IF YOU HAVE CIRRHOSIS YOU MUST BE UNDER A DOCTOR'S CARE. PERIOD. Cirrhosis is an extremely serious condition that can be fatal. If you try any of the supplements on this page, you should do so with caution. Just because they worked for my husband, doesn't mean that they will work for you. Yes, I think these supplements on this page can help most people with cirrhosis. But that doesn't mean it's any kind of guarantee that they will, and I cannot tell you exactly how much would be the right amount (or a safe amount) for you to take, personally. I'm not a doctor and can't give medical advice.
My husband got better through a combination of medical care and his own experimentation, and everything we did, INCLUDING seeing doctors... WAS AT OUR OWN RISK. When you are in stage 4 cirrhosis, just about everything you do can be a risk. It is your responsibility to look up EVERY SINGLE MEDICATION AND SUPPLEMENT you are on, and be fully aware of their side effects. I recommend you do this through WebMD - you can go to their database by CLICKING HERE.
(UPDATE 5/15/15): Please note that Jake is no longer taking any of the supplements on this page, except for the Vitamin D3 and Detox Water, because he is doing so well, he doesn't feel that he needs them. However I want to keep them here because I think you might want to know about them! Every little bit of info helps. The Water seems to work very well as a way to reduce scar tissue
To learn more about the water please go to THIS PAGE.
I wanted to make a page that listed what I consider to be the most important supplements, when it comes to reducing or breaking down fibrosis (scar tissue) in the liver, or reducing the inflammation that causes it. Please note that I will be adding to this list as I learn of new things that may help. I welcome suggestions from anyone who has had a positive experience in reducing liver fibrosis through a supplement.
The ones I have been able to find, which do this, are below. You can click on the links to see the type I bought for my husband. I decide which ones to buy, based on cost/value, reviews, and whether or not I will be able to get the hubby to take them (for example, it's a lot easier to get him to take 2 vitamin D pills that are 5,000 IU each, than 5 pills that are 2,000 IU each).
I am also made a page of Super Nutrient Supplements that help REBUILD the liver (not just break down scar tissue). You can see that list by clicking HERE. Always keep in mind, the liver (more than any other organ) has the ability to regenerate. Keep saying it like a mantra (and take good care of your health). The liver has the ability to regenerate. The liver has the ability to regenerate.
Please note that I am NOT a doctor, I'm NOT an expert on these supplements by any means, I have just done a lot of research and you are going to have to do the same. I'm just hoping to cut down some of the time you have to spend, looking for supplements that reduce scar tissue. Now that you know what they are, it's up to you to decide whether they are right for you.
Please note also that I believe it is important to monitor these "scar tissue reducing" supplements carefully, as some of them could make your blood thin. I have heard that Serrapeptase can cause bleeding (read the reviews to see what people say). I have also found that Astragalus (when I've taken it) makes my blood pretty thin. For example, if I cut myself, there will be about twice as much blood as usual. I still, personally, believe the supplements are worth taking, and that the benefits probably far outweigh the risks, but if you're going to take them, you need to monitor yourself and your body very carefully!
If you have cirrhosis of the liver, you are at a higher risk of bleeding in your esophagus or stomach, which can be fatal. And chances are good that your doctor will have prescribed some kind of antacid to reduce your risk of bleeding. HOWEVER, I firmly believe that you may be able to reduce your chances of "bleeding problems" by drinking ALOE VERA JUICE on a regular basis, taking a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar per day, and taking probiotics. Or by drinking detox water, which appears to be even stronger. Maybe this is just my opinion based on what I've read, but it seems to have worked very well for my husband. His esophagus looked GREAT when he had it examined way back in December, no bleeding varices and he was drinking Aloe and taking probiotics daily. You can read about Aloe Vera, and how it is beneficial for people with acid reflux and indigestion problems (which will likely be the case if you have cirrhosis) by CLICKING HERE. Please note also that ANTACIDS LIKE OMEPRAZOLE AND PANTOPRAZOLE ARE COMMONLY PRESCRIBED BY DOCTORS, TO PREVENT BLEEDING, BUT THEY ARE UNLIKELY TO TELL YOU THAT THESE ARE DANGEROUS TO TAKE IF YOU HAVE CIRRHOSIS, AS THEY CAN CAUSE FURTHER INFLAMMATION / SCARRING OF THE LIVER AND ACTUALLY MAKE YOUR CONDITION WORSE IN THE LONG RUN!!! And they are unlikely to ever recommend Aloe Vera Juice, which has no known side effects and is proven to help reduce acid reflux problems. You can read more about that by clicking HERE.
Supplements that break down scar tissue (click on the name if you want to see the type I buy on Amazon or read the reviews). Just scroll down the page to see the information I found, that shows these supplements may reduce fibrosis.
Detox Water (in my opinion this made a big difference in his Fibroscan score, based on what I saw with my husband, and a medical study I'd seen)
Serrapeptase * (He did this for a few months but stopped... more written below) If you're going to take Serrapeptase, you need to be aware it could have side effects, so please read THIS POST.
Salvia Miltiorrhiza**(I crush this up and put it in his shakes, as it has a strong smell and I don't think he'd be able to swallow it in pill form).
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract (have not ordered this yet but will soon)
Modified Citrus Pectin (about a tsp in his shake)
Vitamin C (Crystals) (I use powder so I can put it in his shakes)
Vitamin E (Note Jake has not taken this yet, though it was in his Visalus supplements)
Ji Xue Teng
Please note that, although PROBIOTICS are not on this list, I believe every person with cirrhosis could benefit from them. Not only can they cut your risk for encephalopathy in HALF (saw this in a study), but they can also make your stomach feel MUCH better and help prevent you from having to take PPI's (Aloe juice + Apple Cider Vinegar + Probiotics should help your stomach heal). Please note that if your doctor has you taking Proton Pump Inhibitors (like Prilosec, Nexium, Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, etc) for your stomach acid/indigestion / heartburn / acid reflux, etc., this can cause SCARRING OF THE LIVER. Even the FDA warns against taking PPI's for more than 6 weeks. Yes PPI's can keep your stomach from bleeding and if you're at a high risk for this type of bleeding the benefits may outweigh the risks, but your doctor probably hasn't told you that there ARE risks with taking PPI's, and I thought you should know about them. You can read more about the dangers of PPI's by clicking HERE.
*Jake was taking Serrapeptase and Nattokinase for the first month after his release from the hospital. It seemed to help, but we ran out, and there was a part of me that was worried it could have potential side effects, so he stopped taking it, but I think he should start up again, as long as he isn't experiencing any side effects. His eyes were looking pretty gaunt for a while but I believed that was from all the diuretics he was on. Now I think it may have been made worse from the proton pump inhibitors.
I am going to post more on this website, soon. I'm kind filling in the blanks as I go along, and will have links to go to separate pages, for each of the supplements above. If I find more supplements that have an anti-fibrotic effect, I will add them to this page.Here is a little more information about some of the supplements, pasted below:
Detox Water
If you request more information I will show you LOTS of published medical studies about this water. I cannot make medical claims or say 100 percent FOR SURE that this water caused the results of his fibroscan. He was always doing many different things at once, so I cannot say it was for sure this water, but based on a study I saw, it appears that this water could have the potential to reduce fibrosis.
Although I may not have absolute proof of WHAT caused his fibroscan to show he is down to Stage 2 liver disease, and the fact that he has FIBROSIS, not cirrhosis, in my opinion this water was a critical factor. After he drank it he seemed to have better blood flow and circulation, reduced ammonia levels, his sleep improved, his energy improved (after he drank it he wanted to see how fast he could run a mile) and it's also recommended by thousands of doctors (NOT in the US). You can learn a little more about the water by clicking HERE.
Although I may not have absolute proof of WHAT caused his fibroscan to show he is down to Stage 2 liver disease, and the fact that he has FIBROSIS, not cirrhosis, in my opinion this water was a critical factor. After he drank it he seemed to have better blood flow and circulation, reduced ammonia levels, his sleep improved, his energy improved (after he drank it he wanted to see how fast he could run a mile) and it's also recommended by thousands of doctors (NOT in the US). You can learn a little more about the water by clicking HERE.
Please note, the company itself makes NO claims to prevent, cure, or treat any disease, whatsoever. It's just water, that appears to have beneficial properties.
Please note that we just did this for a few months, and stopped, due to the fact that I was worried Jake could be experiencing side effects from it (some Amazon reviewers had mentioned side effects) but I want to point out that those side effects could EASILY have been from the Proton Pump Inhibitors he was taking, and NOT the Serrapeptase. Basically, I was concerned that Jake's eyes were starting to look MORE sunken in as time progressed, while I had no idea that the Proton Pump Inhibitor (Pantoprazole... which is an acid blocker) he was taking was actually causing MORE scarring of the liver while he was taking it. So I don't want to give Serrapeptase a bad rap when it actually could have been just fine, we just don't know because he was taking the PPIs at the same time. Please, please read my post about proton pump inhibitors (aka Prilosec, Nexium, The Purple Pill, Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, Prevacid... any type of acid blocker... if you have cirrhosis you MUST know about these).
(from this page):
An especially powerful enzyme is serrapeptase, which is a proteolytic enzyme derived from a species of bacteria originally found in the intestines of silkworms. The bacteria Serratia marcescens E1 produces Serrapeptase, an enzyme that enables the silkworm to dissolve its tough cocoon and emerge as the silkworm moth. Serratia is produced by fermented cultures. Studies have shown that serrapeptase reduces scar tissue, improves tissue healing and significantly reduces inflammation.
You can read more about it HERE.
In clinical studies, Serrapeptase has been shown to break down clots (fibrinolysis), reduce inflammation, and reduce swelling due to fluid retention (edema), but the biggest reason to choose Serrapeptase is to reduce pain. Serrapeptase is able to block the release of pain-inducing amines from inflamed tissues, providing welcome relief to people (and animals) suffering from chronic pain.
This one had really good reviews:
iSerra 250,000 SPU: 1 Best Recommended Serrapeptase Supplement - 250,000 SPU Per Capsule - Maximum Potency - 90 Delayed Release Capsules - Promotes Overall Body Health - 30 Days Money Back Guarantee.
This brand Ultimate Bio-Fibrin ®
also seems to have good reviews.
From this page
An anti-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory drug that has been approved for use with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in other countries has failed to receive approval in the US. While conventional medicine has yet to find a solution to reverse pulmonary fibrosis, systemic enzyme therapy provides hope. Used safely for more than 50 years, systemic enzymes are a natural and effective way to improve the body’s overall response to injury, providing a first line of defense against inflammation.
Serrapeptase and nattokinase are powerful systemic enzymes that act upon protein-based complexes, such as the fibrin that makes up scars, at and around damaged tissue. Nattokinase is particularly effective because it enhances the body's natural ability to fight excess fibrin deposits in several different ways. It dissolves fibrin directly and appears to enhance the body's natural production of both plasmin and other clot-dissolving enzymes. Additionally, research shows serrapeptase significantly reduces the viscosity of mucus in the lungs and nasal passageways, improving airflow.
Systemic enzyme blends which include these powerful proteases can be made a part of an aggressive and continual approach to combatting pulmonary fibrosis. Maintaining a highly therapeutic enzyme program with proper breathing exercises can help control and even reduce many of the problems associated with fibrosis.
Being involved in your own treatment and staying as healthy as possible are essential to living with interstitial lung disease.
Circumin Could Delay Liver Damage, Cirrhosis
From this page: http://www.ihealthtube.com/aspx/article.aspx?id=3170
A new study published in the gastroenterology and hepatology journal Gut indicates that curcumin may be a viable option for slowing down liver damage and cirrhosis.
Researchers in Austria decided to study diseases of the bile duct stating: "Chronic cholangiopathies (bile duct diseases) have limited therapeutic options and represent an important indication for liver transplantation. Curcumin, the yellow pigment of the spice turmeric, has pleiotropic (multiple effect) actions and attenuates hepatic damage in animal models of chemically-induced liver injury. Whether curcumin has beneficial effects in cholangiopathies is unknown." Thus, the study was undertaken.
When the liver’s bile ducts swell, scar and become blocked, irreversible and usually fatal cirrhosis and liver damage can develop. Genetic predisposition, disease, excessive alcohol intake or injury can lead to this condition. In the study, curcumin was administered to lab mice for periods of four to eight weeks. These mice were given chemically induced liver injuries, and those with curcumin diets had significantly reduced liver damage. Specifically, it improved the condition known as sclerosing cholangitis, an autoimmune disorder.
Curcumin was thought to have multiple effects, all of which influenced the beneficial results for liver health. One effect was the inhibition of signal pathways necessary for inflammation to occur, slowing the progress of scarring which leads to reduced bile duct blockage and liver cell (hepatocyte) damage.
The authors of the study commented that since the standard treatment for liver disease, other than transplantation, involves an acid whose long-term effects are unknown, curcumin presents an exciting alternative in need of further study.
This one had the highest reviews on Amazon:
Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg. Highest Potency Available. Premium Pain Relief & Joint Support with 95% Standardized Curcuminoids. Non-GMO, Gluten Free Turmeric Capsules with Black Pepper
We have been giving away a box of the highest quality Turmeric, for people who get water and PEMF machines from us (this particular type is SUPER strong and retails for $90 a box). If you want to see the results that Ricky got with his edema, CLICK HERE.
Hemodynamic effects of Salvia miltiorrhiza on cirrhotic rats.
Salvia miltiorrhiza (Sm) administration has been shown to reduce hepatic fibrosis in rats. We investigated the hemodynamic effects of Sm on bile duct ligated (BDL) rats. Hemodynamic, histological, and vascular contractile studies were conducted in rats 4 weeks after bile duct ligation. An aqueous extract of Sm (0.2 g twice per day) or vehicle was administered for 4 weeks to BDL rats. Sm treatment in BDL rats significantly reduced histological grades of fibrosis and ameliorated the portal hypertensive state (including portal venous pressure, superior mesenteric artery blood flow, cardiac index, and total peripheral resistance) as compared with vehicle treatment. Moreover, Sm treatment enhanced the vascular sensitivity of mesenteric arteries to phenylephrine in BDL rats. Sm treatment had no effect on plasma biochemical profiles of either BDL or normal rats. Our results suggest that 4-week Sm treatment ameliorates the portal hypertensive state in BDL rats.
Effect of Dashen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) Injection on Pre-thrombotic State of Chronic Hepatitis B with Cirrhosis
Zhao Xuchun,Liu Yinghan,Zhang Jianping,et al. (Hospital of Infectious Diseases of Zhangjiakou City,Hebei 075000)
Objective:To study clinical effects of Dashen Injectio on pre-thrombotic state of chronic hepatitis B with cirrhosis.Methods:Patients of pre-thrombotic state of chronic hepatitis B with cirrhosis were randomly divided into a treatment group and a control group,49 cases in each.The control group were treated with liver-protecting treatment,and the treatment group was added with Danshen Injectio based on the control.Both groups were treated for 4 weeks.Results:There were significant differences in all indexes of pre-thrombotic state either before and after treatment in the treatment group (all P0.01),or between both groups(all P0.01).Conclusion:Danshen Injectio has therapeutic effect on pre-thrombotic state of chronic hepatitis B with cirrhosis.
[Influence of Salvia miltiorrhizae and Astragalus membranaceus on hemodynamics and liver fibrosis indexes in liver cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension].
[Article in Chinese]
To observe the influence of Salvia miltiorrhiza (SM) and Astragalus membranaceus (AM) on hemodynamics and liver fibrosis indexes in patients of liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension.
Eighty-four cases of liver cirrhosis were enrolled and divided randomly into two groups, 42 in each. The control group was treated with conventional therapy and the tested group treated with SM and AM. The parameters, including diameter of portal vein and splenic vein (Dpv and Dsv), speed of blood flow in portal vein and splenic vein (Spv and Ssv), quantity of blood flow in portal vein and splenic vein (Qpv and Qsv) as well as liver fibrosis indexes, such as HA, PC III and LN, were determined before, 1, 2 and 3 months after treatment.
After treatment, in the tested group, Dpv and Dsv decreased, Spv and Ssv increased, and Qpv and Qsv reduced, showing a significant difference in comparison with those in the control group (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). The liver fibrosis indexes were improved significantly in the tested group, also showed significant difference from those in the control group (P < 0.01).
SM and AM could improve portal hypertension effectively in liver cirrhosis patients, one of the mechanism may be related with the improvement of liver fibrosis.
CPD 861
What is Cpd 861 (Compound 861)?
Article from this page.
Compound 861. Known as cpd 861, this is an aqueous extract of 10 defined herbs based on traditional Chinese medicine. The aim of traditional Chinese medicine is resolution of blood stasis and liver stagnation, two conditions that form the basis of liver pathology and patient discomfort.70 The chief herbs used in cpd 861 are Salvia miltiorrhiza, Astragalus membranaceous, and Spatholobus suberectus (Note from Ellie: Please note that Spatholobus suberectus is sold under the Chinese herbal name Ji Xue Teng, also called Milletia, which I was able to find on Amazon, HERE.
Rats with experimental liver fibrosis showed a 50% reduction of the 5-fold increased hepatic collagen level when cpd 861 was administered daily by gavage.72 This was accompanied by a comparable down-regulation of hepatic messenger RNA for transforming growth factor
1 and for procollagens I, III, and IV, as well as by increased hepatic collagenase activity. Because procollagen messenger RNAs, major effectors of liver fibrogenesis, were also down-regulated in cultures of hepatic stellate cells, a direct antifibrotic effect was proposed.73 From 1993 to 1995, 60 patients with chronic hepatitis B were treated in an open trial with cpd 861.71 After 2 years, subjective improvement was reported by 50 patients (83%), and this was accompanied by a reduction in spleen size in 41% and a decrease in liver enzyme levels and serum fibrosis markers such as PIIINP and laminin. In a nonrandomized controlled trial, 22 patients with chronic hepatitis B were treated with cpd 861 for 6 months and compared with 12 matched patients receiving a control herbal medicine.74
Follow-up liver biopsy results showed a statistically significant improvement in both histological inflammation and fibrosis in the cpd 861 group but no change in the control subjects.
Rats with experimental liver fibrosis showed a 50% reduction of the 5-fold increased hepatic collagen level when cpd 861 was administered daily by gavage.72 This was accompanied by a comparable down-regulation of hepatic messenger RNA for transforming growth factor

Follow-up liver biopsy results showed a statistically significant improvement in both histological inflammation and fibrosis in the cpd 861 group but no change in the control subjects.
New findings: The anti-fibrotic mechanism of plant extract Cpd 861
In human hepatic stellate cells, the key cells involved in both the synthesis and degradation of matrix proteins (mainly collagens) in the liver, the plant extract Cpd 861 can regulate the expression levels of collagen synthesis and degradation-related genes, thus demonstrating an antifibrotic effect. This research, performed by Dr. Xue-Hai Tan and his colleagues at the Beijing Genomics Institute, was published on March 21, 2008, in the World Journal of Gastroenterology.
Hepatic fibrosis, which can lead to portal hypertension or cirrhosis, is a wound-healing response to chronic liver injuries due to a variety of insults. The altered balance between the synthesis and degradation of matrix proteins (mainly collagens) is the major pathogenic feature in the hepatic fibrosis process. Although remarkable progress has been made recently in understanding the mechanisms of hepatic fibrosis and while numerous agents have been studied, very few effective antifibrogenic drugs have been approved for use in humans.
Previous research has showed that Cpd 861, which was formulated by one the authors (Dr. Bao-En Wang) in accordance with traditional Chinese medical theory, can significantly improve the clinical manifestations and biochemical parameters of patients with hepatic fibrosis. Their recent work found that the antifibrotic function of Cpd 861 is mediated not only by inhibiting collagen synthesis (by downregulating collagen type III gene expression) but also by enhancing the degradation of collagens (by increasing the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1, which is an enzyme that degrades collagens). These effects are different from those of Western antifibrogenic drugs (such as interferon- gamma).
The authors explain that the herbs used to prepare Cpd 861 have been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the results of this research could allow for the development of effective antifibrogenic drugs from Chinese medicinal herbs.
Using human hepatic stellate cells and a real-time quantitative PCR method, this research was performed by physicians from the Beijing Genomics Institute, the Liver Research Center of the Beijing Friendship Hospital, and the Institute of Medicinal Plant Development of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China.
Further research should be done to explain the mechanism for Cpd 861's regulation of collagen-related gene expression and to identify the active antifibrotic ingredient in Cpd 861.
Another article:
[The effect of Cpd 861 on chronic hepatitis B related fibrosis and early cirrhosis: a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial].
[Article in Chinese]
To further assess the clinical antifibrotic efficacy of Cpd 861 on chronic hepatitis B related fibrosis and early cirrhosis using a randomized, double blind, and placebo controlled clinical trial.
Total 136 patients with HBV-related fibrosis and early cirrhosis were allocated randomly into Cpd 861 treatment group and placebo group for 24 weeks treatment. Serum fibrosis markers including hyaluronic acid (HA), IV collagen (IV-C), amino terminal propeptide of type III procollagen (PIIIP), and laminin (LN) and serum MMP1, 2, 9, TIMP1, 2 level were determined before and after 24 weeks treatment. Liver biopsies before and after 24 weeks of treatment were assessed according to modified Scheuer and Chevallier's scoring system.
Total 52 patients in Cpd 861 treatment group and 50 patients in placebo-controlled group completed the 6 months. ALT level decreased from 68.2 U/L+/-68.6 U/L to 45.9 U/L+/-26.1 U/L, AST level decreased from 60.4 U/L+/-62.6 U/L to 46.7 U/L+/-39.0 U/L (P < 0.05) after 24 weeks treatment, whereas there was no significant change in placebo group (ALT: 65.3 U/L+/-48.3 U/L to 85.4 U/L+/-115.5 U/L; AST: 60.4 U/L+/-44.6 U/L to 77.6 U/L+/-89.6 U/L, P > 0.05). Serum fibrosis markers, including HA, IV-C, PIIIP, and LN were decreased after treatment, but there is no statistically significant compared with placebo group. Compared with placebo group, serum TIMP1 and MMP9 level decreased significantly (TIMP1 172.0 ng/ml+/-79.6 ng/ml vs 133.5 ng/ml+/-66.8 ng/ml; MMP9 116.1 ng/ml+/-88.2 ng/ml vs 80.4 ng/ml+/-79.0 ng/ml), and the ratio of TIMP1/MMP1 (48.3+/-96.3 vs 19.9+/-28.0) were also decreased after 861 treatment. In patients treated with Cpd 861, hepatic inflammatory score (from 14.0+/-6.0 to 10.2+/-6.1), fibrosis score (from 11.9+/-6.5 to 8.2+/-4.5), and relative content of collagen (from 18.9%+/-9.5% to 14.9%+/-8.4%) decreased significantly. In contrast, there was no significant change in placebo group. The reversal (fibrosis score decrease > or = 2) rate of fibrosis in Cpd 861 group was 38.9% in S2, 53.3% in S3 (precirrhotic) and 78.6% in S4 (cirrhosis), significantly higher than those in placebo group (14.3%, 25.0%, and 41.7%, respectively). The overall reversal rate was 52.0% in Cpd 861 group, and 20.0% in placebo group (P < 0.05). No serious adverse effects were observed during Cpd 861 treatment.
Liver fibrosis and early cirrhosis due to HBV infection in man could be definitely reversed by herbal remedy Cpd 861.
Vitamin D3
You can read more about Vitamin D, and how it helps fibrosis, by clicking HERE. But here are the- basic highlights:
- Now, in a new study published in the journal Cell, scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studieshave discovered that a synthetic form of vitamin D, calcipotriol (a drug already approved by the FDA for the treatment of psoriasis), deactivates the switch governing the fibrotic response in mouse liver cells, suggesting a potential new therapy for fibrotic diseases in humans."Because there are currently no
effective drugs for liver fibrosis, we believe our findings would open a new door for treatment," says
senior author Ronald M. Evans, a professor in Salk's Gene Expression Laboratory and lead researcher
in the Institute's new Helmsley Center for Genomic Medicine.The Salk study focused on a star-shaped
"stellate" cell in the liver that serves as a beacon for damage. When called into action, stellate cells
produce fibrotic proteins in an attempt to heal an injury. Under chronic stress, however, localized
fibrosis expands, eventually leading to cirrhosis, increased risk of liver cancer, and the need for a liver
transplant in advanced cases.The Evans lab discovered a genetic switch through which vitamin D-related
ligands such as calcitriol, a hormonally active form of the vitamin, can put the brakes on fibrosis.
"Preclinical results suggest the 'vitamin D brake' is highly efficacious and led us to believe that the time
is right to consider a trial in the context of chronic liver disease," says Evans, a Howard Hughes Medical
Institute Investigator and holder of the March of Dimes Chair in Molecular and Developmental Biology.
Previous studies have shown a physiologic role for vitamin D in liver function, but "it was our discovery
of high levels of vitamin D receptor (VDR) in the stellate cell that led us to consider it as a possible off
switch for liver fibrosis," says lead author Ning Ding, a research associate in the Gene Expression
Laboratory."Current therapeutic approaches, which treat the symptoms of liver disease, don't stop liver
fibrosis from progressing," says Michael Downes, a senior staff scientist in the Gene Expression
Laboratory and co-corresponding author on the paper. "In liver diseases where the underlying cause
cannot be cured, progression to cirrhosis is currently inevitable in some people. What we have
discovered is that by acting on the genome, VDR can simultaneously defend against multiple fibrotic
activators. This is important because many different pro-fibrotic signaling pathways converge on the
genome to affect their fibrotic response."The Salk discovery that calcipotriol counters the fibrotic
response in stellate cells illuminates a potentially safer, more effective strategy capable of neutralizing
multiple convergent fibrotic triggers.The Salk scientists say that clinical trials of the vitamin D analog
for the treatment of liver fibrosis are being planned. The synthetic vitamin D analog is better than natural
vitamin D, they say, for a couple of reasons. First, natural vitamin D, which is found in small amounts
in a few foods and produced in the body by exposure to sunlight, degrades quickly, while synthetic
versions of vitamin D are less susceptible to breakdown. Second, too much natural vitamin D can cause
hypercalcemia, or elevated calcium in the blood, which can lead to nausea and vomiting, frequent
urination, muscle weakness and joint aches and pain. The synthetic vitamin D analog, on the other
hand, produces a strong response without adding calcium to the blood.
Liver fibrosis results from an excessive accumulation of tough, fibrous scar tissue and occurs in most - types of chronic liver diseases. In industrialized countries, the main causes of liver injury leading to
- fibrosis include chronic hepatitis virus infection, excess alcohol consumption and, increasingly,
- nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).
Ginkgo leaf

You can read the full article here: http://www.itmonline.org/arts/fibrosis.htm Study 2: Treatment of Liver Fibrosis with Ginkgo Leaf (2)Gingko leaf (see: Ginkgo) is a blood vitalizing herb that has flavonoids and glycosides as active components. In this study, 86 out-patients with chronic hepatitis B were treated either with ginkgo tablets that each contained 2.4 mg ginkgolide and 9.6 mg flavones or with Yiganling Tablet (for which the main active component was silymarin, extract of milk thistle, 35 mg/tablet). The dosing was 10 tablets each time of the ginkgo and 3 tablets each time of the silymarin (silybin), three times daily. In addition, all patients received appropriate medical care that did not include other agents known to have anti-fibrosis activity or immune effects. Treatment time was three months. To determine effect on liver fibrosis, measurements were made of blood content of hyaluronic acid, collagen type IV, laminin, pro-collagen peptide type III, and platelet activating factor (PAF). In addition, some patients underwent liver biopsy.The authors commented: It was found in this study that the serum level of PAF was elevated in patients with chronic hepatic cirrhosis, and in those after anti-fibrosis treatment [the gingko tablets], it could be lowered along with improving of the liver fibrosis in a positively correlated manner, suggesting that PAF participates in the genesis and development of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis.Ginkgo glycoside ß, one of the chief components of ginkgo leaf, is a strong PAF receptor antagonist....It was reported that good effect was obtained by using composite ginkgo leaf granule, containing ginkgo leaf and 9 other Chinese herbs to treat early stage liver fibrosis, with evident improvement in blood level of superoxide dismutase [SOD, a well known antioxidant] and malondialdehyde [MDA, an indicator of lipid peroxidation activity]. It illustrated that the ginkgo preparation has anti-lipid peroxidation effects and can reduce the injury by oxygen free radicals on liver cells. Similar therapeutic effect has also been obtained by the authors by applying the ginkgo preparation in treating acute hepatitis with severe jaundice.Results in this study showed that, after treatment for three months, the clinical effect of ginkgo preparation was markedly superior to that of Yiganling Tablet (silybin)....These results indicate that ginkgo leaf has obvious effects of liver protection, anti-inflammation, and anti-fibrosis, and may even reverse liver fibrosis.
Curr Gene Ther. 2004 Mar;4(1):123-36.
TGF-beta: a fibrotic factor in wound scarring and a potential target for anti-scarring gene therapy.
Hypertrophic scar and keloid are common and difficult to treat diseases in plastic surgery. Results of wound healing research over the past decades have demonstrated that transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) plays an essential role in cutaneous scar formation. In contrast, fetal wounds, which heal without scarring, contain a lower level of TGF-beta than adult wounds. How to translate the discovery of basic scientific research into the clinical treatment of wound scarring has become an important issue to both clinicians and basic researchers. The development of gene therapy techniques offers the potential to genetically modify adult wound healing to a healing process similar to fetal wounds, and thus reduces wound scarring. This article intends to review the roles of TGF-beta in the formation of wound scarring, the possible strategies of antagonizing wound TGF-beta, and our preliminary results of scar gene therapy, which show that wound scarring can be significantly reduced by targeting wound TGF-beta.
- 15032619
- DOI:
- 10.2174/1566523044578004
- [Indexed for MEDLINE]
Immunopharmacology. 1990 Sep-Oct;20(2):89-96.
Thymosin alpha 1 and thymosin beta 4 modulate human colonic lamina propria lymphocyte function.
Thymosin alpha 1 and thymosin beta 4 are two thymosin fraction 5-derived peptides with the capacity to alter a variety of immune functions in human and animal models. In this study we investigated the effect of both thymosin alpha 1 and thymosin beta 4 on human colonic lamina propria lymphocyte (LPL) proliferation and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity. LPL from eighteen human colon specimens were cultured in the presence or absence of thymosin alpha 1 and thymosin beta 4. We found that both peptides suppressed thymidine incorporation into LPL. However, thymosin alpha 1 and thymosin beta 4 did not alter thymidine incorporation into phorbol ester (PDB) and calcium ionophore (ionomycin)-stimulated LPL. Furthermore, thymosin alpha 1 and thymosin beta 4 also did not alter ODC activity in Con A-stimulated LPL. These results suggest that both peptides alter LPL proliferation, and that the mechanism for this inhibition may not involve the calcium fluxes or the ODC pathway but may involve protein kinase C. We postulate that thymosin alpha 1 and thymosin beta 4 may participate in the modulation of the human mucosal immune system.
- 2266003
- DOI:
- 10.1016/0162-3109(90)90011-3
- [Indexed for MEDLINE]
Type 1 procollagen as a marker of severity of scarring after sternotomy: effects of topical corticosteroids.
determine whether the abundance of newly formed collagen in healing
surgical wounds correlated with scar severity, and whether topical
application of steroid cream reduced new collagen formation in patients
who have undergone median sternotomy. METHODS--Thirty three patients six
weeks after sternotomy, and 12 controls were studied. Scars were
photographed, and biopsy specimens from scars at sites treated or
untreated with topical corticosteroids (clobetasol proprionate 0.5%)
were examined using immunohistochemical staining for type 1 procollagen
(PCP 1) and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), and in situ
hybridisation for type 1 procollagen messenger RNA (mRNA). RESULTS--The
degree of hypertrophy of the scar and the abundance of PCP 1
immunostaining were ranked independently, blind, and a correlation
between these two variables was observed (r = 0.604, p < 0.001). The
PCP 1 immunostaining was accompanied by a great abundance of PCP 1 mRNA
and only a slight increase in TGF-beta immunostaining, when compared
with normal skin or mature scars. Following the application of topical
corticosteroids, for either 48 hours or twice daily for seven days,
there was no reduction in PCP 1 immunostaining nor the abundance of PCP 1
mRNA. CONCLUSIONS--These data suggest that the extent of new collagen
formation as assessed by PCP 1 immunohistochemistry may be a useful
marker of the exuberance of the scarring process following sternotomy,
and that topical corticosteroids are ineffective in reducing this
component of the fibrotic response.
Again, you can see the list of Super Nutrient Supplements that help REBUILD the liver (not just break down scar tissue) by clicking HERE. Always keep in mind, the liver (more than any other organ) has the ability to regenerate. Keep saying it like a mantra (and take good care of your health). The liver has the ability to regenerate. The liver has the ability to regenerate.
As recently as January of 2014, a small pharmaceutical company called Intercept Pharmaceuticals quit its phase III test of a Galectin-3 inhibitor because the drug worked so well, and there was therefore no scientific need to continue the study to prove its effectiveness.
I did some research and found a natural inhibitor if Galectin-3, called MCP (Modified Citrus Pectin), which I thought you might be interested in There is credible research behind this natural substance, including research by the NIH and others:
I hope this helps your husband. And Thank you for putting this well-researched list together.
Thanks for this information, I read the article and I will keep my eyes open for more about Intercept Pharmaceuticals. But of course, I like your suggestion of MCP even better : ). I saw it has great reviews on Amazon and I had never heard of it till you mentioned it. Thanks so much, I am planning to get some! Really appreciate you taking the time to post this, and to help others as well. Thank God for the internet... otherwise I wouldn't know about so many alternative treatments that work!
ReplyDeleteThank you for acknowledging my comment, and I sincerely hope it helps. I would be very interested to know that which natural substances your husband has taken, and in what amounts, since I myself am trying to reverse liver damaged caused by years of NSAID use in addition to too much alcohol consumption.
ReplyDeleteI am quite impressed with the screenshot you took of your husband's MELD score! That is TRULY awesome news!!!
If there were some way to contact you that would be great. But you could also post the information on your site if you would prefer that too.
Thank you again for your suggestion, and I am sorry to hear that you have liver damage also... but i'm very hopeful for you. Have you looked into PEMF? it sounds amazing!!
ReplyDeleteI welcome any and all suggestions by any readers who have an experience with something that may help!
When I have time I will try to write, in more detail, the exact amounts of what supplements, that my hubby has been taking, but for the most part I can tell you I just give him what it says on the bottle : )
Also I have been reading about magnetized water.... sounds pretty interesting. I know this stuff may sound wacky to some but there is often real scientific proof behind these things!
Because of privacy issues I am not able to publish my personal info, but for you and anyone else who would like to contact me with a particular question, you can email me at healinglivercirrhosis at gmail dot com (I'm spelling it out that way to cut down on spam).
Thanks again for your suggestion!!!
An effective antifibrotic for resolution of liver disease has been developed, and is presently working its way thru the lengthy clinical trial process. Meanwhile you can 'google' it...it's made by Galectin Therapeutics and is GR-MD-02.
ReplyDeleteRead more here: http://galectintherapeutics.com
This is an excellent list. Thank you so much for taking the time to compile this.
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome. Please feel free to share how these supplements have worked for you.
ReplyDeleteAnything new re: fibrosis from anyone who'd like to share? I can add that I've had good luck with an antifibrotic herbal compound called Fuzheng Huayu (comprised of Dan Shen, Cordyceps, schisandra, Tao Ren, Gynostemma, pine pollen, and Vitamin E). Also, there's some new medical therapy presently in clinical trials re: MICRO RNA use in fibrosis (and in many other disease states......this is the infancy of gene therapy). Also, there's a new drug called Triciribine (and you may want to research AKT1 inhibition, in general, as an anti-fibrotic). This is what I know at the moment. Best wishes to all of you.
DeleteThat is good to hear, thanks for your input! So far my husband seems to be doing great and we can't wait to do a fibroscan. Based on the testimonials I've seen, I am really hopeful that it will show that the scarring on his liver has been reduced.
ReplyDeleteMost people live such a very busy lifestyle that they do not often pay attention to the food they eat or when they eat, which is why obesity is becoming more common. best turmeric supplement with black pepper
ReplyDeleteYou put two stars (**) at Astragalus and Salvia. What that means?
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ReplyDeleteUse citicoline,pterostilbene, resveratol, R-lipolic acid 300 to 600mg, inositol, NAC, and turmeric combined. Use 2 times a day, BioChem whey drink with cinnamon, and vanilla, rice milk. Use TMG crystals instead of SAMe, it is cheaper and more effective, mixed with beet crystals. Use luecin with TMG crystals. People who struggle with bilirubin issues, use artichoke and oxbile. Reducing ammonia use 5oo mg of L-Arginine with Non GMO Enzymedica Enzyme Defense in the morning on empty stomach, and 500 mg of L-Ornithine on empty stomach at night. Plus use yucca supplement 30 minutes after meal or with meal. Astragalus, white peony,schizandra, panax ginseng, raw tahini mixed with ground flaxseed and raw local honey, and Sheng Mai Pian should be taken together. Eat Walnuts, watermelon, and juiced carrots with kale, organic apple and whatever fruits and veggies along with rhubarb. Mix turmeric with MSM powder, Raw Alive coconut oil, raw local honey, celery seed, oregano, cayenne pepper, tarragon, curry powder, ground cumin, thyme, garlic powder, onion powder, white pepper, lemon peel, ground coriander seed, ground ginger, ground cardamom, paprika, ground mustard seed,dill weed, cilantro,parsely, basil, and perky pippali. I mix a 1/2 tablespoon of the dry ingredients together. Then I take 1TBS of dry mix and add 1TBS of the raw coconut oil, 1 tsp of raw honey, and cook it on medium low with vanilla almond milk. It took me a few times before I gained an acquired taste for this mix. I drink it at night. I also recommend CBD oil without THC every few hours in small amounts, especially for those with autoimmune hepatitis. All of these recommendations have medical journals. Too many for me to publish. I recommend diet be only 5 percent of one of the following each day meat, fish, eggs, beans, and gluetin. All of these create inflammation in the body. Get enough omega 3s from walnuts and ground flax seed. Then supplement with EPA and DHA. D3, QH with PQQ, milk thistle, coenzyme B, garlic oil, zinc, selenium,ginger, mint, and dandelion are great to incorporate. Castro oil wraps and charcoal wraps or paultices are important as well. Body brush before baths and showers. Use various essential oils in baths along with magnesium salt, apple cider vinegar, and food grade hydrogen peroxide. Always shower after these baths to remove toxins off of body. Mix aloe juice, mineral water, lemon, ginger, cucumber, and Stevie. Eat small amount of papaya seeds from fresh papaya, tastes yucky, but has good research on it's effectiveness. I mix and eat walnuts and pine nuts together. Sprouted beans and nuts are the best. To reduce edema use 1 cup watermelon juice daily, juice reddish leaves, soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight strain and drink in the mornings, soak chick peas overnight and drink juice in the morning. Eat lots of cucumbers and celery. Do yoga stretches that release aid and toxins from liver. Use the upside down back alighner to help facilitate the lymphatic system. Eat lots of berries and pomegranate. Good luck��