This is one of my recent testimonials. Thanks so much to Scott, for letting me use this : )
In early May of last year, I was contacted by a really nice guy in Indiana (Scott), whose wife had all the classic symptoms of cirrhosis. The doctors didn't give her a MELD score, but based on the bloodwork he shared with me, I believe it was 24 (I used the MELD score calculator on this page). Scott was willing to do just about anything to save his wife.

Scott ordered a water machine from us on May 19th.
This is a letter from Scott's wife's doctor on July 5, 2018.
This is a text message I got from Scott, earlier this year. I hadn't spoken with him in a while, as I had a busy year, taking care of my stepmom while she had cancer. But I always tell my clients to call me direct, any time they have questions. When people get machines from us, I LIKE to hear from them, and I tell people, don't ever feel like you're bugging me, because I want to know what's going on.
be honest, despite Scott's happiness about his wife's progress, I was
surprised that her MELD score wasn't lower than 14, since my friend / customer Amy was able to get her sister's MELD score down to a 6, in just 6 weeks, after she bought a water machine and used the information I shared with her. Again, I am not able to give medical advice, but I was able to send him some additional
information I knew he'd want to see (because I knew the doctors wouldn't
share it with him)!
I got this text message from Scott, 3 months later:
Sometimes it really does help to get that extra feedback. Although I'm not able to TELL PEOPLE what to do, I am able to share specific information with my customers, based on what they tell me is going on with their loved ones (or themselves).
The thing is, a lot of people who are going through this kind of crisis are extremely stressed out and they're like a spinning top - totally overwhelmed, going to hospitals, talking to doctors, picking up medications, scheduling appointments, doing research on the internet, updating family members... often while trying to hold down a full time job while you're the only person in a household who is able to work!! (And many of the women I speak with have kids to take care of, to boot!) You're constantly worried that you could get fired because you're so distracted by everything that's going on. I TOTALLY GET IT. I've been there!!!
I know that is REALLY HARD to keep track of things when you're in this stressed-out state. I want to point out that my husband was never just doing the water. In my opinion, it was the most critical element to his overall healing, but he was always doing many different things at the same time (and still is). This is not a big deal. Both me and my husband are often doing 10 or 12 different things at a time, in order to maintain good health! That's just how it is, if you want to be as healthy as you can be!
When you feel really stressed out and overwhelmed, a LOT of stuff can slip through the cracks. So I like it when customers check in with me, because I'm able to give them feedback and information, based on what they tell me. If you've bought a machine from me, I WANT to hear from you! Again, I cannot give medical advice. I can't tell people what to do, but I CAN send specific emails and research studies, based on what I've learned over the last 7 years. I can tell my own clients what I would do for my own family member (or myself), and people can make their own decisions for themselves.
This testimonial is from my friend Amy (mentioned earlier), who got a machine to help her sister (who's MELD score was at 15 when she called me in early January of 2015). She got her score down to a 6, in 6 and a half weeks. People, this is unheard of. I don't think even the doctors had ever seen anything like it. It took my husband a whole year to get his MELD score down to even an 8, and we were doing everything we could think of.
You can see more of Amy's sister's story by clicking HERE. She was even able to heal a huge gaping wound on her leg, and her surgeon was dumbfounded. By the way, if you ever want to speak with Amy, I can arrange that. And for the people who get machines from us, I'm able to add you to my private blog, where I posted information she shared with me, about the specifics on what she did for her sister. Again, this is NOT medical advice. But I'm able to share this information, because it is the truth about what she did, and you can make your own decisions about what you'd like to do. Amy did some things differently from how I do things, but we also did a lot of the same things. It's up to you to decide what you'd like to do for yourself or your loved one.

Amy also sent me a screen shot of the text messages her sister sent to her, just a few weeks later.

Here are some photos sent by my friend Ricky. You can see his story by clicking HERE.

Here are 2 more testimonials:
This woman's MELD score was a "13" on April 29, 2016. It went down to a 7 within 3 months!
one is from a woman named Hilary from the UK, who allowed me to use her
testimonial but I am blocking out her last name : ). It was a little
extra work to get her a machine because she's in the UK and needed extra
paperwork. Usually a machine is very easy to order. But regardless,
it's worth it to get a machine!
And this is from one of my
closest girl friends (whom I'll call Nelly), who had a colleague (whom
I'll call Jeff) who had a brother with terminal cancer. I had been
delivering water to Jeff in huge 5 gallon bottles. The first machine I
sold, was to him. For a while Jeff sounded like he had given up hope,
because his brother was so sick, they had sent a priest to the house and
everyone thought he would die that weekend. But Jeff was determined,
and Nelly sent me this message:
Here's another testimonial from a woman who saw great difference in her daughter's bloodwork after being on the water for a few weeks.
And here is part of an email I got recently, from a woman whom I'll call Rebecca, who ordered a machine a few months ago, for her Mom. They thought the doctor was going to discuss transplant options, but then her mom was told her liver function tests were normal! She still is slightly anemic but I have seen this in a lot of cirrhosis patients, and Rebecca told me it is slowly improving (her Mom is taking Hemaplex, which I wrote about on this page). In this particular case it seemed that she did still have some issues with varices but I am under the impression that this is slowly improving (her INR is currently in a normal range). I am hopeful I can learn more about what works for her, so I can share it with you guys in the future. I learn a lot from each person I speak with!
I know it's been a while since I uploaded any stories, but I've been so swamped this last year and a half with super urgent issues and a family matter, I haven't been able to spend enough time on this blog. But this is a recent text I got, that I wanted to share. Thanks so much to Rennie for letting me share this : )
I have even more stories (from other people, in video format) I can share with people who request more information about the water (they're located on my private blog). If you want to see them, just fill out the form on THIS PAGE. Please note that the company that makes this machine is NOT making any medical claims to treat, prevent, or cure ANY disease. These are just people who happened to drink the water and maybe out of some stroke of sheer luck, they just happened to feel great. I can't state anything as fact, all I can do is guarantee that if you don't really like it yourself, then you can get your money back. You can contact me for more details Just fill out the contact form to request more information... click on the box to the left that has the glass of water on it, and if you're looking at this on a mobile phone, click on the link at the bottom of the page that says "view web version."
Thanks again to everyone who was willing to share their stories with me... I really appreciate it!
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