
*Results may vary. The information in this site is NOT to be construed as medical advice. Cirrhosis of the liver is a serious condition and if you have it, you should see a doctor. I am not a doctor and am not able to dispense medical advice. My husband saw a doctor (many of them) and they were able to do things for him that I could not. However, they were unable to recommend alternative treatments, and in MY OPINION they were VERY beneficial to my husband, so I am providing some of that information here. My husband and I tried all of these alternative therapies at our own risk, and if you try them you will be doing the same. At your own risk. No promises are made in this blog. I am not saying there is a cure for cirrhosis or any other condition. However, I believe most people can get well, like my husband did. My husband is alive, happy, productive, functional and has his energy back. He no longer worries about having to go on disability or getting a $577,000 liver transplant. Cirrhosis is a serious condition. He is currently in the fibrosis stage (Stage 2 liver disease), which is still serious. I cannot guarantee you will have the same results. I just want you to know about what worked well for my husband. I hope you will share what you learned with others, and share your story with us as well. This blog was made for YOU! Thanks for visiting!

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Detox Water Study

I am looking for 100 people to participate in a six month Detox Water study, for people who get water machines from my husband. This is an informal study, but I am looking for serious participants who would be willing to share their data. Your names will, of course, be kept anonymous.

If you would like to read more about the water, click here. I am not saying it is a guaranteed "cure" for anything. It is not. And the company that makes this water available makes no claims whatsoever, to be able to cure anything. The water generally promoted for general health and wellness. I just happen to have seen what it does for people with cirrhosis, because I have sold these machines to large numbers of people in Stage 4.

I have seen some pretty remarkable results from people who use this water, and am hopeful that doctors will at least consider offering this to their patients, if they can see that it really is beneficial for so many people.   

My goal is to publish the results on my blog, documenting the MELD scores of each participant, over a 30 day, and then a 6 month period.  I will ask that you submit a short form to me, once a week for 4 weeks, and then a month, during the study. You would need to write down your results every day.

In exchange for your participation, you can use the machine for free, for six months (meaning, your monthly payments will be taken care of for 6 months). You do need to qualify for a financing program. 

You would be doing a Free Trial period with the machine to start (during which time you would have to send a form showing your progress). After 4 weeks, you will need to decide if you would like to continue to participate in the study, or return the machine (with no financial obligation). If you choose to continue, the machine will be yours, and you will have to make the rest of the payments (which are about 1/5th of the payments me and my husband had to make when we got our machine). I believe it is unlikely you will want to return it, but just know that it will be an option for you.

If you are unable to qualify for the financing program, there are still ways you can participate. I will not be able to make your payments up front, but I can pay you for your participation in the study when your machine is paid off (the reason I have to wait is because if you use the company's financing program, I wouldn't get a check - which is how I'd be able to pay you - until your machine is paid off).

If you would like to participate in this study, you must fill out the form that you can find a link for, on THIS PAGE. Sorry but I do NOT send information about the water, directly via email. You need to speak with someone over the phone so I can see that you are a real person, with cirrhosis (or the family member of someone who has it). 

Best regards,


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