I think because I am all too familiar with addiction, I feel a certain kinship with people who have a hard time with alcohol (but the resources on this page will hopefully be able to help people with other addictions, too). I really want to help, since I've gotten to see, first hand, how destructive and expensive an addiction will become, if you let it go to far! And that is especially true for someone with liver disease or cirrhosis. It's not just the person with alcohol addiction that suffers, but the entire family. So please... if there is anything I can say or do, to motivate you to quit while you're ahead... I want to do that!!! I created a video just to talk to people who are trying to quit drinking, in the hopes I might be able to give you guys some support, and keep you from going down the same road as we did!

Basically, to me, addictions seem to come from some simple things that CAN be beat, if you make the effort. I think addiction usually boils down to:
a) Wanting a state change
b) Seeing yourself as f***ed up in some way (I talk about that in the video on this page)
c) Dealing with some kind of repression
d) An actual physical addiction to the thing, that you need to separate yourself from. You can do it, it just takes time!
Again - although I was never an alcoholic, I feel like there is a reason I went through this whole ordeal with my husband. If you listen to this video, hopefully you'll see why. Sorry guys, it does get really long, so you may want to just listen to it in spurts. Or, as I like to do... while you're folding laundry or doing dishes :D. Also, please be sure to check out some of the links that are further down the page,
When Jake went through a divorce several years ago, he saw a therapist who highly recommended this book Jake said he really liked it a lot, and has started listening to it again.
(Recovery Classics)
I know it is not about Anger, but I once heard that Depression is Anger Turned Inward. I believe that!
You can also download a version from Audible.com by clicking HERE. My husband actually listened to this on cassette tapes (and loved it... he just told me again recently).
8/30/16: UPDATE, For anyone who has been affected by physical or sexual abuse. This is a REALLY common thing for a lot of people. I recommend you check out this book, Landscapes of the Heart,
by Gregg Tyler Milligan, whom I just saw on Oprah's website after he
did a brave interview about sexual abuse by his own mother.
I have
spoken with a lot of people who turned to alcohol (or food or other substances) because they were
victims of physical or sexual abuse. If this was the case for you... obviously I don't need to tell you it's not your fault. But I'm going to say it anyway. It's not your fault!
I was a
victim, to a degree, myself, and it is part of what caused me to develop
self destructive behavior and an eating disorder in my teens and 20s
(and I think this is why I have a certain kinship with a lot of
alcoholics)! Thankfully, I no longer have an eating disorder, and I'm
not going to let my abuser continue to be a negative influence on my
life when he's been dead for almost 30 years. The best we can do is heal
from our past and vow to become stronger and help others to not suffer or tolerate
that same kind of abuse.
This is the book by Gregg Tyler Milligan. Please check it out if you can.
If you're trying to quit drinking,
these are the posts I want to share with you the most:
It's Cool NOT To Drink! Watch these Inspirational Videos to See Why Life Without Alcohol Can Be a Beautiful Thing!
Very Inspiring Videos and Books About Beating Addiction
Very Inspiring Videos and Books About Beating Addiction
Life Without Alcohol - Perspective of the Wife of an Alcoholic... Our lives are so much better now!
How to Quit Drinking - Some books on the subject of Alcoholism and living with an Alcoholic
Dealing with Depression and Anxiety - Resources for Getting the Help You Need
Overcoming the Anxiety and Depression that Leads to Alcohol Abuse (an affordable program for anxiety and depression)
The Sinclair Method has a 78% Success Rate - Please Read if You're Trying to Stop Drinking
Stop Over-Drinking - By Brooke Castillo
How to Quit Drinking - Some books on the subject of Alcoholism and living with an Alcoholic
Dealing with Depression and Anxiety - Resources for Getting the Help You Need
Overcoming the Anxiety and Depression that Leads to Alcohol Abuse (an affordable program for anxiety and depression)
The Sinclair Method has a 78% Success Rate - Please Read if You're Trying to Stop Drinking
Stop Over-Drinking - By Brooke Castillo
The Likely Cause of Addiction - a Really Interesting Article I had to Share
Childhood trauma leads to lifelong chronic illness
Childhood trauma leads to lifelong chronic illness
Hope this helps! Hang in there, guys. If me and my husband could get a handle on our addictions, so can you!
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