 clinical trials have been initiated in China and the government has established regulations to coordinate these trials. While chloroquine appeared to be superior to arbidol and loparinir/ritonavir in terms of shortening the duration to negative testing of viral RNA, a number of Traditional Chinese Medicines might be promisingThe Lianhuaqingwen capsules and Liushen capsules have been shown to inhibit viral replication in vitro (Yang ZF, et al. Unpublished data). A pilot study with convalescent plasma from patients with Covid-19 has revealed promising therapeutic outcomes in terms of rapidly rendering viral RNA testing negative and improving oxygen saturation (Duan K, et al. Unpublished data). We have recently identified significant patient-ventilator asynchrony among the critically ill patients, with the underlying causes being unclear. Airway morphologic evaluation with optical coherence tomography (which could probe distal airways up to the 9th generation of bronchi) did not reveal significant airway remodelling (including severe obstructions) (Zhong NS, et al. Unpublished data). Subsequent testing revealed markedly increased levels of mucin 1 and mucin 5AC in the sputum aspirated from the trachea. This was concordant with the pathologic findings from autopsy samples, indicating that apart from leucocyte and macrophage infiltration, microvascular infarction, interstitial fibrosis, the most defining characteristics of Covid-19 is mucus staggering in the bronchioles and alveoli [30]. Therapies that target at airway humidification and suppression of mucin secretion might help improve clinical outcomes. In light of the significantly decreased airway resistance and safety, inhalation of hydrogen and oxygen mixed gas which is generated through water electrolysis has been applied in clinical practice. Hydrogen/oxygen mixed gas inhalation resulted in a major amelioration of dyspnea in most patients with Covid-19 in a pilot investigation, and has therefore been endorsed by the latest Recommendation for the Diagnosis and Management of Covid-19 document [31].

l gmail-nova-e-text--family-sans-serif gmail-nova-e-text--spacing-l gmail-nova-e-text--color-grey-900 gmail-publication-details__title" style="color: #111111; font-family: "roboto", "arial", sans-serif; font-size: 2rem; font-weight: 300; line-height: 1.2; margin-bottom: 25px; margin-top: 0px; text-align: left;"> Hydrogen inhalation protects against acute lung injury induced by hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation https://www.researchgate.net/publication/276850079_Hydrogen_inhalation_protects_against_acute_lung_injury_induced_by_hemorrhagic_shock_and_resuscitation

Hemorrhagic shock occurs when the body begins to shut down due to large amounts of blood loss. People suffering injuries that involve heavy bleeding may go into hemorrhagic shock if the bleeding isn't stopped immediately. Common causes of hemorrhagic shock include: severe burns. deep cuts.Dec 17, 2015

Hemorrhagic shock followed by fluid resuscitation (HS/R) triggers an inflammatory response and causes pulmonary inflammation that can lead to acute lung injury (ALI). Hydrogen, a therapeutic gas, has potent cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects.
This study examined the effects of inhaled hydrogen on ALI caused by HS/R. Rats were subjected to hemorrhagic shock by withdrawing blood to lower blood pressure followed by resuscitation with shed blood and saline to restore blood pressure. After HS/R, the rats were maintained in a control gas of similar composition to room air or exposed to 1.3% hydrogen. HS/R induced ALI, as demonstrated by significantly impaired gas exchange, congestion, edema, cellular infiltration, and hemorrhage in the lungs. Hydrogen inhalation mitigated lung injury after HS/R, as indicated by significantly improved gas exchange and reduced cellular infiltration and hemorrhage. Hydrogen inhalation did not affect hemodynamic status during HS/R. Exposure to 1.3% hydrogen significantly attenuated the upregulation of the messenger RNAs for several proinflammatory mediators induced by HS/R. Lipid peroxidation was reduced significantly in the presence of hydrogen, indicating antioxidant effects. Hydrogen, administered through inhalation, may exert potent therapeutic effects against ALI induced by HS/R and attenuate the activation of inflammatory cascades. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hemorrhagic shock occurs when the body begins to shut down due to large amounts of blood loss. People suffering injuries that involve heavy bleeding may go into hemorrhagic shock if the bleeding isn't stopped immediately. Common causes of hemorrhagic shock include: severe burns. deep cuts.


Hydrogen inhalation ameliorates ventilator-induced lung injury


Mechanical ventilation (MV) can provoke oxidative stress and an inflammatory response, and subsequently cause ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), a major cause of mortality and morbidity of patients in the intensive care unit. Inhaled hydrogen can act as an antioxidant and may be useful as a novel therapeutic gas. We hypothesized that, owing to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, inhaled hydrogen therapy could ameliorate VILI. VILI was generated in male C57BL6 mice by performing a tracheostomy and placing the mice on a mechanical ventilator (tidal volume of 30 ml/kg without positive end-expiratory pressure, FiO(2) 0.21). The mice were randomly assigned to treatment groups and subjected to VILI with delivery of either 2% nitrogen or 2% hydrogen in air. Sham animals were given same gas treatments for two hours (n = 8 for each group). The effects of VILI induced by less invasive and longer exposure to MV (tidal volume of 10 ml/kg, 5 hours, FiO(2) 0.21) were also investigated (n = 6 for each group). Lung injury score, wet/dry ratio, arterial oxygen tension, oxidative injury, and expression of pro-inflammatory mediators and apoptotic genes were assessed at the endpoint of two hours using the high-tidal volume protocol. Gas exchange and apoptosis were assessed at the endpoint of five hours using the low-tidal volume protocol. Ventilation (30 ml/kg) with 2% nitrogen in air for 2 hours resulted in deterioration of lung function, increased lung edema, and infiltration of inflammatory cells. In contrast, ventilation with 2% hydrogen in air significantly ameliorated these acute lung injuries. Hydrogen treatment significantly inhibited upregulation of the mRNAs for pro-inflammatory mediators and induced antiapoptotic genes. In the lungs treated with hydrogen, there was less malondialdehyde compared with lungs treated with nitrogen. Similarly, longer exposure to mechanical ventilation within lower tidal volume (10 mg/kg, five hours) caused lung injury including bronchial epithelial apoptosis. Hydrogen improved gas exchange and reduced VILI-induced apoptosis. Inhaled hydrogen gas effectively reduced VILI-associated inflammatory responses, at both a local and systemic level, via its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic effects.


l gmail-nova-e-text--family-sans-serif gmail-nova-e-text--spacing-l gmail-nova-e-text--color-grey-900 gmail-publication-details__title" style="color: #111111; font-family: "roboto", "arial", sans-serif; font-size: 2rem; font-weight: 300; line-height: 1.2; margin-bottom: 25px; margin-top: 0px; text-align: left;"> Effect of Hydrogen-Rich Water on Oxidative Stress, Liver Function, and Viral Load in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B
ArticleinClinical and Translational Science 6(5):372-375 · October 2013 with 277 Reads   
To investigate effects of hydrogen-rich water (HRW) on oxidative stress, liver function and HBV DNA in patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB). Sixty patients with CHB were randomly assigned into routine treatment group or hydrogen treatment group in which patients received routine treatment alone or additional oral HRW (1200-1800 mL/day, twice daily), respectively, for 6 consecutive weeks. Serum oxidative stress, liver function, and HBV DNA level were detected before and after treatment. Thirty healthy subjects served as controls. When compared with controls, oxidative stress was obvious in CHB patients, and the liver function also significantly impaired. After treatment, the oxidative stress remained unchanged in routine treatment group, but markedly improved in hydrogen treatment group. The liver function was improved significantly and the HBV DNA reduced markedly after corresponding treatments. Although a significant difference was noted in the oxidative stress between two groups after treatment, the liver function and HBV DNA level were comparable after treatment and both had improved tendencies. HRW significantly attenuates oxidative stress in CHB patients, but further study with long-term treatment is required to confirm the effect of HRW on liver function and HBV DNA level. Clin Trans Sci 2013; Volume #: 1-4.


Hydrogen gas reduces hyperoxic lung injury via the Nrf2 pathway

 Hyperoxic lung injury is a major concern in critically ill patients who receive high concentrations of oxygen to treat lung diseases. Successful abrogation of hyperoxic lung injury would have a huge impact on respiratory and critical care medicine. Hydrogen can be administered as a therapeutic medical gas. We recently demonstrated that inhaled hydrogen reduced transplant-induced lung injury and induced heme oxygenase (HO)-1. To determine whether hydrogen could reduce hyperoxic lung injury and investigate the underlying mechanisms, we randomly assigned rats to 4 experimental groups and administered the following gas mixtures for 60 hours: 98% oxygen (hyperoxia), 2% nitrogen; 98% oxygen (hyperoxia), 2% hydrogen; 98% balanced air (normoxia), 2% nitrogen; and 98% balanced air (normoxia), 2% hydrogen. We examined lung function by blood gas analysis, extent of lung injury, and expression of HO-1. We also investigated the role of NF-E2-related factor (Nrf) 2, which regulates HO-1 expression, by examining the expression of Nrf2-dependent genes and the ability of hydrogen to reduce hyperoxic lung injury in Nrf2-deficient mice. Hydrogen treatment during exposure to hyperoxia significantly improved blood oxygenation, reduced inflammatory events, and induced HO-1 expression. Hydrogen did not mitigate hyperoxic lung injury or induce HO-1 in Nrf2-deficient mice. These findings indicate that hydrogen gas can ameliorate hyperoxic lung injury through induction of Nrf2-dependent genes, such as HO-1. The findings suggest a potentially novel and applicable solution to hyperoxic lung injury, and provide new insight into the molecular mechanisms and actions of hydrogen.
Hyperoxic lung injury is a major concern in critically ill patients who receive high concentrations of oxygen to treat lung diseases. Successful abrogation of hyperoxic lung injury would have a huge impact on respiratory and critical care medicine. Hydrogen can be administered as a therapeutic medical gas. We recently demonstrated that inhaled hydrogen reduced transplant-induced lung injury and induced heme oxygenase (HO)-1. To determine whether hydrogen could reduce hyperoxic lung injury and investigate the underlying mechanisms, we randomly assigned rats to 4 experimental groups and administered the following gas mixtures for 60 hours: 98% oxygen (hyperoxia), 2% nitrogen; 98% oxygen (hyperoxia), 2% hydrogen; 98% balanced air (normoxia), 2% nitrogen; and 98% balanced air (normoxia), 2% hydrogen. We examined lung function by blood gas analysis, extent of lung injury, and expression of HO-1. We also investigated the role of NF-E2-related factor (Nrf) 2, which regulates HO-1 expression, by examining the expression of Nrf2-dependent genes and the ability of hydrogen to reduce hyperoxic lung injury in Nrf2-deficient mice. Hydrogen treatment during exposure to hyperoxia significantly improved blood oxygenation, reduced inflammatory events, and induced HO-1 expression. Hydrogen did not mitigate hyperoxic lung injury or induce HO-1 in Nrf2-deficient mice. These findings indicate that hydrogen gas can ameliorate hyperoxic lung injury through induction of Nrf2-dependent genes, such as HO-1. The findings suggest a potentially novel and applicable solution to hyperoxic lung injury, and provide new insight into the molecular mechanisms and actions of hydrogen.

Hyperoxic acute lung injury. - NCBI - NIH

Prolonged breathing of very high F(IO(2)) (F(IO(2)) ≥ 0.9) uniformly causes severe hyperoxic acute lung injury (HALI) and, without a reduction of F(IO(2)), is usually fatal. ... Both high-stretch mechanical ventilation and hyperoxia potentiate lung injury and may promote pulmonary infection.


Hydrogen therapy attenuates irradiation-induced lung damage by reducing oxidative stress

ArticleinAJP Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 301(4):L415-26 · July 2011 with 122  
Molecular hydrogen (H(2)) is an efficient antioxidant that diffuses rapidly across cell membranes, reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite, and suppresses oxidative stress-induced injury in several organs. ROS have been implicated in radiation-induced damage to lungs. Because prompt elimination of irradiation-induced ROS should protect lung tissue from damaging effects of irradiation, we investigated the possibility that H(2) could serve as a radioprotector in the lung. Cells of the human lung epithelial cell line A549 received 10 Gy irradiation with or without H(2) treatment via H(2)-rich PBS or medium. We studied the possible radioprotective effects of H(2) by analyzing ROS and cell damage. Also, C57BL/6J female mice received 15 Gy irradiation to the thorax. Treatment groups inhaled 3% H(2) gas and drank H(2)-enriched water. We evaluated acute and late-irradiation lung damage after H(2) treatment. H(2) reduced the amount of irradiation-induced ROS in A549 cells, as shown by electron spin resonance and fluorescent indicator signals. H(2) also reduced cell damage, measured as levels of oxidative stress and apoptotic markers, and improved cell viability. Within 1 wk after whole thorax irradiation, immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting showed that H(2) treatment reduced oxidative stress and apoptosis, measures of acute damage, in the lungs of miceAt 5 mo after irradiation, chest computed tomography, Ashcroft scores, and type III collagen deposition demonstrated that H(2) treatment reduced lung fibrosis (late damage)This study thus demonstrated that H(2) treatment is valuable for protection against irradiation lung damage with no known toxicity.

Search Results

Featured snippet from the web

Hypoxemia is a below-normal level of oxygen in your blood, specifically in the arteries. Hypoxemia is a sign of a problem related to breathing or circulation, and may result in various symptoms, such as shortness of breath.Sep 30, 2005

 1997 Sep;27(3):492-5.

Hypoxemia in patients with cirrhosis: relationship with liver failure and hemodynamic alterations.



The relationship between hypoxemia, liver failure and the hemodynamic alterations in cirrhosis are unknown. This study examined the relationship between arterial hypoxemia, the severity of liver disease and hyperkinetic circulation in patients with cirrhosis.


Arterial blood gases, the severity of cirrhosis (Child-Pugh score), and splanchnic and systemic hemodynamics were measured in 120 patients with cirrhosis and without cardiopulmonary disease. Hypoxemia was considered to be present when PaO2 was < or = 70 mmHg.


Seventeen patients had hypoxemia (14%). Hypoxemic patients had significantly lower pulmonary vascular resistance and a significantly higher alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient, Child-Pugh score and hepatic venous pressure gradient than non-hypoxemic patients. Cardiac index and right atrial and pulmonary pressures did not significantly differ between the two groups.


Hypoxemia occurs mainly in patients with severe liver disease and is associated with pulmonary vasodilation.

Improving BLOOD FLOW

My husband texted me during the second week of drinking water from our machine, and commented that the water actually made him feel horny (nice bonus)!

I did some research to find out why that might be so, and learned a lot : ).

The water also helps to improve the blood's viscosity - something many elderly people have a hard time with (why so many are on blood thinners). Our PEMF machine helps with that, as well. It boosts Nitric Oxide, which helps blood flow (it's also used to treat E.D. in Europe). And in addition, it boosts your body's production of mesenchymal stem cells as well.  As a side note, mesenchymal cells have shown some promise in helping patients with COVID-19 - and our PEMF machine actually increases these stem cells, in a safe and gentle way (Note: the company makes NO claims to treat, cure or prevent any disease - I am just sharing information, and will gladly send you LOTS of research if you just get in touch - then, you can make your own decisions).

I want to note that some doctors are recommending Nitric Oxide, which helps improve blood flow, and want to share what I learned about Nitric Oxide and Antioxidants.

Antioxidants and Blood Flow

Until I discovered Medical Grade Antioxidant Water, pycnogenol was the most potent antioxidant I had ever heard of.
During a study with 40 men (25-45 years of age), L-Arginine was used on the subjects, with no pycnogenol, for the first month. Just two patients experienced normal sexual function. Then on the second month, 80 mg. of Pycnogenol was added to the L-arginine regimen, daily. 32 patients (80%) regained normal sexual function. Then, on the third month, 120 mg. of Pycnogenol was used. By the end of the trial, 37 out of the 40 patients had achieved normal sexual function.

As you can see, the L-Arginine was helpful, but it seemed to be the Pycnogenol (or the ANTIOXIDANTS) that really kicked things into gear!

L-arginine helps your body produce Nitric Oxide (a gas). This is important because Nitric Oxide enables the thin layer of cells lining you capillaries to "stay slippery," so blood can easily flow right through it.
Pycnogenol, a very powerful antioxidant. The reason that works so well is because antioxidants can keep the lining of your blood vessels healthy and intact, and they can help you to maintain proper vascular function.  The endothelial wall lining the capillaries can become easily damaged, which can restrict blood flow.  Imagine having a water park where your kids would slide down the slippery tube, but the tubes had lots of big knicks and bumps in it. Next thing you know, you'd have kids getting injured, or getting stuck in the tube, and then you'd have a backup of kids. That's kind of like how it is for your blood vessels.  If things get backed up or don't flow freely, you could have a problem (lack of circulation, or a stroke). You want to keep things nice and smooth. 

My husband and two different male customers who bought water machines from me, told me that they noticed this antioxidant water seems to... uh... increase blood flow in the right places, if you catch my drift.

Men are lucky to have a "warning sign" that their vascular health may need improvement. With women, it's not nearly as obvious! I'm hoping to encourage men to get one of these machines not so much to be the biggest Stud on your block, but so you can greatly improve your cardiovascular health.  My Dad passed away VERY unexpectedly from a stroke, in his early 60s, and it caught everyone by surprise.  Please do what you can, to stay healthy for your family. I still miss my Dad so much.

A Powerful Pathogen Killer

This machine is also able to produce a type of disinfectant that can kill every pathogen I have ever researched, yet it's so safe, you can spray it in the air, on your face, in your eyes, and in your mouth with no burning, and on your clothes with no bleaching. Dentists even give it to patients to gargle with, because it kills germs and it also promotes wound healing in that it helps blood to coagulate.  Your body actually produces this liquid, as part of your immune system! 
Most companies are not able to state that their disinfectant kills COVID-19, simply because it is unavailable for lab testing, however, the EPA is approving disinfectants based on whether it can kill pathogens that are harder to kill, than coronaviruses, and this type of disinfectant is known to kill pathogens that are harder to kill than coronaviruses. 
Many disinfectants with this same active ingredient (produced by the machine) have been approved by the EPA. If you get in touch and request it, I can send you the documentation that shows how it killed 99.999% of the pathogens it was tested on, in a lab.

Remdesivir, an investigational antiviral treatment for COVID-19, showed clinical benefit in a randomized trial conducted by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), manufacturer Gilead Sciences said in a release.
An interim analysis of the Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial (ACTT) found the drug had a 31% faster time to recovery versus placebo (median 11 days vs 15 days, respectively, P<0.001). It also trended toward a survival benefit (8.0% mortality rate in remdesivir group vs 11.6% in placeboP=0.059), the NIAID said in a statement.

Time to recovery is a metric often used in influenza trials, the agency noted, and was defined as hospital discharge or returning to normal activity level. An independent data and safety monitoring board performed this interim analysis on April 27.
NIAID director Anthony Fauci, MD, said the drug showed a "clear cut positive effect" and added, "this will be the standard of care," according to CNBC.
White House pool reports of additional comments by Fauci indicated full results have been submitted to a peer-reviewed journal.
The trial included repatriated citizens from the Diamond Princess cruise ship, the NIAID said in February when announcing the study, and the study ultimately was comprised of 68 sites, including 47 in the U.S. and 21 in Europe and Asia. Hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and evidence of lung involvement would receive either 200 mg of remdesivir on the first day, followed by 100 mg for up to 10 days total, or placebo treatment in equal amounts.

Participants were scheduled to be evaluated at day 15 from both groups for clinical benefit, according to the release, and scored on a seven-point scale that ranged from "fully recovered" to "death." This scale would be re-evaluated after reviewing data from the first 100 patients, the agency said.
In a separate statement on Wednesday, Gilead also announced top-line results for one of its phase III SIMPLE trials, an international study comparing a 5-day to a 10-day course of remdesivir in severe COVID-19 but without a no-remdesivir control group. It found no significant difference in clinical improvement between the 5-day and the 10-day group (OR 0.75, 95% CI 0.51-1.12) on day 14, the company said.
A shorter regimen could enable more patients to be treated with the drug, Gilead explained.
Clinical improvement was defined as an improvement of two or more points on a pre-determined seven-point scale. Eligible patients had evidence of pneumonia and reduced oxygen levels, but did not require mechanical ventilation, the manufacturer added. Clinical recovery was defined as patients no longer needing oxygen support and medical care or being discharged from the hospital.

 Again, if you're looking for more information about the water, just CLICK HERE.  

I've had conversations with people who bought machines recently, and we are all so relieved to have a machine during these uncertain times. Please note that, because of high demand for these machines, the orders are taking longer than usual to process. But if you or a loved one has COVID-19 or cirrhosis during this lockdown, I can help you get the machine expedited.  Again, it's not a "treatment" or cure, but there are certain things we KNOW the body needs. Oxygen is one of them, circulation is another, and if you can find something that may help with both, I think it's worth looking into. 

Because I am unable to state, for sure, that the water does anything in particular, we offer a money back guarantee on these machines. You can try it for 4 weeks, and if you don't see a noticeable improvement in how you feel, you can send it back, and I will pay for your restocking fee and the shipping back to the company. You just have to fill out a form that shows you did, indeed, drink the water, every day, and send it to me once a week (I can give you more details when you get in touch). 

UPDATE: The company that makes the water machines is actually offering FREE SHIPPING right now, to help people out during this pandemic.

We look forward to speaking with you.



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