If you have Ascites, and are at risk for Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (or have it), PLEASE READ THIS!!! (Please be sure to read this whole page, including the side effects, which in my opinion are minor compared to the side effects of antibiotics, but you do need to know that oregano oil can interfere with iron production and it is also a blood thinner... these are issues that I've seen, at least in my own experience, can be addressed with the right supplements, but you should be educated about all supplements before taking them).
I recently heard from someone (whom I'll call Fred) who's wife (who has auto immune hepatitis and had a MELD score of 29) has spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. I know that spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is extremely dangerous to develop, and a person's prognosis is poor, once they develop this. This poor woman is currently in the hospital with a fever that is above 105 degrees, and I am PRAYING for her and her family that she can overcome this! Her husband said she was walking around before she went into the hospital, but after she did, her MELD score shot way up and she's been extremely sick, ever since.
I truly wish all doctors tested for Adverse Drug Reactions. If you're not already aware that iatrogenic disease (doctor-caused disease) is the #3 leading cause of death in the US, you should read THIS POST. And yet, I still have to tell you.... if you have cirrhosis... you need to be under the care of a physician.
There is actually a test you can take, to test your likelihood as to whether you will be a candidate for an adverse drug reaction, and in my opinion, ALL DOCTORS should have this test available, since it protects the patient, AND themselves, from a lawsuit, and many insurance companies cover it. I know of someone who works for a company that sells this test kit, so if you want to know more, fill out the contact form about the water and PEMF, indicate in the notes that you are inquiring about the test kit, and I will put you in touch with her.
I learned about Oregano oil after I saw this video, where a woman talked about how she used it to heal a serious tooth abscess. I used just a few drops a day and it WIPED OUT a severe tooth infection / abscess that had me on a pain scale of 10 out of 10 (seriously... I felt like I was going to pass out from the pain, and the Oregano oil took it away).
In my own personal experience, I'this page,ve found Oregano oil to be amazingly effective, for killing bacteria. You can read more on this page, but here's the gist from this article,
Carvacrol is also found in many other herbs, such as marjoram, thyme, and savory. However, it has its highest concentration in oregano. In numerous studies, carvacrol has been shown to be a potent antibacterial against numerous strains of bacteria.
In numerous studies, carvacrol has been shown to be a potent antibacterial against numerous strains of bacteria. It is thought to work by destroying the cell membranes of bacteria and stopping them from replicating. 2, 3, 4
What makes the carvacrol in oil of oregano particularly interesting as a natural antibiotic is that it is shown to destroy harmful bacteria while keeping helpful probiotic bacteria intact.
Research shows that, at dosages which cause 97% to 100% of inhibition of pathogenic bacteria, only 3% to 5% of probiotics were inhibited.5
This benefit of oregano oil shouldn’t be understated. When you take a pharmaceutical antibiotic, it indiscriminately destroys all the bacteria in its path – including the trillions of bacteria which we need for tasks like digestion and even regulating mood. The result can be a tragic dysbiosis of gut flora. In fact, researchers now believe that taking antibiotics may be a cause of disorders and diseases such as autism, depression, anxiety, diabetes, and GI problems such as SIBO. Read more about the risks of gut flora dysbiosis here.
I've seen reviews on Amazon that it also wipes out Candida (fungus) (you can read an article about that HERE). I have had Candida for over 20 years and I could not believe how effective it was, for that.
It also kills parasites (you can read about that HERE). Please note that this woman says that oregano oil can be a blood thinner. Please be sure to watch the video if you are going to use oregano (it's very well done).
Oregano oil is a natural, potent, antibiotic. Again, please note, oregano oil IS a blood thinner, and it can lower the production of iron, but I still feel it is something you should look into, if you have cirrhosis. I can't tell you to take or not take it, but at the very least, I really want you to know about it!
If you're going to take Oregano oil, please be sure to also read
THIS POST about supplements that are shown to improve CLOTTING FACTORS, and
THIS POST about supplements that are shown to improve IRON LEVELS.
And you should also read about PROBIOTICS.
I believe that any type of antibiotic can mess with your gut flora,
which is critical for good health and healthy gut flora can also help
you fight infections naturally.
Oregano Oil (carvacrol) is VERY strong and I've heard you're not supposed to take it too long (just like you wouldn't take antibiotics too long).
This is not medical advice, and I cannot tell you for sure how much to take, or if it would work for you. I'm just telling you about these things because I know it's likely no doctor told you about these supplements before. They've worked great for me and my husband, but you should do your own research on them.
Oregano Oil (carvacrol) is VERY strong and I've heard you're not supposed to take it too long (just like you wouldn't take antibiotics too long).
This is not medical advice, and I cannot tell you for sure how much to take, or if it would work for you. I'm just telling you about these things because I know it's likely no doctor told you about these supplements before. They've worked great for me and my husband, but you should do your own research on them.
I didn't mention the Carvacrol to Fred earlier because I knew his wife was on other antibiotic drugs and I didn't want her to feel overwhelmed, and I have not been aware of whether Carvracol could interfere with antibiotics. Again, I also had heard that the Carvacrol is a blood thinner, (and it can also lower iron production) so I am hesitant to tell people, "Oh yeah, just go ahead and take Carvacrol"... because I really do not know what the side effects could be, especially for someone who is very sick.
But when I found out this poor woman is back in the hospital with such a high fever (and it seems like the antibiotics she's being given are not working), I started rapidly researching the stuff more, and sent this woman's husband a ton of information on Carvacrol, and decided to post it on this page. I am not telling anyone they SHOULD take it... but I want you to know about it, in case you'd like to try it. I encourage you to do as much of your own research as you can.
When I tell people about certain things that work, I feel like I have to take the same approach as my car mechanic does. One day when I was facing a blown engine, my mechanic told me there is this stuff called Steel Seal Blown Head Gasket Repair, that he has seen fixes a lot of cars... but not all of them. He said he couldn't tell me what to do, because he couldn't guarantee it would work, but if it did work, it would be a lot less expensive than buying a new engine, or having to get a brand new car! So if I wanted to try it, I'd have to get it on my own, and try it at my own risk, and if it didn't work, I'd lose about $120 (the cost of a bottle). (UPDATE: forgot to mention... the stuff actually WORKED! Can't believe it did! Soo much cheaper than a new engine!! Even if it is just a temporary fix... heck, we can drive the car again).
But it's even more tricky with the human body, because the last thing I want to do is tell someone to do something that could be harmful to them (yeah a broken car sucks but a broken body is irreplaceable). But when you are running out of options and the doctors don't seem to have good solutions, either, sometimes you find yourself considering alternative therapies.
Advanced stage cirrhosis puts people in a very high risk category, where doing one thing that may seem minor to an average person (or someone with less cirrhosis in the liver) could be toxic for another person, and the only way a person would know, for sure, if it worked or not, is to do actually do it. Me and my mechanic both wish we could have a crystal ball that could predict whether something would work for a person or not, but we don't.
The detox water has worked incredibly well for my husband and other people I sold it to, but I realize that as I start talking to larger numbers of people, the odds are that there will be at least one person who doesn't get the same results. It's just a numbers thing. I have a tendency to want to help everyone, but there is another part of me that feels like I should keep my mouth shut. If I saw someone on top of a burning building, my inclination would be to help them jump off the roof, onto the next building, even if it is risky, it's better than burning to death if you know you're running out of time.
If you help someone to jump, but they fall, you risk your own life because you know they could take you down with them. One in a hundred people might fall to their death (instead of burning) and their whole family could be mad at the person who helped them jump, because in that one minute they had left on a roof, an emergency rescue helicopter might have come and saved them.... even though it sure looked like that was NOT going to be an option... I know from my own experience that it is never easy to accept that there couldn't have been a better way, or that some miracle couldn't have come along, had you taken a different route.
Part of the problem I see is that people feel like they are in a race against time, like a ship headed for the titanic. The doctors aren't offering good solutions, and are actually making them more sick with prescription medications, so a person can really feel like they have to do something, quick, or they could crash. I've heard people tell me they feel like they're running out of options. That is how we felt, because for us, a transplant was just NOT an option!
(UPDATE 8/2/16: I just saw that Oregano oil does appear to be safe for people with auto immune conditions - you would have to research more to see what amount is truly safe for you, but... this is what I read, from THIS PAGE):
Does Oil of Oregano work in the same way as Echinacea?
No, Oil of Oregano is a natural antibiotic and immune modulator which is safe for people with auto immune disorders whereas Echinacea is an immune system stimulant only. Echinacea is useful in keeping your immune system strong but will not destroy fungus, bacteria, candida or viruses whereas Oil of Oregano has been laboratory tested and proven to be one of the most effective and safe antibacterial, anti fungal, anti parasitic and antiviral agents known to man. In a study done in Poland, where 75 different herbs were evaluated for their ability to strengthen the immune system, only Oregano demonstrated strong immune system enhancement.
The more I read, the more I realize REGULAR ANTIBIOTICS CAN BE REALLY DANGEROUS. If you don't believe me, you can read THIS POST showing the side effects of some of the stuff my husband was prescribed by his dentist. We learned the hard way that they can cause liver injury, and I really think they did for my husband, because after he started taking this stuff, some of his swelling and even fluid in his abdomen started coming back!! I was even worried it could be cancer.
Update 8/4: I am SOOOO grateful that his fluid has started going back down in the last 3 or so days... he started taking oregano oil - I gave it to him in a capsule, starting with just about 4 drops, then the next day I'd have about 7, and last night I gave him 10 drops in a capsule (we will probably just do this for a few weeks, and stop, but if any of that swelling comes back we'll go back to taking it). He also started drinking super strong water from our detox water machine... the setting that is NOT the "drinking water" setting (so the company CANNOT and WILL NOT ever tell people to drink this water, and I am not telling you or anyone else to do it either... we did this completely at our own risk). My husband just did it because... well, by now he's seen enough of the crazy sh*t I tell him to do sometimes works, and I know of a man who did this and said his cancer completely went away after he did this (and he was sent home to die).
I do not know which one caused the reduction in his fluid or if one was more effective than the other, and I cannot advise for another person to drink the stronger water, especially if you have a lot of meds in your system... I am just letting you know what my husband did. If someone with a lot of meds in their system were to do this, I would think it could cause a bad detox reaction, so I would not advise it for a person who is heavily medicated, and I'm not even "advising" it for anyone else... but my husband did it and it works... sorry but I have to write about it, that's what this blog is for.
Please read THIS POST to see why you should be very cautious of any pharmaceutical drug. I am not saying not to take any pharmaceutical drugs, but you need to be fully aware of their side effects, because the doctors simply WILL NOT TELL YOU.
I want to tell you that in my own personal experience with Carvacrol. THIS STUFF IS A VERY POTENT NATURAL ANTIBIOTIC. I just found an article, which seems to confirm this, and will post it plus a link for the original article, further down the page. It also wipes out candida and fungus.
Carvacrol is the potent, active ingredient in Oregano oil. I know it sounds too good to be true. Like, really? OREGANO OIL?? The stuff in Spaghetti? How could THAT be so effective, and why wouldn't have heard about it by now? Well, first of all, I'm not talking about regular oregano, I mean SUPER CONCENTRATED oregano oil. And you can't really patent Oregano oil, so your doctor is unlikely to tell you about it. Don't take my word for it... look at the reviews on Amazon, and decide for yourself! I do not always believe the reviews on Amazon (I know some companies make FAKE reviews) but I do believe the ones for this oregano oil are legitimate. By the way, if you ever want to see if a review is fake or not, go to FakeSpot.com.

(NOTE: It looks like they are out of the 2 pack, and the price went up slightly, but I still think this stuff is worth it's weight in gold and it's the strongest brand, so I still recommend it!)
This is a link for just 1 bottle:
1oz Oil of Oregano, Super Strength 83-85% Carvacrol, Pharmaceutical Grade. Wild Oregano From Greek Mountains
Oreganol Oil, Super Strength P73, 1 Oz
This type has a 5 star average and over 90 reviews:
North American Herb&Spice - Super Strength Oreganol 60 gels
A friend of mine told me she took 4 pills a day (2 in the AM and 2 at night) of wild crafted oregano oil pills, when she had pneumonia in the hospital. She doesn't remember what brand but I will post it when she tells me later. She was doing multiple things, and is about twice my weight, so the amount that'd be effective for others could vary, but I'd think at least 2 pills a day could be helpful?
I did not expect this brand to be SO STRONG when I ordered it, because it's so much cheaper than the super strength oreganol, but boy was I wrong... it burns twice as much if you get it on your skin. I always wear Carmex (or any other kind of minty, cooling lip balm) on my lips, before dropping a few drops into my mouth (filled with icy cold detox water). Just the tiniest drop on your lips will BURN. You will feel a little burning when you swallow it.
If you don't want to feel any burn, put it in a capsule. I have been putting 5 drops of this oil in a capsule for my husband to take, as a cancer preventive. I just re-use the empty capsules I am left with, after I drop the contents of his probiotics in to his morning green shake that I've been making for him recently.
Carvacrol even shows promise in treating breast cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and oral cancer.
Had to share this article, that gives me hope that Carvacrol could reduce my hubby's risk of getting Liver Cancer!
Anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effect of carvacrol on human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG-2
- Qing-hua Yin
- , Feng-xiang Yan
- , Xu-Yu Zu
- , You-hua Wu
- , Xiao-ping Wu
- , Ming-chu Liao
- , Shu-wen Deng
- , Lei-lan Yin
- , Ying-zhi Zhuang
Carvacrol is one of the members of monoterpene phenol and is present in the volatile oils ofThymus vulgaris, Carum copticum, origanum and oregano. It is a safe food additive commonly used in our daily life, and few studies have indicated that carvacrol has anti-hepatocarcinogenic activities. The rationale of the study was to examine whether carvacrol affects apoptosis of human hepatoma HepG2 cells. In this study, we showed that carvacrol inhibited HepG2 cell growth by inducing apoptosis as evidenced by Hoechst 33258 stain and Flow cytometric (FCM) analysis. Incubation of HepG2 cells with carvacrol for 24 h induced apoptosis by the activation of caspase-3, cleavage of PARP and decreased Bcl-2 gene expression. These results demonstrated that a significant fraction of carvacrol treated cells died by an apoptotic pathway in HepG2 cells. Moreover, carvacrol selectively altered the phosphorylation state of members of the MAPK superfamily, decreasing phosphorylation of ERK1/2 significantly in a dose-dependent manner, and activated phosphorylation of p38 but not affecting JNK MAPK phosphorylation. These results suggest that carvacrol may induce apoptosis by direct activation of the mitochondrial pathway, and the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway may play an important role in the antitumor effect of carvacrol. These results have identified, for the first time, the biological activity of carvacrol in HepG2 cells and should lead to further development of carvacrol for liver disease therapy.
Carvacrol Hepatocellular carcinoma Apoptosis Mitochondr
Potential preventive effect of carvacrolagainst diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatocellular carcinoma in rats
Antioxidants are one of the key players in tumorigenesis, several natural and synthetic antioxidants were shown to have anticancer effects. The aim of the present study is to divulge the chemopreventive nature of carvacrol during diethylnitrosamine (DEN)-induced liver cancer in male wistar albino rats. Administration of DEN to rats resulted in increased relative liver weight and serum marker enzymes aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (γGT). The levels of lipid peroxides elevated (in both serum and tissue) with subsequent decrease in the final body weight and tissue antioxidants like superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione reductase (GR). Carvacrol supplementation (15 mg/kg body weight) significantly attenuated these alterations, thereby showing potent anticancer effect in liver cancer. Histological observations and transmission electron microscopy studies were also carried out, which added supports to the chemopreventive action of the carvacrol against DEN-induction during liver cancer progression. These findings suggest that carvacrol prevents lipid peroxidation, hepatic cell damage, and protects the antioxidant system in DEN-induced hepatocellular carcinogenesis.
I also want to point out that people with cirrhosis lack clotting factors, because the liver is supposed to make coagulation (blood clotting) factors, but when it is impaired it can't do so efficiently. So, a person with an impaired liver could have bleeding issues.
More from THIS PAGE on Oregano Oil...
I have heard that there are all kinds of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria out there as a result of the overuse of antibiotics. Will Oregano oil be effective at killing these mutant strains of bacteria?
Yes. Oil of Oregano kills even the highly antibiotic-resistant mutant strains of bacteria. The best news is that Oil of Oregano WILL NOT create more mutant strains of bacteria.
Should I drink lots of water when taking Oil of Oregano?
Yes. Water helps flush toxins left from dead pathogens (bacteria, candida, parasites etc.) from the body. It is important to drink pure spring water throughout the day when taking Oregano oil. This is especially true when disease is present. If headaches, fatigue or flu like symptoms occur after taking Oregano oil, this is a signal that the oil is doing its job and killing pathogens. Should symptoms occur, stop taking the oil and drink lots of water. By drinking water you flush these poisons out of your body. Resume taking the oil once symptoms have stopped.
I just found this article (pasted below) that makes me very hopeful that it could be safe for most people to take. Please do your own research!
Oregano Oil Benefits Superior To Prescription Antibiotics
Oregano Oil Benefits
Designed specifically for bacterial infections, antibiotics are medical doctors’ favorite tools against most issues that walk into their offices. But oregano oil benefits are proving to be superior to some antibiotics, without the harmful side effects.
Unfortunately, the antibiotics prescribed by most medical doctors today have horrendous side effects including: causing antibiotic resistance, destroying good bacteria (probiotics), reducing vitamin absorption and damaging the digestive lining causing leaky gut.
Essentially, taking this broad-spectrum approach is similar to dropping a nuclear bomb on a city instead of sending a special ops sniper team to take out the few enemy targets.
The good news is there is an incredible natural alternative to prescription antibiotics and that is oregano oil (also called oil of oregano). Oil of oregano contains two powerful compounds of carvacrol and thymol that have powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
The Problem with Prescription Antibiotics
Last August, the Wall Street Journal printed a fantastic article highlighting this horrible dis-service to trusting American patients:
Overuse of antibiotics, and prescribing broad-spectrum drugs when they aren’t needed, can cause a range of problems. It can make the drugs less effective against the bacteria they are intended to treat by fostering the growth of antibiotic-resistant infections. And it can wipe out the body’s good bacteria (probiotics), which help digest food, produce vitamins and protect from infections, among other functions.
In a July study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, researchers from the University of Utah and the CDC found that 60% of the time physicians prescribe antibiotics, they choose broad-spectrum ones….
A similar study of children, published in the journal Pediatrics in 2011, found that when antibiotics were prescribed they were broad-spectrum 50% of the time, mainly for respiratory conditions…
Both studies also found that about 25% of the time antibiotics were being prescribed for conditions in which they have no use, such as viral infections.
Oregano Oil Benefits Are Unstoppable!
A member of the mint family (Labiatae) oil of oregano is not what you put on your pizza sauce. Found in the Mediterranean, medicinal grade oregano is distilled to extract theessential oil and to preserve its healing compounds.
Taking over 1000 pounds of wild oregano to produce just 1 pound of oregano oil, it has been precious commodity for over 2,500 years in folk medicine expanding the globe.
The predominant healing compound, carvacrol, is arguably the most important component explaining why oil of oregano is so potent.
Over 800 studies reference carvacrol in PubMed, the world’s #1 database for scientific evidence-based literature, which emphasizes that research is quite supportive of its healing capacity. To give you a sense of what I mean, carvacrol has been proven to reverse or reduce:
- Bacterial infections
- Fungal infections
- Parasites
- Viruses
- Inflammation
- Candida
- Allergies
- Tumors
Antibiotic Power
This past December, Journal of Medicinal Food published a study that evaluated the antibacterial activity of oregano oil against 5 different types bad bacteria. After evaluating the anti-bacterial characteristics of oil of oregano it showed significant anti-bacterial properties against all 5 species of harmful bacteria.
Interestingly, the highest activity was observed against E. Coli, which suggests that oregano oil should be routinely used to promote gastrointestinal health and to prevent deadly food poisoning.
Two years prior, researchers from Pakistan published similar results in the journal Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia in addition to proving oregano oil’s ability to kill cancer cells of various types!
Oregano Oil is More Than Just An Antibiotic
In a nutshell: Dozens of other studies confirm the fact that oregano oil can be used instead of harmful antibiotics for a number of health concerns. The rest of the research cited is supporting the fact that oregano is more than just an antibiotic. It’s the ultimate natural antibiotic!
For instance, late last year, a study out of European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences helped put the predominant phenol in oil of oregano in a league of its own. Shown to protect against methotrexate toxicity in rats, carvacrol was shown to prevent side effects to some of the world’s most dangerous drugs!
Methotrexate (MTX) is a drug commonly used to treat a wide array of issues from cancer to rheumatoid arthritis. Well-known to have dangerous side effects, researchers from Turkey evaluated oil of oregano’s ability to keep these factors at bay because antioxidants and anti-inflammatory drugs have proven to be ineffective at providing full protection against MTX.
By evaluating various markers in the sciatic nerve in mice, it was observed for the first time that carvacrol decreased the pro-inflammatory response in mice being treated by MTX. Being a relatively new concept in the research world, I expect to see more studies testing these results because “groundbreaking” doesn’t even begin to describe the significance of this study.
In a similar way, researchers from the Netherlands have even shown that oregano oil can also “prevent bacterial overgrowth and colonization in the large intestine during oral iron therapy.” Used to treat iron deficiency anemia, oral iron therapy is well-known to cause a series of gastrointestinal issues like nausea, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn and vomiting.
It should be noted that these two studies give hope to people who long to manage the horrible suffering that accompanies drugs and medical interventions. For someone on chemo or taking iron therapy, these “little” things mean all the world.
Oil of Oregano Uses and Warnings
You may be asking, what limits does oil of oregano have? At this point, it’s not perfectly clear. One thing that is certain, however, is because of its insurmountable potency, medicinal use should only be administered under the guidance of a natural health expert.
I personally take oregano oil internally for a maximum of two weeks in most cases because it’s so powerful. Also, when taking internally, it should be diluted with water or mixed with coconut oil. The dried herb oregano is typically fine for pregnant women but when using oil of oregano pregnant women should use caution and only use if instructed by physician to do so.
The article below is from THIS PAGE
Can I Give Oregano Oil to My Children?
Yes, you definitely can, but always in the right amounts. Oregano oil is one of the best supplements you can give a growing child. It can help him fend off many kinds of disease. Oregano oil is more effective than any other children’s supplement that purports to make children healthier and stronger.
Most of the over-the-counter children’s supplements are made of synthetic chemicals making them more difficult to absorb. Oregano oil is sourced from the Mediterranean wild oregano plant which is grown, harvested and processed without using any chemical fertilizers, pesticides or extenders. It is an all natural product, making it easily absorbed by our system.
But that’s not the whole story though. This essential oil is packed with a powerful combination of germ killers and immune building substances. It has many phytochemicals, phenols and flavonoids, chief of which are carvacrol and thymol. Many scientific studies and experiments have proven that these germ killers can effectively kill and stop the growth of all types of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. There are even clinical tests which showed that it has the ability to fight cancer cells.
In addition, oregano oil contains considerable amounts of vitamins A, C and D plus copious amounts of minerals such as zinc, potassium, manganese, copper, boron, magnesium, calcium and many others. There are also important trace elements in the oil. These substances are important in building up your children’s immunity to disease.
So, don’t be afraid to use oregano oil, especially if your child is sick. If he is suffering from colds, fever, cough, indigestion, etc, you can administer this oil and get rid of whatever is causing his illness. One caution though: for children under 7 years old, this oil should not be given internally.The strong chemical components of the oil might cause irritation and potential problems in his still young organs.
Here are the safe dosages of oregano oil for children of different ages:
• Under 6 months old - do not give them oregano oil.
• 6 months to 2 years old – don’t give the oil internally instead rub 1 to 2 drops of the oil on both feet and spine. If the child has fever, cold, or congestion, apply the oil to both feet and cover the feet with socks. Repeat this procedure until his condition improves, but don’t go more than 10 days with this procedure.
• 3 to 6 years old – internal administration of oregano oil is still not recommended at this stage. But the amount of oil applied on the feet can be increased, from 2 to 3 drops. In addition, you are no longer limited to just 10 days of application, but you can apply the oil for as long as it is needed. As usual, upon application of the oil on his feet, cover them with socks to prevent the oil from being dissipating in the air.
• 7 to 10 years old – You can now mix 2 to 3 drops of this oil with his milk or juice. Repeat it three times a day.
• 10 years old and up – Mix 2 to 3 drops in his milk or juice and repeat 3 times a day. In addition, you can facilitate his healing if you will place 2 to 3 drops under his tongue. That is, if he can stand its taste. You can dilute it with virgin olive oil to soften its taste.
And here is ONE MORE ARTICLE that shows how this woman gives Oregano oil to her daughter. She uses a much higher amount than I previously thought was safe.
What Is the Flu*
Influenza - more commonly known as "the flu" - is viral in origin. However, the exact same symptoms can be produced by bacterial infection too.
Flu symptoms may include:
- A 100 degree Fahrenheit (or higher) fever or feeling feverish (not everyone with the flu has a fever)
- A cough and/or sore throat
- A runny or stuffy nose
- Headaches and/or body aches
- Chills
- Fatigue - where you cannot or do not want to get out of bed
Many people think they have the flu when they get a "vomiting bug". But they actually have either a bacterial infection (perhaps food poisoning), or viral gastroenteritis - which is an infection caused by a variety of viruses that results in vomiting or diarrhea and they may also have a headache, fever, and abdominal cramps (stomachache). It is often called the "stomach flu," although it is not caused by the influenza viruses.
If you have the flu (with no vomiting) read on. But if you are vomiting, then see the remedy forGastroenteritis (vomiting bug).
If you have the flu (with no vomiting) read on. But if you are vomiting, then see the remedy forGastroenteritis (vomiting bug).
Natural Treatment For the Flu*
Be sure and download my free eBook, What You Need To Know About Wild Oregano Oil in the pink box on the left side of this page.
I have used wild oregano oil numerous times to prevent myself from contracting influenza as well as the extremely virulent vomiting bugs that sweep through our city at least twice per winter. When I had all three children under age nine, they were guaranteed to bring one of these viruses home from school.
I have used wild oregano oil numerous times to prevent myself from contracting influenza as well as the extremely virulent vomiting bugs that sweep through our city at least twice per winter. When I had all three children under age nine, they were guaranteed to bring one of these viruses home from school.
As I then would get vomited on repeatedly, by any or all of the children, and be up all night until the onslaught passes, it's safe to say my exposure was pretty intense and my resistance was low. However, even though the other adults in my household have come down with the bugs, I have avoided every one by using an intensive wild oregano oil antiviral/antibacterial protocol - because I REALLY, really hate to vomit.
So, I'm going to share with you what I do, that has repeatedly worked so well for me. This protocol uses a commercial brand of wild oregano (like Joy of the Mountains or Oreganol - which is already diluted 3:1) NOT essential oil of oregano.
Use this protocol to prevent contracting the flu, or, to heal the flu very quickly if you've already got it.
Use this protocol to prevent contracting the flu, or, to heal the flu very quickly if you've already got it.
Watch this video where my daughter Zara (aged 5) and I show you exactly how to take wild oregano oil so you don't have to experience the burning sensation:
Jini's 7-Day Antiviral Wild Oregano Oil Protocol
- Take 5 drops every hour for 24 hours - begin this at the first exposure to the virus or first symptom. If you are sleeping, don't wake yourself up to take it, but let yourself sleep (which greatly assists your immune system). However, if you get up to go to the bathroom, etc. then take a double dose of 10 drops.
- Then take 10 drops every 3 hours, for 48 hours - again, if you are sleeping, don't wake yourself up to take it, but let yourself sleep (which greatly assists your immune system). However, if you get up to go to the bathroom, etc. then take a dose of 10 drops.
- Then take 10 drops, 3x/day for the next 2 days - just take the dose during waking hours.
- Take 5 drops, 3x/day for the next 2 days - just take the dose during waking hours.
- Take high dose probiotics for the next 2 weeks to repopulate your gut with good bacteria. Remember that wild oregano oil is antibiotic, as well as antiviral, so after a heavy dosage like this, you MUST balance the bacterial flora in your GI tract by flooding it with good bacteria. If you're taking the Natren probiotics that I recommend, this means you take 1 tsp of each powder, 3x/day OR 1 Healthy Trinity Capsule, 2x/day. Remember to use the powders if you are having more than 3 bowel movements per day - otherwise the transit time through your GI tract is too fast for the capsules to dissolve properly.
NOTE: Take on an empty stomach for maximum potency, then drink a full glass of water immediately after to dilute in the stomach. This protocol is only suitable for adults.
TOP 50 REVIEWERon May 8, 2013
Here is a side-by-side comparison of ten leading Vitamin K-2 supplements: Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2, Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold, Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2, Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4), Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2, Jarrow Formulas MK-7, Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid, and Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4).
Vitamin K is one of the fat-soluble vitamins, along with A, D and E. There are two types of Vitamin K, namely K1 and K2. And within K2, there are several forms:
* Vitamin K1 (Phyloquinones)
* Vitamin K2 (Menaquinones)
* MK-4
* MK-7
* MK-8 (not available in supplement form)
* MK-9 (not available in supplement form)
* MK-10 (not available in supplement form)
Vitamin K1 is found in plants and is essential for blood clotting and coagulation. Supplementing is usually not necessary since the body recycles K1. It also blocks the effect of heart medications like Coumadin or Warfarin. Vitamin K2 can also have some effect on these drugs, so talk to your doctor about this.
Food sources of K2
Vitamin K2 is neither recycled nor stored by the body. Unless you eat Vitamin K2 rich foods regularly, you will become deficient in a matter of days. Making matters worse, it is almost impossible to get Vitamin K2-rich foods at the grocery store.
The richest food sources are fatty goose liver, natto, and fermented cod liver oil. Much lower levels are found in sauerkraut, old world hard cheeses, caviar, organ meats, and grass-fed butter. Eggs from pastured chicken also have a little K2. Regular butter and cheese have very low levels of K2.
Why is K2 important?
It keeps calcium in your bones and teeth and out of your arteries. It also keeps calcium out of soft tissues like kidneys and cartilage, preventing kidney stones and heel spurs. Without enough K2, calcium may get deposited in your arteries, adding to arterial blockage. Calcium also attaches to plaque. This can cause hardening of the arteries, heart attacks and strokes.
K1 provides little or no cardiovascular benefits. Studies have repeatedly found associations between K2 and heart health, but no such connection exists for K1.
The different MK forms activate different proteins that affect different functions in the body. About 15 such proteins have been identified, most of them very recently.
How much should I take?
100 - 200 mcg (micrograms) per day should meet your needs. There is very little risk of overdosing because the body does not store K2. See note above about K1 and blood coagulation.
Different MK forms
Generally, animal foods contain MK-4 and fermented foods contain the longer ones MK-5 thru 14. We simply don't know much about the roles all of these K2 forms play.
MK-4 is the most studied and consumed K2 in our diets. It is the main K2 form found in the brain. MK-4 is transported and stored in the body very differently than the other forms. It is the form of K2 found in breast milk. It is a fast-acting Vitamin K2. Babies need this form and are usually born deficient. In the US, newborns are given a shot of K1. In Japan, newborns get the more effective MK-4 instead. All healthy traditional cultures consume mostly MK-4.
MK-7 is often found in vegetables, especially fermented soybeans. The science on this longer-lasting K2 is still emerging but is extremely promising for heart health. MK-7 seems to be able to do some of the functions of MK-4 and it stays in the body for 2-3 days before being cleared. This higher half-life is desirable given its potent heart health benefits.
MK-8 - 14 are found in fermented products like cheese. These may have heart health benefits too but the science is in its infancy. MK-8 thru 14 are not available in supplement form.
Some manufacturers are starting to make absorption and bioavailability claims about these two forms. As of now, none of the products reviewed here discuss this subject on their labels. This topic is worth staying tuned to.
MK-7 can be made from several sources, but the most popular source is soybeans. If you are soy-sensitive, you need to be aware of this.
There are also MK-7 forms made from chickpeas and flower petals.
Since there are only two K2 forms available, you'd still benefit greatly from consuming K2 rich foods that contain other MK forms not available in supplement form.
Finally, K2 works in conjunction with Vitamins A and D3. So make sure you are getting enough of those two vitamins as well.
BREAKDOWN: Below is a breakdown of these supplements.
Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 (See, Full Spectrum VITAMIN K2 (by InnovixLabs). Provides two essential forms of K2 (MK-4 + MK-7). Total of 600 mcg of K2 per capsule. Soy-free. 90 Capsules.)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$21.99 for 90 100 mg gel caps on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one gel cap
Price per gel cap: $.24 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.24
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: $.05
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.04
No soy
No stearates
No ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not vegetarian
Not enteric coated
Full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One gel cap contains:
500 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-4
100 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
Some ingredients sourced from China (Vitamin K2 MK-4)
Phone Number: (888) 799-7627
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 MK-4 (as menatetrenone), Vitamin K2 MK-7 (as menaquinone-7), extra virgin olive oil, palm oil, gelatin, glycerin, purified water, and caramel color
Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold (See, Nutrigold Vitamin K2 - MK7 Gold (From Natto in Organic Olive Oil), 100 mcg, 120 softgels)
Certified Kosher
$25.48 for 120 100 mg capsules on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one capsule
Price per capsule: $.21 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.21
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: N/A
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.21
Contains soy (soy allergen free)
No stearates
No ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Vegetarian and certified vegan
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One capsule contains 100 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
No ingredients sourced from China
Phone Number: (800) 476-3542
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7), non-GMO organic olive oil (for absorption), non-GMO organic sunflower lecithin, vegetarian capsule (non-GMO plant cellulose)
Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) (See, Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 MenaQ7 Vegetable Capsules, 60-Count)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$6.66 for 60 100 mg capsules on Amazon
Recommended Serving: capsule
Price per capsule: $.11 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.25
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: N/A
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.25
No soy
Contains stearates
Contains ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One capsule contains 45 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
Phone Number: (800) 333-6977
No ingredients sourced from China
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7), modified cellulose (vegetarian capsule), magnesium stearate (vegetable source), maltodextrin, and fatty acids
Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex (See, Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex Softgels, 90-Count)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$17.69 for 90 100 mg gel caps on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one gel cap
Price per gel cap: $.20 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.10
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: $.02
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.02
No soy (soy allergen free)
No stearates
Contains ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not vegetarian
Not enteric coated
Full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One gel cap contains:
1000 mcgs* of Vitamin K1
1000 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-4
200 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
All active ingredients are sourced from China
Phone Number: (800) 226-2370
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K1 (as phytonadione), Vitamin K2 MK-4 (as menatetrenone), Vitamin K2 MK-7 (as menaquinone-7), ascorbyl palmitate, extra virgin olive oil, gelatin, glycerin, beeswax, purified water, and carob color
Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) (See, NOW Foods Vitamin K-2,100mcg, 100 Vcaps)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$7.50 for 100 100 mg gel caps on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one gel cap
Price per gel cap: $.08 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $ N/A
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: $.08
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.08
No soy
No stearates
Contains ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One gel cap contains 100 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-4
Some ingredients sourced from China (Vitamin K2 MK-4)
Phone Number: (888) 669-3663
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-4), alfalfa (medicago sativa), cellulose (capsule), rice flour, maltodextrin, ascorbyl palmitate, and silica
Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2 (See, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK7) Veg Capsules, 100 mcg, 60 Count)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$10.76 for 60 100 mg gel caps on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one gel cap
Price per gel cap: $.18 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.18
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: N/A
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.18
Contains soy
No stearates
Contains ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not vegetarian
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One gel cap contains 100 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
No ingredients sourced from China
Phone Number: (888) 669-3663
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7), rice flour, cellulose (capsule), gelatin, ascorbyl palmitate, and silica
Jarrow Formulas MK-7 (See, Jarrow Formulas MK-7 (vitamin K2), 60 Softgels)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$11.32 for 60 100 mg gel caps on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one gel cap
Price per gel cap: $.19 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.21
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: N/A
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.21
Contains soy
No stearates
No ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not vegetarian
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One gel cap contains 90 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
No ingredients sourced from China
Phone Number: (310) 204-6936
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7), medium chain triglycerides, evening primrose oil, and soybean oil. Softgel consists of gelatin, glycerin, water, and caramel (as a light barrier)
Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) (See, Solgar - Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) 100 mcg Vegetable Capsules - 50)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$12.02 for 50 100 mg gel caps on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one gel cap
Price per gel cap: $.24 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.24
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: N/A
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.24
Contains soy
Contains stearates
No ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One gel cap contains 100 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
Some ingredients sourced from China (dicalcium phosphate)
Phone Number: (201) 944-2311
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7), dicalcium phosphate, vegetable cellulose, vegetable magnesium stearate, and silica
Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) (See, THORNE RESEARCH - Vitamin K2 Liquid - 1 fl oz [Health and Beauty])
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$64.65 for one fl oz (30 mL) bottle on Amazon
Flavor: none (no taste)
18 month shelf life after opening
Don't have to refrigerate after opening
1200 drops per bottle
Recommended Serving = 15 drops 1-3 times per day
Price per serving (15 drops) = $.81 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $ N/A
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: $.005
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.005
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One drop contains 1000 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-4
No soy
No stearates
No ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Some ingredients sourced from China (Vitamin K2 MK-4)
Phone Number: (800) 228-1966
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K-2 (menatetrenone-4), medium chain triglyceride oil, and mixed tocopherols
Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) (See, Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2, 5mg, 180 Capsules)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$34.32 for 180 100 mg capsules on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one capsule
Price per gel cap: $.19 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $ N/A
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: $.004
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.004
No soy
Contains stearates
No ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not vegetarian
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One capsule contains 5 mgs of Vitamin K2 as MK-4
Some ingredients sourced from China (Vitamin K2 MK-4)
Phone Number: (888) 234-5656
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menatetrenone-4), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate (excipient), silicon dioxide, vegetable stearin, and gelatin capsule
PRICE: PER PILL: Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) ($.81 per 15 drops) is the most expensive per pill of those in the comparison; followed by Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 ($.24 per gel cap) and Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) ($.24 per gel cap); followed by Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold ($.21 per gel cap); followed by Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex ($.20 per gel cap); followed by Jarrow Formulas MK-7 ($.19 per gel cap); followed by Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) ($.18 per gel cap); followed by Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2 ($.18 per gel cap); followed by Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) ($.11 per gel cap); and followed by Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) ($.08 per gel cap), which is the least expensive per pill of those in the comparison.
PRICE PER 100 MCGS K2 MK-7: Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) ($.25 per 100 mcgs MK-7) is the most expensive per 100 mcgs K2 MK-7 of those in the comparison; followed by Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 ($.24 per 100 mcgs MK-7) and Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) ($.24 per 100 mcgs MK-7); followed by Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold ($.21 per 100 mcgs MK-7) and Jarrow Formulas MK-7 ($.21 per 100 mcgs MK-7); followed by Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2 ($.18 per 100 mcgs MK-7); and followed by Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex ($.10 per 100 mcgs MK-7), which is the least expensive per 100 mcgs K2 MK-7 of those in the comparison.
PRICE PER 100 MCGS K2 MK-4: Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) ($.08 per 100 mcgs MK-4) is the most expensive per 100 mcgs K2 MK-4 of those in the comparison; followed by Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 ($.05 per 100 mcgs MK-4); followed by Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex ($.02 per 100 mcgs MK-4); followed by Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) ($.005 per 100 mcgs MK-4); and followed by Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) ($.004 per 100 mcgs MK-4), which is the least expensive per 100 mcgs K2 MK-4 of those in the comparison.
PRICE PER 100 MCGS TOTAL K2: Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) ($.25 per 100 mcgs total K2) is the most expensive per 100 mcgs total K2; followed by Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) ($.24 per 100 mcgs total K2); followed by Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold ($.21 per 100 mcgs total K2) and Jarrow Formulas MK-7 ($.21 per 100 mcgs total K2); followed by Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2 ($.20 per 100 mcgs total K2); followed by Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) ($.08 per 100 mcgs total K2); followed by Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 ($.04 per 100 mcgs total K2); followed by Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex ($.02 per 100 mcgs total K2); followed by Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) ($.005 per 100 mcgs total K2); and followed by Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) ($.004 per 100 mcgs total K2), which is the least expensive per 100 mcgs total K2.
PILL SIZE: All of these products are small 100 mg pills with the exception of Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4), which is not in a pill form.
SOY CONTENT: Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2, Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4), Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4), and Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) do not contain soy. Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold, Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2, Jarrow Formulas MK-7, and Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) contain soy.
GMO CONTENT: None of these supplements contain GMOs.
STEARATE CONTENT: Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2, Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold, Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4), Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2, Jarrow Formulas MK-7, and Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) do not contain stearates. Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), and Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) contain stearates.
ASCORBYL PALMITATE CONTENT: Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2, Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold, Jarrow Formulas MK-7, Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid, and Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) do not contain ascorbyl palmitate. Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4), and Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2 contain ascorbyl palmitate.
CHOLESTEROL: None of these supplements contains cholesterol.
VEGETARIAN: Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold, Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) and Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) are vegetarian. The others are not. Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold is certified vegan.
CHINA: The following supplements contain ingredients that are sourced from China: Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2, Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4), Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4), and Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4).
PRECAUTIONS: If you take a blood thinner like Coumadin® (warfarin), which works by inhibiting the effect of Vitamin K, the use of a Vitamin K supplement, especially K1, should be discussed with your doctor before you begin taking it, as changes in blood thinning may occur.
OPINION: All ten are good Vitamin K2 products, with some significant differences:
Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 contains MK-4 and MK-7, but not K1. It is an excellent product. It does not contain soy. It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It does not contain ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is not vegetarian. This is considered a full spectrum Vitamin K, i.e., it is a combination of two forms of Vitamin K, MK-4 and MK-7. Some of its ingredients are sourced from China (MK-4). Innovix does not use soy-derived K2. It is understandable if an inactive ingredient like "tocopherol" is derived from soy but natto is fermented soy beans. Using natto-derived K2 these days is not necessary, even though it is allergen-free – there are several better options. There are easily-obtained K2 sources from chickpeas (garbanzo) and geranium petals. Innovix uses geranium petals as a source.
Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold contains MK-7. It is a good product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-4. It contains soy (soy allergen free). It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It does not contain ascorbyl palmitate. It is certified Kosher. It is vegetarian. It is certified vegan. None of its ingredients are sourced from China.
Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) contains MK-7. It is a fair product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-4. It does not contain soy. It does not contain GMOs. It contains stearates. It contains ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is vegetarian. It contains less MK-7 per pill than the others (45 mcgs).
Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex contains K1, MK-4, and MK-7. It is a fair product. It contains 1000 mcgs of Vitamin K1, 1000 mcgs Vitamin K2 as MK-4, and 200 mcgs of Vitamin K2 as MK-7. It does not contain soy. It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It contains ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is not vegetarian. This is considered a full spectrum Vitamin K, i.e., it is a combination of several forms of Vitamin K. It contains 1000 mcgs of Vitamin K1 which the other nine supplements don't have. All of its active ingredients, including Vitamin K2, are sourced from China.
Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) contains MK-4. It is a fair product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-7. It does not contain soy. It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It contains ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is vegetarian. It includes alfalfa, which is a rich source of natural Vitamin K. MK-4 costs less than MK-7. It is the least expensive of the ten products mentioned. Some of its ingredients are sourced from China (MK-4).
Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2 (MK-7) contains MK-7. It is a good product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-4. It contains soy. It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It contains ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is not vegetarian.
Jarrow Formulas MK-7 contains MK-7. It is a good product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-4. It contains soy. It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It does not contain ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is not vegetarian. It has the least amount of MK-7 of those in the comparison.
Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) contains MK-7. It is a fair product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-4. It contains soy. It does not contain GMOs. It contains stearates. It does not contain ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is vegetarian. Some of its ingredients are sourced from China (dicalcium phosphate).
Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) is a liquid and it contains MK-4. It is a good product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-7. It is very potent, but it is expensive. One drop contains 1000 mcgs of MK-4. So, one serving consisting of 15 drops contains 15000 mcgs of MK-4. It does not contain soy. It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It does not contain ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is vegetarian. It costs the most per bottle, but it is a great value per 100 mcgs MK-4. Some of its ingredients are sourced from China (MK-4). The company refused to divulge what those ingredients are, claiming the information is "proprietary." In fact, that information is not proprietary, as a result of which I have deducted one star from this product.
Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) contains MK-4. It is a good product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-7. It does not contain soy. It does not contain GMOs. It contains stearates. It does not contain ascorbyl palmitate, It is not certified Kosher. It is not vegetarian. Some of its ingredients are sourced from China (MK-4).
RECOMMENDATION: If I were to select one, it would be Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 because it is considered a full spectrum Vitamin K since it contains both MK-4 and MK-7, which is good, but not K1, which is also good. It is the only supplement in this group that contains no soy, no GMOs, no stearates, no ascorbyl palmitate, and no cholesterol. One of its ingredients, MK-4, is sourced from China, but thoroughly tested in the United States.
Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4), the only liquid in this group, is extremely potent, but it is also expensive and doesn't contain MK-7. If for some reason you have a need for this kind of potency (one drop contains 1000 mcgs MK-4), Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid might be a good choice.
FIVE STARS: I rated Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K-2, five stars. In my opinion, it is an excellent product since it is a full spectrum Vitamin K2, it contains both MK-4 and MK-7, it does not contain K1, it does not contain soy, it does not contain GMOs, it does not contain stearates, it does not contain ascorbyl palmitate, and it does not contain cholesterol.
FOUR STARS: I rated Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold, Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2, Jarrow Formulas MK-7, Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4), and Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) four stars, deducting one star mainly because they are missing either MK-4 or MK-7. In my opinion, Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) is an excellent product but the company failed to divulge ingredients sourced from China, improperly claiming that information is "proprietary."
THREE STARS: I rated Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4), and Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) three stars. In my opinion, these are fair products for the reasons stated above.
I have separately reviewed all of these supplements.
* 1000 micrograms (mcg) equal one milligram (mg).
Prices current as of 04/04/2016.
Here is a side-by-side comparison of ten leading Vitamin K-2 supplements: Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2, Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold, Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2, Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4), Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2, Jarrow Formulas MK-7, Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid, and Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4).
Vitamin K is one of the fat-soluble vitamins, along with A, D and E. There are two types of Vitamin K, namely K1 and K2. And within K2, there are several forms:
* Vitamin K1 (Phyloquinones)
* Vitamin K2 (Menaquinones)
* MK-4
* MK-7
* MK-8 (not available in supplement form)
* MK-9 (not available in supplement form)
* MK-10 (not available in supplement form)
Vitamin K1 is found in plants and is essential for blood clotting and coagulation. Supplementing is usually not necessary since the body recycles K1. It also blocks the effect of heart medications like Coumadin or Warfarin. Vitamin K2 can also have some effect on these drugs, so talk to your doctor about this.
Food sources of K2
Vitamin K2 is neither recycled nor stored by the body. Unless you eat Vitamin K2 rich foods regularly, you will become deficient in a matter of days. Making matters worse, it is almost impossible to get Vitamin K2-rich foods at the grocery store.
The richest food sources are fatty goose liver, natto, and fermented cod liver oil. Much lower levels are found in sauerkraut, old world hard cheeses, caviar, organ meats, and grass-fed butter. Eggs from pastured chicken also have a little K2. Regular butter and cheese have very low levels of K2.
Why is K2 important?
It keeps calcium in your bones and teeth and out of your arteries. It also keeps calcium out of soft tissues like kidneys and cartilage, preventing kidney stones and heel spurs. Without enough K2, calcium may get deposited in your arteries, adding to arterial blockage. Calcium also attaches to plaque. This can cause hardening of the arteries, heart attacks and strokes.
K1 provides little or no cardiovascular benefits. Studies have repeatedly found associations between K2 and heart health, but no such connection exists for K1.
The different MK forms activate different proteins that affect different functions in the body. About 15 such proteins have been identified, most of them very recently.
How much should I take?
100 - 200 mcg (micrograms) per day should meet your needs. There is very little risk of overdosing because the body does not store K2. See note above about K1 and blood coagulation.
Different MK forms
Generally, animal foods contain MK-4 and fermented foods contain the longer ones MK-5 thru 14. We simply don't know much about the roles all of these K2 forms play.
MK-4 is the most studied and consumed K2 in our diets. It is the main K2 form found in the brain. MK-4 is transported and stored in the body very differently than the other forms. It is the form of K2 found in breast milk. It is a fast-acting Vitamin K2. Babies need this form and are usually born deficient. In the US, newborns are given a shot of K1. In Japan, newborns get the more effective MK-4 instead. All healthy traditional cultures consume mostly MK-4.
MK-7 is often found in vegetables, especially fermented soybeans. The science on this longer-lasting K2 is still emerging but is extremely promising for heart health. MK-7 seems to be able to do some of the functions of MK-4 and it stays in the body for 2-3 days before being cleared. This higher half-life is desirable given its potent heart health benefits.
MK-8 - 14 are found in fermented products like cheese. These may have heart health benefits too but the science is in its infancy. MK-8 thru 14 are not available in supplement form.
Some manufacturers are starting to make absorption and bioavailability claims about these two forms. As of now, none of the products reviewed here discuss this subject on their labels. This topic is worth staying tuned to.
MK-7 can be made from several sources, but the most popular source is soybeans. If you are soy-sensitive, you need to be aware of this.
There are also MK-7 forms made from chickpeas and flower petals.
Since there are only two K2 forms available, you'd still benefit greatly from consuming K2 rich foods that contain other MK forms not available in supplement form.
Finally, K2 works in conjunction with Vitamins A and D3. So make sure you are getting enough of those two vitamins as well.
BREAKDOWN: Below is a breakdown of these supplements.
Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 (See, Full Spectrum VITAMIN K2 (by InnovixLabs). Provides two essential forms of K2 (MK-4 + MK-7). Total of 600 mcg of K2 per capsule. Soy-free. 90 Capsules.)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$21.99 for 90 100 mg gel caps on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one gel cap
Price per gel cap: $.24 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.24
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: $.05
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.04
No soy
No stearates
No ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not vegetarian
Not enteric coated
Full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One gel cap contains:
500 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-4
100 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
Some ingredients sourced from China (Vitamin K2 MK-4)
Phone Number: (888) 799-7627
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 MK-4 (as menatetrenone), Vitamin K2 MK-7 (as menaquinone-7), extra virgin olive oil, palm oil, gelatin, glycerin, purified water, and caramel color
Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold (See, Nutrigold Vitamin K2 - MK7 Gold (From Natto in Organic Olive Oil), 100 mcg, 120 softgels)
Certified Kosher
$25.48 for 120 100 mg capsules on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one capsule
Price per capsule: $.21 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.21
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: N/A
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.21
Contains soy (soy allergen free)
No stearates
No ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Vegetarian and certified vegan
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One capsule contains 100 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
No ingredients sourced from China
Phone Number: (800) 476-3542
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7), non-GMO organic olive oil (for absorption), non-GMO organic sunflower lecithin, vegetarian capsule (non-GMO plant cellulose)
Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) (See, Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 MenaQ7 Vegetable Capsules, 60-Count)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$6.66 for 60 100 mg capsules on Amazon
Recommended Serving: capsule
Price per capsule: $.11 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.25
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: N/A
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.25
No soy
Contains stearates
Contains ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One capsule contains 45 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
Phone Number: (800) 333-6977
No ingredients sourced from China
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7), modified cellulose (vegetarian capsule), magnesium stearate (vegetable source), maltodextrin, and fatty acids
Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex (See, Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex Softgels, 90-Count)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$17.69 for 90 100 mg gel caps on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one gel cap
Price per gel cap: $.20 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.10
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: $.02
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.02
No soy (soy allergen free)
No stearates
Contains ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not vegetarian
Not enteric coated
Full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One gel cap contains:
1000 mcgs* of Vitamin K1
1000 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-4
200 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
All active ingredients are sourced from China
Phone Number: (800) 226-2370
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K1 (as phytonadione), Vitamin K2 MK-4 (as menatetrenone), Vitamin K2 MK-7 (as menaquinone-7), ascorbyl palmitate, extra virgin olive oil, gelatin, glycerin, beeswax, purified water, and carob color
Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) (See, NOW Foods Vitamin K-2,100mcg, 100 Vcaps)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$7.50 for 100 100 mg gel caps on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one gel cap
Price per gel cap: $.08 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $ N/A
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: $.08
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.08
No soy
No stearates
Contains ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One gel cap contains 100 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-4
Some ingredients sourced from China (Vitamin K2 MK-4)
Phone Number: (888) 669-3663
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-4), alfalfa (medicago sativa), cellulose (capsule), rice flour, maltodextrin, ascorbyl palmitate, and silica
Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2 (See, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK7) Veg Capsules, 100 mcg, 60 Count)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$10.76 for 60 100 mg gel caps on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one gel cap
Price per gel cap: $.18 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.18
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: N/A
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.18
Contains soy
No stearates
Contains ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not vegetarian
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One gel cap contains 100 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
No ingredients sourced from China
Phone Number: (888) 669-3663
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7), rice flour, cellulose (capsule), gelatin, ascorbyl palmitate, and silica
Jarrow Formulas MK-7 (See, Jarrow Formulas MK-7 (vitamin K2), 60 Softgels)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$11.32 for 60 100 mg gel caps on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one gel cap
Price per gel cap: $.19 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.21
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: N/A
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.21
Contains soy
No stearates
No ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not vegetarian
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One gel cap contains 90 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
No ingredients sourced from China
Phone Number: (310) 204-6936
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7), medium chain triglycerides, evening primrose oil, and soybean oil. Softgel consists of gelatin, glycerin, water, and caramel (as a light barrier)
Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) (See, Solgar - Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) 100 mcg Vegetable Capsules - 50)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$12.02 for 50 100 mg gel caps on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one gel cap
Price per gel cap: $.24 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $.24
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: N/A
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.24
Contains soy
Contains stearates
No ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One gel cap contains 100 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-7
Some ingredients sourced from China (dicalcium phosphate)
Phone Number: (201) 944-2311
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7), dicalcium phosphate, vegetable cellulose, vegetable magnesium stearate, and silica
Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) (See, THORNE RESEARCH - Vitamin K2 Liquid - 1 fl oz [Health and Beauty])
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$64.65 for one fl oz (30 mL) bottle on Amazon
Flavor: none (no taste)
18 month shelf life after opening
Don't have to refrigerate after opening
1200 drops per bottle
Recommended Serving = 15 drops 1-3 times per day
Price per serving (15 drops) = $.81 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $ N/A
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: $.005
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.005
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One drop contains 1000 mcgs* of Vitamin K2 as MK-4
No soy
No stearates
No ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Some ingredients sourced from China (Vitamin K2 MK-4)
Phone Number: (800) 228-1966
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K-2 (menatetrenone-4), medium chain triglyceride oil, and mixed tocopherols
Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) (See, Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2, 5mg, 180 Capsules)
Not certified Kosher or Halal
$34.32 for 180 100 mg capsules on Amazon
Recommended Serving: one capsule
Price per gel cap: $.19 (using Amazon's price)
Price per 100 mcgs MK-7: $ N/A
Price per 100 mcgs MK-4: $.004
Price per 100 mcgs total K2: $.004
No soy
Contains stearates
No ascorbyl palmitate
No cholesterol
Not vegetarian
Not enteric coated
Not full spectrum K2 (MK-4 plus MK-7)
One capsule contains 5 mgs of Vitamin K2 as MK-4
Some ingredients sourced from China (Vitamin K2 MK-4)
Phone Number: (888) 234-5656
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (as menatetrenone-4), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate (excipient), silicon dioxide, vegetable stearin, and gelatin capsule
PRICE: PER PILL: Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) ($.81 per 15 drops) is the most expensive per pill of those in the comparison; followed by Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 ($.24 per gel cap) and Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) ($.24 per gel cap); followed by Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold ($.21 per gel cap); followed by Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex ($.20 per gel cap); followed by Jarrow Formulas MK-7 ($.19 per gel cap); followed by Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) ($.18 per gel cap); followed by Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2 ($.18 per gel cap); followed by Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) ($.11 per gel cap); and followed by Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) ($.08 per gel cap), which is the least expensive per pill of those in the comparison.
PRICE PER 100 MCGS K2 MK-7: Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) ($.25 per 100 mcgs MK-7) is the most expensive per 100 mcgs K2 MK-7 of those in the comparison; followed by Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 ($.24 per 100 mcgs MK-7) and Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) ($.24 per 100 mcgs MK-7); followed by Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold ($.21 per 100 mcgs MK-7) and Jarrow Formulas MK-7 ($.21 per 100 mcgs MK-7); followed by Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2 ($.18 per 100 mcgs MK-7); and followed by Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex ($.10 per 100 mcgs MK-7), which is the least expensive per 100 mcgs K2 MK-7 of those in the comparison.
PRICE PER 100 MCGS K2 MK-4: Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) ($.08 per 100 mcgs MK-4) is the most expensive per 100 mcgs K2 MK-4 of those in the comparison; followed by Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 ($.05 per 100 mcgs MK-4); followed by Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex ($.02 per 100 mcgs MK-4); followed by Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) ($.005 per 100 mcgs MK-4); and followed by Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) ($.004 per 100 mcgs MK-4), which is the least expensive per 100 mcgs K2 MK-4 of those in the comparison.
PRICE PER 100 MCGS TOTAL K2: Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) ($.25 per 100 mcgs total K2) is the most expensive per 100 mcgs total K2; followed by Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) ($.24 per 100 mcgs total K2); followed by Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold ($.21 per 100 mcgs total K2) and Jarrow Formulas MK-7 ($.21 per 100 mcgs total K2); followed by Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2 ($.20 per 100 mcgs total K2); followed by Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) ($.08 per 100 mcgs total K2); followed by Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 ($.04 per 100 mcgs total K2); followed by Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex ($.02 per 100 mcgs total K2); followed by Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) ($.005 per 100 mcgs total K2); and followed by Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) ($.004 per 100 mcgs total K2), which is the least expensive per 100 mcgs total K2.
PILL SIZE: All of these products are small 100 mg pills with the exception of Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4), which is not in a pill form.
SOY CONTENT: Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2, Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4), Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4), and Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) do not contain soy. Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold, Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2, Jarrow Formulas MK-7, and Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) contain soy.
GMO CONTENT: None of these supplements contain GMOs.
STEARATE CONTENT: Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2, Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold, Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4), Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2, Jarrow Formulas MK-7, and Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) do not contain stearates. Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), and Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) contain stearates.
ASCORBYL PALMITATE CONTENT: Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2, Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold, Jarrow Formulas MK-7, Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid, and Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) do not contain ascorbyl palmitate. Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4), and Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2 contain ascorbyl palmitate.
CHOLESTEROL: None of these supplements contains cholesterol.
VEGETARIAN: Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold, Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) and Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) are vegetarian. The others are not. Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold is certified vegan.
CHINA: The following supplements contain ingredients that are sourced from China: Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2, Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4), Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4), and Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4).
PRECAUTIONS: If you take a blood thinner like Coumadin® (warfarin), which works by inhibiting the effect of Vitamin K, the use of a Vitamin K supplement, especially K1, should be discussed with your doctor before you begin taking it, as changes in blood thinning may occur.
OPINION: All ten are good Vitamin K2 products, with some significant differences:
Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 contains MK-4 and MK-7, but not K1. It is an excellent product. It does not contain soy. It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It does not contain ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is not vegetarian. This is considered a full spectrum Vitamin K, i.e., it is a combination of two forms of Vitamin K, MK-4 and MK-7. Some of its ingredients are sourced from China (MK-4). Innovix does not use soy-derived K2. It is understandable if an inactive ingredient like "tocopherol" is derived from soy but natto is fermented soy beans. Using natto-derived K2 these days is not necessary, even though it is allergen-free – there are several better options. There are easily-obtained K2 sources from chickpeas (garbanzo) and geranium petals. Innovix uses geranium petals as a source.
Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold contains MK-7. It is a good product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-4. It contains soy (soy allergen free). It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It does not contain ascorbyl palmitate. It is certified Kosher. It is vegetarian. It is certified vegan. None of its ingredients are sourced from China.
Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) contains MK-7. It is a fair product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-4. It does not contain soy. It does not contain GMOs. It contains stearates. It contains ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is vegetarian. It contains less MK-7 per pill than the others (45 mcgs).
Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex contains K1, MK-4, and MK-7. It is a fair product. It contains 1000 mcgs of Vitamin K1, 1000 mcgs Vitamin K2 as MK-4, and 200 mcgs of Vitamin K2 as MK-7. It does not contain soy. It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It contains ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is not vegetarian. This is considered a full spectrum Vitamin K, i.e., it is a combination of several forms of Vitamin K. It contains 1000 mcgs of Vitamin K1 which the other nine supplements don't have. All of its active ingredients, including Vitamin K2, are sourced from China.
Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) contains MK-4. It is a fair product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-7. It does not contain soy. It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It contains ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is vegetarian. It includes alfalfa, which is a rich source of natural Vitamin K. MK-4 costs less than MK-7. It is the least expensive of the ten products mentioned. Some of its ingredients are sourced from China (MK-4).
Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2 (MK-7) contains MK-7. It is a good product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-4. It contains soy. It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It contains ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is not vegetarian.
Jarrow Formulas MK-7 contains MK-7. It is a good product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-4. It contains soy. It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It does not contain ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is not vegetarian. It has the least amount of MK-7 of those in the comparison.
Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) contains MK-7. It is a fair product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-4. It contains soy. It does not contain GMOs. It contains stearates. It does not contain ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is vegetarian. Some of its ingredients are sourced from China (dicalcium phosphate).
Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) is a liquid and it contains MK-4. It is a good product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-7. It is very potent, but it is expensive. One drop contains 1000 mcgs of MK-4. So, one serving consisting of 15 drops contains 15000 mcgs of MK-4. It does not contain soy. It does not contain GMOs. It does not contain stearates. It does not contain ascorbyl palmitate. It is not certified Kosher. It is vegetarian. It costs the most per bottle, but it is a great value per 100 mcgs MK-4. Some of its ingredients are sourced from China (MK-4). The company refused to divulge what those ingredients are, claiming the information is "proprietary." In fact, that information is not proprietary, as a result of which I have deducted one star from this product.
Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) contains MK-4. It is a good product. It doesn't contain K1, which is good, but it also doesn't contain MK-7. It does not contain soy. It does not contain GMOs. It contains stearates. It does not contain ascorbyl palmitate, It is not certified Kosher. It is not vegetarian. Some of its ingredients are sourced from China (MK-4).
RECOMMENDATION: If I were to select one, it would be Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 because it is considered a full spectrum Vitamin K since it contains both MK-4 and MK-7, which is good, but not K1, which is also good. It is the only supplement in this group that contains no soy, no GMOs, no stearates, no ascorbyl palmitate, and no cholesterol. One of its ingredients, MK-4, is sourced from China, but thoroughly tested in the United States.
Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4), the only liquid in this group, is extremely potent, but it is also expensive and doesn't contain MK-7. If for some reason you have a need for this kind of potency (one drop contains 1000 mcgs MK-4), Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid might be a good choice.
FIVE STARS: I rated Innovix Labs Full Spectrum Vitamin K-2, five stars. In my opinion, it is an excellent product since it is a full spectrum Vitamin K2, it contains both MK-4 and MK-7, it does not contain K1, it does not contain soy, it does not contain GMOs, it does not contain stearates, it does not contain ascorbyl palmitate, and it does not contain cholesterol.
FOUR STARS: I rated Nutrigold Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Gold, Now Foods MK-7 Vitamin K-2, Jarrow Formulas MK-7, Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4), and Carlson Labs Vitamin K-2 (MK-4) four stars, deducting one star mainly because they are missing either MK-4 or MK-7. In my opinion, Thorne Research Vitamin K2 Liquid (MK-4) is an excellent product but the company failed to divulge ingredients sourced from China, improperly claiming that information is "proprietary."
THREE STARS: I rated Doctor's Best Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7), Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, Now Foods Vitamin K-2 (MK-4), and Solgar Natural Vitamin K2 (MK-7) three stars. In my opinion, these are fair products for the reasons stated above.
I have separately reviewed all of these supplements.
* 1000 micrograms (mcg) equal one milligram (mg).
Prices current as of 04/04/2016.
on November 27, 2013
I trust Life Extension and take this vitamin K to cover all bases. K2 prevents arterial calcification, yet K1 does not. However, K1 allows for normal coagulation production. My brother passed at 55 from a piece of calcium breaking loose in his veins and blocking the left heart ventricle, killing him instantly. I have hemochromatosis, causing my blood to be thick, so I need both K's which this has.
on December 13, 2013
There are two forms of vitamin K, K1 and K2, with distinct functions in the body. K1, first identified, is necessary to activate blood clotting protein, so deficiency is easily recognized. It is also readily available from leafy greens, so few cases of deficiency. In fact, some tests for vitamin K deficiency rely on testing blood clotting time, which is almost exclusively affected by K1, so that K2 deficiency may go unrecognized.
K2 is necessary to activate a protein called osteocalcin that, when activated, transports calcium into newly formed bone tissue. A similar protein transports calcium into teeth, when activated by K2. Another protein, "matrix GLA-protein" needs to be activated by K2 to remove calcium from arteries. With ample K2 these proteins are carboxylated and able to transport calcium ions. Without adequate K2, some fraction remains uncarboxylated and not able to transport. Thus calcium winds up in arteries instead of bones and teeth. This is especially problematic with calcium supplements if you take vitamin D, which promotes calcium absorption.
This product provides K1 (probably not needed but does not harm) and two forms of K2, mk4 and mk7. The mk4 has a brief half-life in the body, but the mk7 endures so that one daily dose is sufficient. A very readable and helpful book about vitamin K by Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue is "Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life."
K2 is necessary to activate a protein called osteocalcin that, when activated, transports calcium into newly formed bone tissue. A similar protein transports calcium into teeth, when activated by K2. Another protein, "matrix GLA-protein" needs to be activated by K2 to remove calcium from arteries. With ample K2 these proteins are carboxylated and able to transport calcium ions. Without adequate K2, some fraction remains uncarboxylated and not able to transport. Thus calcium winds up in arteries instead of bones and teeth. This is especially problematic with calcium supplements if you take vitamin D, which promotes calcium absorption.
This product provides K1 (probably not needed but does not harm) and two forms of K2, mk4 and mk7. The mk4 has a brief half-life in the body, but the mk7 endures so that one daily dose is sufficient. A very readable and helpful book about vitamin K by Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue is "Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life."
on October 24, 2012
Several weeks ago I had a biopsy for a small lesion on my scalp. The dermatologist had a lot of trouble because the wound kept filling with blood, and he had to keep cauterizing to stop the bleeding. Not long after, I order this product and started taking it, not every day, but when I think of it, and not for a particular purpose, but because I read it was a newer vitamin and I need to cover all the bases.
The biopsy showed the lesion was squamous cell carcinoma, so I had to come back and have the excision widened. Although it was caught early, squamous cell is skin cancer, and dangerous, so it warrants removal by a wider margin to be on the safe side. Even though it was a more aggressive surgery at the exact same location, I noticed there was no cauterizing going on, so I asked the doctor why not. He said, "Because there is no bleeding!" I Googled Vitamin K and learned that Vitamin K improves bloodclotting. In my mind, my experience speaks highly of the quality of Life Extension products. I'm impressed.
The biopsy showed the lesion was squamous cell carcinoma, so I had to come back and have the excision widened. Although it was caught early, squamous cell is skin cancer, and dangerous, so it warrants removal by a wider margin to be on the safe side. Even though it was a more aggressive surgery at the exact same location, I noticed there was no cauterizing going on, so I asked the doctor why not. He said, "Because there is no bleeding!" I Googled Vitamin K and learned that Vitamin K improves bloodclotting. In my mind, my experience speaks highly of the quality of Life Extension products. I'm impressed.
on February 3, 2013
This excellent product takes the calcium from the blood and places where it belongs - in the bones and nails. My nails began to grow fast and long. Those who have a calcium buildup in your arteries, have an irregular heartbeat or have been diagnosed with clots and taking warfarin to thin the blood should give Life Extensions K2 a serious look.
on December 4, 2013
When I take one pill a day, over time I start to get the sensation of tissues in my head getting kind of full or fragile feeling, kind of like an incipient nosebleed kind of feeling. That's not exactly a good sign. As far as I know, Vit. K affects blood clotting, so I'm thinking I must be getting too much of the factors that affect this. A bit weird and not something I would recommend.
on March 8, 2014
Good brand and the softgels aren't horse pills! I have a chronic form of leukemia and bleed easily, but since taking the Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, my bloodclotting time is almost back to normal. Vitamin K has many other benefits also.
on March 30, 2015
You must take Vitamin K if you take large doses of Vitamin D to avoid the hypercalcemia that vitamin D causes. If you live in a cold climate or cloudy clime you need supplemental vitamin D3. I also gave this along with 5000 IU vitamin D3 to my dog. Yellow labs are prone to skin tumors of all kinds. ( Plus, I can't help but think that the flea preventatives and the heartworm preventative (stated side effect - skin tumors) are contributing. ) She has shed a histiocytoma from her front leg and is currently shedding a gross looking thing from the inner conjunctiva of her eye. Furred animals actually secrete vitamin D2 onto their fur when they receive sunlight and then lick it up when cleaning themselves and it is converted to D3. Also, I wonder if when dogs eat grass they are trying to supplement vitamin K.
Remember, K1 is for proper blood clotting and actually reverses excess bleeding caused by Coumadin or Plavix. This is why they tell you if you are on Coumadin not to radically change your diet to eating MORE dark green leafy vegetables--they contain lots of K1. K2 is for managing calcium and putting it back into bones by pulling it out of soft tissue and blood. If it remains in soft tissue and blood, you wind up with hypercalcemia.
Remember, K1 is for proper blood clotting and actually reverses excess bleeding caused by Coumadin or Plavix. This is why they tell you if you are on Coumadin not to radically change your diet to eating MORE dark green leafy vegetables--they contain lots of K1. K2 is for managing calcium and putting it back into bones by pulling it out of soft tissue and blood. If it remains in soft tissue and blood, you wind up with hypercalcemia.
on April 25, 2016
I even went with their Magnesium supplement after using this. I love the fact you get a 90 day supply on the economical side and the labs testing bottle contents of supplement makers rank LifeExtension as a good brand. I don't seem to get brain fog anymore and stay alert longer, but if you have blood clotting or bleeding disorders talk to your doctor first. They clearly print this on the label and you'd be surprised with how many vitamin suppliers don't do this.
You only take one dose a day and it's a small softgel so it's a win all around for me and my needs. When this bottle is up I'll get another. I found this on labdoor.com rated for it's content which surprised me. I'm glad people are doing independent testing now.
You only take one dose a day and it's a small softgel so it's a win all around for me and my needs. When this bottle is up I'll get another. I found this on labdoor.com rated for it's content which surprised me. I'm glad people are doing independent testing now.
on February 1, 2015
It's not the formula I was used to but it works in a pinch. I was using Nutrigold's Vitamin K2 MK-7, which really worked well in conjunction with my calcium and D3 to help my body rebuild my bone mass. I got this one because they were sold out of Nutrigold's product and I needed something. WARNING: If you take Warfarin or have any bloodclotting issues, you CANNOT take this formula as it contains Vitamin K1, such as found in spinach. However, I do know that combining Vitamin K2 Mk-7 works because I had my annual bone scan done and the result was that I have been downgraded from having Osteoporosis to Osteopenia (pre-stage). That never happened by taking just calcium and D3. Lord, help me if I ever can't afford these supplements.
on January 8, 2014
I love this supplement. It has k2 mk-4 which is the form found in animal tissues and dairy products, but has a sort of short half life in the blood stream, the longer lingering mk-7 form which is absorbed slowly throughout the day, and regular vitamin K like the kind found in dark leafy greens for good clotting factors. As long as i am taking this supplement I never have tooth pain and it helps protect against any potential side effects of aspirin therapy. Good stuff.
I hope this helps!!!!!
Looks very promising. I thought I'd add a few other natural remedies, though I'm not sure how each of them compare in regards to strength, nor their safety for cirrhosis of the liver.
ReplyDeleteOrganic raw garlic (or raw garlic juice)
GrapeFRUIT seed extract (not grapeseed)
Colloidal silver
Pharmaceutical grade manuka honey
Hydrogen peroxide (not for ingestion!). Although I've heard of benefits of food grade hydrogen peroxide, seems WAY too risky for cirrhosis of the liver patients.
Avoiding sugar (including fructose from fruit) should help minimize microbial growth.
I just saw that Oregano oil does appear to be safe at least for people with auto immune conditions, will be adding that to this post soon.