I recently saw a really great video with a doctor who explains what the gallbladder does. You can see it below.
Also, I just learned there are supplements you can take that apparently help to dissolve the gallstones more quickly.
I know it sounds sooooo simple, how could that really work? But I've just seen soo many instances where a person was only given a SURGERY option, by their doctor, when there could have been a much more simple, and more effective, and NON LIFE THREATENING option.
If you have cirrhosis you need to know that a simple, routine surgery... even dental work - can cause LIVER FAILURE. ANESTHESIA AND ANTIBIOTICS CAN CAUSE LIVER FAILURE. But you are not likely to hear this from your doctor OR dentist.
Gallstones never were an "issue" for Jake because we didn't even know he had them. But we found out he had them because one of Jake's doctors told him that they were detected (on an ultrasound I think) when he was being evaluated for a hernia repair (and therefore also being evaluated for a liver transplant since they make you do that just to get cleared for a hernia repair). You can read about the many, many other things Jake had to be tested for, JUST to do a hernia repair, by reading the story on THIS PAGE.
So in my opinion, he was at least able to keep them at bay, and keep them from becoming a problem! For people who have access to my private blog, you can see a video showing how to do a gallbladder flush, using the water my husband drinks. It is just plain CRAZY to see how many gallstones can come out in ONE NIGHT, with a simple gallbladder flush!!!
So, again... my husband never did a gallbladder flush, and he never took these pills, but I still think you should know about them. I wish to God that I could go back in time, and that I could have told this man (who died after gallbladder surgery) about some of these different options. But I can't change the past... all I can do is hope that other people in this blog might be able to learn something new, from what we went through.
THIS video below is how most doctors think you are supposed to get rid of gallstones, and in my opinion, this is just your typical "throw it in the garbage" kind of mentality so many people have. If something is broken or damaged, it doesn't even occur to people that IT CAN BE FIXED. Most doctors would actually rather CUT OUT A PERSON'S GALLBLADDER and throw it in the trash (which is likely to give a person lifelong complications) than to suggest it can actually be healed... which, in my very strong opinion, IT CAN.
I'm also passionate about this gallbladder topic because one of my best friends had her gallbladder removed, and now she suffers from more health problems than anyone I've ever met in my entire life. She has to spend SO MUCH TIME on the phone with doctors and insurance companies, trying to get all of her office visits covered. It consumes way too much of her life. The gallbladder surgery is not the only problem but in my opinion it was a HUGE problem that caused a lot of other issues which kind of turned into a landslide.
Save Your Gallbladder Naturally and What to Do If You've Already Lost It
If you buy a stereo, a car, a vacuum, a washing machine, or just about any other type of equipment, you will probably need to call a specialist in order to get it fixed. Consider the fact that your body, which is worth over a million dollars, is the one thing that you can, more often than not, FIX ON YOUR OWN, if you can just give your body what it needs. Maybe this is just my opinion but I've fixed many issues that doctors couldn't seem to figure out how to treat!
If you read THIS POST you will see... surgery and the medications that go with them kill a LOT of people every year! Iatrogenic (doctor caused) disease is one of the leading causes of death in our country. Don't take my word for it... look it up!

Also, PLEASE have a look at his video, below. This doctor says that you can remove gallstones naturally. And he also said that a gastroenterologist contacted him, started doing his gallbladder flushes, and he and his wife got such great results, they STOPPED doing gallbladder surgery!!! So please know that you can remove your own gallstones, but doctors are VERY unlikely to tell you this. They make a ton of money from people who believe surgery is the only way to fix a problem.
I saw a video with a guy who used the same detox water that jake drinks, to get rid of gallstones... and you would not believe how many came out. That water is very, very good at removing toxins. So I can see why it would work so well at removing gallstones with a flush. The water seems to recognize the stuff that doesn't belong in your body, and flushing it out. Needless to say I am a huge fan of this water. I'm not a doctor and can't give medical advice but that is just my opinion.
I just learned about this Pancreatin supplement, below, in December 2019. The reviews by people who'd had their gallbladders removed were very impressive, so I shared the info with a friend who had her gallbladder removed. Thought I'd post it here as well.
This is a supplement I recently found online, that might help you if you have gallstones. I'm pasting some of the reviews, below. These reviews looked pretty darn good to me... I thought you might want to see them, too!
on November 28, 2016
Had a gallstone since 3 weeks, hurts! Thought this was crap and humbug but decided to try. Osed it for three days AND IT WORKS! Pain almost gone and no other bad side effects. I feel stupid since I really did not trust the product but för 30 bucks willing to try. Hope it was not just luck so the stone disappeared by itself. regardless, it worked and I am almost pain free!!
on July 31, 2016
This bottle of Stone Breaker pills for kidney stones and for gallstones has been a lifesaver for both my boyfriend and for my father-in-law. I had never heard of these before but I was very excited to find an herbal option online. These are vegetarian capsules which is very important to me because I am trying to lessen the amount of beef and pork substance that our entire family eats. So knowing that these are vegetarian based me less to worry about. They also have no fillers and no binders along with no artificial ingredients. These naturally help break up the stones immediately and help fight relief from the pain. Not only that but it will keep a common balance once the immediate threat of the stones is removed.
The bottle I received has 60 vegetarian capsules in it and the recommendation is to take two a day. So this bottle would last approximately a month. When my boyfriend started taking these one of his first concerns was the fact that it was going to make him nauseous or cause him to have frequent trips to the restroom. Thankfully neither one of these is true. One thing he did mention that he noticed was his lessening of fluctuations. Not sure if we can attribute that to the pills or not, but it seems quite convenient that began to subside once he started taking the pills.
The expiration date is May 2018. This is something I always check especially with purchasing something online. I always want to make sure that I’m not receiving an expired product. I was sent these particular pills as a promotion at a reduced cost. This was so they could be tested, evaluated, and I could return an honest to goodness review. After collaborating with my boyfriend we both agree these pills deserve a five-star review. They have kept him out of the ER and out of the doctor’s office for pain and discomfort associated with gallstones. Now that we have seen such a positive outcome with him we will be purchasing them for his father at regular price. I highly suggest these to anyone that have issues with kidney stones or gallstones. Please try these out before you try a pharmaceutical prescription of some synthetic medication that you cannot even pronounce.
The bottle I received has 60 vegetarian capsules in it and the recommendation is to take two a day. So this bottle would last approximately a month. When my boyfriend started taking these one of his first concerns was the fact that it was going to make him nauseous or cause him to have frequent trips to the restroom. Thankfully neither one of these is true. One thing he did mention that he noticed was his lessening of fluctuations. Not sure if we can attribute that to the pills or not, but it seems quite convenient that began to subside once he started taking the pills.
The expiration date is May 2018. This is something I always check especially with purchasing something online. I always want to make sure that I’m not receiving an expired product. I was sent these particular pills as a promotion at a reduced cost. This was so they could be tested, evaluated, and I could return an honest to goodness review. After collaborating with my boyfriend we both agree these pills deserve a five-star review. They have kept him out of the ER and out of the doctor’s office for pain and discomfort associated with gallstones. Now that we have seen such a positive outcome with him we will be purchasing them for his father at regular price. I highly suggest these to anyone that have issues with kidney stones or gallstones. Please try these out before you try a pharmaceutical prescription of some synthetic medication that you cannot even pronounce.
on October 14, 2016
Haven't used it regularly, but bought it for keeping my gallstones in check. My husband also has a history of kidney stones and has taken this to help with kidney stones passing. It seemed to help with pain.
on November 13, 2016
Bought Stone Breaker because it was the purest form I could find. No fillers to unknown ingredients. I will take until my next scan to see if Gallstone condition has improved.
on July 28, 2016
I have a history in my family that my grandmother has kidney stone, so I was always wondering if you might have it in the future!!! Then I saw this product on Amazon and I want to give it a try. So far so good, I feel myself a little bit more secure because I have take this to prevent my possible kidney stone. The is a Extra Strength Dissolver Treatment to Fight Kidney Stones & Gallstones that I think pretty helpful.
I encourage that you should give it a try incase if you really want to have a healthier life.
I receive this product in exchange of my
52 of 55 people found the following review helpful

This review is from: Stone Breaker - Chanca Piedra - Dissolver Treatment to Fight Kidney Stones & Gallstones - Hydrangea & Celery Seed - 60 Vegetarian Soft Capsules (Health and Beauty)
If you've never experienced the agony of Gall stones I can honestly tell you that you are a lucky person. I was 9 months pregnant when I first had Gall stones and for them to not be able to do anything to help me (aside from recommend over the counter heart burn relief meds) was even worse. The pain is so unreal and it can last for hours at a time. My personal experience went on for weeks after I had my daughter. It got to a point I could feel the Gall stones moving through and would know when the pain was about to stop. And what absolute relief it was when it would. Just a calming goes over you because the pain is just that horrible. With that said when I saw these I knew I needed to buy them and keep them on hand but never did I realize all the benefits of Celery Seed until I looked online. These go above and beyond what I thought they would be useful for. Take once daily with food and an 8 ounce glass of water. The pills are in a capsule form and rather large but because they're a capsule they go down easier (in my opinion).

Supposedly, candida thrives when we can't make enough bile, and fibrosis/cirrhosis also interferes with that. I have read quite a bit about ox bile (to stimulate bile production) and am happy to know there is a vegetarian supplement that has good reviews... because the thought of putting REAL Ox bile in one of my husband's shakes was something I just could not stomach : D. I am ordering this type:
Supposedly, candida thrives when we can't make enough bile, and fibrosis/cirrhosis also interferes with that. I have read quite a bit about ox bile (to stimulate bile production) and am happy to know there is a vegetarian supplement that has good reviews... because the thought of putting REAL Ox bile in one of my husband's shakes was something I just could not stomach : D. I am ordering this type:
Also I highly recommend you read THIS ARTICLE from Natural News.
Gall bladder disease and gallstones are almost always the result of poor nutrition. For example: consuming a lot of soft drinks, sugar products, highly acidic foods like red meat and products made with white flour all contribute to the formation of gallstones. Gallstones can be reversed, but it’s something that takes quite a bit of time. After all, they have been formed in your body over a period of decades, so it's not something you can get rid of overnight from a nutritional standpoint. At the same time, I know that a lot of people are experiencing extreme pain when it comes to passing gall bladder stones. So obviously, those people are looking at surgical procedures as a more immediate technique for getting rid of the pain. (Note from Ellie - if this is happening to you, I have heard mallic acid from apple juice, or apple cider vinegar, can help with this - supposedly it softens stones and brings pain relief - please research it further if this is happening to you). Let's look at some information about gallstones because it is something that affects somewhere around 18 million people in the United States, and maybe even as many as 1 in every 12 people. And yet most people don't know they have them. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), pain from gallstones results in about 800,000 hospitalizations and more than 500,000 operations each year in the United States. Unfortunately, the NIH doesn't give people a lot of information about how to actually avoid gall bladder problems. It's also critical to recognize that the gall bladder has an important function in digestion. And, if you just remove it (which by the way is quite the barbaric thing to do), you are compromising your digestive health for the rest of your life. Surgeons who remove gall bladders are complacent in educating patients about nutritional changes they need to pursue after losing this important digestive organ. For example, you're not going to get the same quality of digestion you would have had if your gall bladder were in place. You're not going to get the excretion of the bile from the gall bladder into the small intestine, and as a result, you're not going to efficiently digest foods that are moving through your digestive tract. This is especially true for dietary fats, including essential fatty acids. Without a gall bladder, you're not going to be able to digest dietary fats with any degree of efficiency. This means that if you don't take bile salts as a nutritional supplement every time you eat healthy fats, you'll miss out on all-important omega-3 fatty acids and other healthy oils. That's why people who have had gall bladder removal surgery usually suffer the classic signs of EFA deficiencies: poor nervous system function, irritability, learning difficulties, heart disease, poor blood sugar control, and so on. Doctors and surgeons flat out aren't telling patients this all-important information. It's downright criminal, if you ask me. (Note from Ellie - I totally agree - in my opinion it is criminal). This basic education should be required by law. It's flat-out evil to remove an essential organ from a patient's body and neglect to tell them about the long-term adjustments they need to make in order to compensate for that missing organ. (Note from Ellie - I see this happen all the time - whether it's a gallbladder or a liver being removed, most doctors don't thoroughly educate a patient on what the side effects will be, and they will NEVER tell you that there are other options that could greatly help). And you know why surgeons don't tell people the truth about gall bladder removal surgery? I suspect it's because if people knew the horrifying nutritional consequences of the procedure, they'd refuse to do it, and surgeons and hospitals would lose out on those paying customers. (Comment from Ellie: BINGO!!) Talking to a gall bladder surgeon about your gall bladder health is sort of like taking your car to a greasy garage mechanic and asking, "Is there anything wrong with the transmission?" The answer you get is designed to pad his pockets. If you want honest answers on gall bladder pain, go visit a naturopath. As always, I strongly recommend that people who are considering this surgery look at naturopathic options, because removing a functional organ from your digestive tract is never a health-enhancing solution. It's just something that's too easy for conventional medicine to do. They do hundreds of thousands of these surgeries a year. They don’t consider it a big deal so the patients don’t think it’s a big deal either! But it really is a big deal. It's sort of like saying, "Well, doctor, my tongue hurts." And the doctor says, "Let's cut out your tongue." In fact, your gall bladder is far more important for digestion than your tongue. Do everything you can to protect your gall bladder. Along those lines, one of the most important things you need to do is physically massage your internal organs through body movement. A lot of people are surprised to hear this, but your internal organs need to be massaged just like your muscles and skin. Massage therapy is something that I recommend everyone pursue to enhance his or her health. Massage moves lymph fluid around the body. It stimulates the skin. It even stimulates the brain indirectly and helps create an immunostimulating relaxation response in virtually everyone. The internal organs need this same massage and the very best way to massage these internal organs, such as the gall bladder, is to engage in gentle body movement exercises. One of the very best you can pursue is Tai Chi. By following the gentle, pivoting movements of Tai Chi, you will massage your liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and even your heart. These organs are not fixed in place. They're not fixed in your body like they are on an anatomy chart. Your organs move around, and they actually benefit from movement just like massaging a limb. Also along those lines, one of the most important things you need to do is engage in breathing therapy because conscious breathing and deep breathing offers an outstanding massage to all the internal organs in your torso. Your lungs take up a tremendous amount of space in your chest cavity, and when you inhale and really expand your lungs, you are moving the other organs in your cavity and giving them a massage at the same time. Breathing is an excellent way to oxygenate your internal organs and get some movement. And by the way, your average conventional medicine physician isn’t going to recommend any of this -- nor will he or she even believe any of it. They've never been taught that massage is important for internal organs. In fact, most doctors I know don't think massage is useful at all, which sort of just goes to show you how little they know about how the human body really works! But massage is critical. And of course, so is nutrition. Once again, your best strategy here for your gall bladder is to avoid removing it. Instead, support gall bladder health through diet, nutrition, and physical exercise. For the reader question in particular, if you've had the gall bladder removed, and you're having a lot of discomfort. What should you do now? I'm sorry to say that these are the predictable side effects of having a gall bladder removed. And chances are your doctor or surgeon probably didn't explain this fully to you. Surgeons have a habit of making everything sound really simple, up until the day you have the procedure done. Then, you start experiencing all sorts of rather serious side effects, and they say, "Oh yeah! That could happen as well." Hopefully, in this experience, you've learned a lesson. And that lesson is, don’t have body parts removed by overzealous surgeons. I don’t know how to state it any simpler than that. I'm sorry I don’t have a simple solution for you to regain your health after having your gall bladder removed. But the fact is, when you start removing important organs from your body, it is going to have some serious negative consequences -- by the way, bloating and nausea is really only the tip of the iceberg here. The worst effects are the ones you probably won't feel, that is, impaired digestion for the rest of your life and chronic essential fatty acid deficiencies. In fact, people without gall bladders need to take special care of the foods they consume for the rest of their lives. And above all, they need to avoid all fried foods and any snack foods containing hydrogenated oils or trans fatty acids due to the role of the gall bladder plays in neutralizing excess dietary cholesterol. |
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/007733_gall_bladder_surgery.html#ixzz4VZRTFlQR
Here is another article where a doctor basically says it's a crime for a doctor to make you think you should have it removed.
Standard Medical Treatment for a Bad Gallbladder

Learn how most doctors are likely to treat a bad gallbladder
Most conventional medical doctors feel that people can easily live without a gallbladder. So when patients come to them seeking treatment for a bad gallbladder, all too often the recommendation is surgical removal. As a result, over half a million people in the U.S. alone lose their gallbladder to surgery each year—and they are most often told there will be few, if any, long-term negative consequences.In my opinion, this is a crime. Here’s why.
Bile acids are produced from cholesterol in your liver and then flow into your gallbladder where they are stored and concentrated as much as fivefold. As your body senses the movement of fat into the small intestine, the gallbladder releases the bile to emulsify the fat—making it easier to absorb.
With a healthy gallbladder, proper amounts of bile are released into the digestive tract as needed. But once the gallbladder has been removed, there is a continuous trickle of bile into your system regardless of the presence or absence of fat. The failure to match bile output to fat presence jeopardizes one’s ability to properly digest fat and, eventually, leads to deficiencies in fat–soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids, poor cholesterol metabolism, and the absorption of improperly digested fat globules.
Keep Your Gallbladder
Instead of immediately opting for surgery and subjecting yourself to such long-term digestive health consequences, I recommend a number of alternative therapies to treat a bad gallbladder. And if you’ve already lost your gallbladder to surgery, see my advice on how to help your body regulate the proper flow of bile after the removal of your gallbladder.More Dr. Williams Advice on Gallbladder Problems
The content of DrDavidWilliams.com is offered on an informational basis
only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical
advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of a qualified
health provider before making any adjustment to a medication or
treatment you are currently using, and/or starting any new medication or
treatment. All recommendations are "generally informational" and not
specifically applicable to any individual's medical problems, concerns
and/or needs.
Hope this helps!
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